3tt;aca, $?ftn ^nrb fflJljite iitatnrical SlibcarH THE GIFT OF PRESIDENT WHITE MAINTAINED BY THE UNIVERSITY IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE GIFT Cornell University Library DA 25.C1 1216 V.11 Calendar of inquisitions post mortem and 3 1924 011 387 895 .»n,.,.i f;; M ^K>3 Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924011387895 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS POST MOETEM AND OTHER ANALOGOUS DOCUMENTS CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS POST MORTEM AND OTHER ANALOGOUS DOCUMENTS PRESERVED IN THE PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE PRBPABED UNDER THE StrPERINTENDENOB OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE RECORDS VOL. XI EDWAED III ISStTHD BY ACTHOBinr OT HIS MAJESTY S PBHTOIPAl. SEOBETABY OF STATE FOB THE HOME DEPABTMEITT LONDON PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONEKY OFFICE 1935 To be piirchased directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses : Adastbai. Housi!, EjiroswAr, London, W.0.2 ; 120 Geobob Stbebt, Edinbuiioh2 ; YoBK Stbeet, Manobbsteb 1 ; 1 St. Andbbw's Ckbsoent, Cabdifv ; 80 CEiaHESXBB StBEET, BEXiFAST ; or through any Bookseller. Price £1 17». 6d. Net Crown Copyright Reserved 44-1032-11 OONTEI^TS PAGE Pbbfaob .... - \di Table of References - - - - ix COKBIGENDA --...-. XXX CaIiBNDAB .......I Index of Pebsons and Places - - - - 481 Index of Subjects - - - - - - 67X PREFACE The present volume is a further instahnent of a Calendar of certain documents selected from the class formerly known as Escheats, or Inquisitions post mortem. It covers the period from the 35th to the 38th year of the reign of Edward III. The text has been prepared by various officers of the Department, and the volume has been edited and passed through the press by Mr. M. C. B. Dawes, B.A., of this Office. Mr. Dawes has also compiled the Index. A. E. STAMP Public Record Office June, 1936 yu Table showing the pbbsbnt befeeknob to all documents formerly included amongst the inquisitions post mortbm of the period covered by this volume. The old reference is given in the first column, the new reference in the second, third, fourth, or fifth column, as the case may be. Documents which cannot now be traced are marked ' missing.' Inquisitions Inquisitions Post Mortem Ad Quod Edward III. Damnum. 35 Edw. Ill 1st Part. 1 166. (1) 2 166. (2) 3 166. (31) 4 166. (3) 5 156. (4) 6 156. (5) 7 156. (6) 8 156. (7) 9 156. (8) 10 156. (9) 11 156. (10) 12 166. (11) 13 156. (12) 14 166. (13) 16 166. (14) 16 166. (16) 17 165. (14) 18 156. (16) 19 — — 20 156. (17) 21 •156. (18) 22 156. (19) . 23 156. (20) 24 156. (21) 26 156. (22) 26 156. (23) 27 166. (24) « 28 156. (26) 29 166. (26) 30 156. (27) 31 156. (28) 32 156. (29) 33 156. (30) 34 151. (13) 35 157. (1) 36 157. (2) Miscellaneous Inquisitions. Missing. IS Inquisitiona Inqtiisitions MiscellaneouE Inquisitions. Post Mortem. Ad Quod Edward IH. Damnum. 35 Edw. in. 1st Part. 37 157. (3) 38 157. (4) 39 167. (5) 40 157. (6) 41 157. (7) 42 157. (8) 43 157. (9) 44 157. (10) 45 157. (11) 46 157. (12) 47 157. (13) 48 157. (14) 49 157. (15) 50 157. (16) 51 155. (16) 62 157. (17) 63 157. (18) 54 157. (19) 55 157. (20) 66 157. (21) 57 167. (22) 58 155. (16) 59 167. (23) 60 157. (24) 61 157. (25) 62 168. (1) 63 168. (2) 64 158. (3) 65 158. (4) » 66 158. (5) 67 158. (6) 68 168. (7) 69 158. (8) 70 158. (9) 71 158. (lOJ t 72 158. (11) 73 158. (12) 74 158. (13) 1 75 158. (14) 76 158. (16) 77 168. (16) 78 168. (17) 79 158. (18) 80 158. (19) Inquisitions Post Mortem. Inquisitions Ad Quod Miscellaneous X ' 'J.' Edward III. Damnum. Inquisitions. 36 Edw. III. 1st Part. 81 158. (20) 82 155. (19) 83 158. (21) 84 158. (22) 85 158. (23) 86 158. (24) 87 158. (25) 88 158. (26) 89 158. (27) 90 158. (28) 91 158. (29) 92 158. (30) 93 158. (31) 94 158. (32) 95 158. (33) 96 158. (34) 97 159. (1) 98 159. (2) 99 159. (3) 100 159. (4) 101 159. (5) 102 159. (6) 103 159. (7) ( 104 155. (17) 105 159. (8) 106 159. (9) 107 159. (10) 108 159. (11) 109 159. (12) 110 159. (13) 111 159. (14) 112 159. (15) 113 169. (16) 114 169. (17) 115 159. (18) 116 169. (19) 117 159. (20) 118 160. (1) 119 160. (2) 12f0 160. (3) 121 160. (4) 122 160. (5), 161. (1) 123 161. (2) XI Tniiuisitions Inqxiisitions Post Mortem Ad Quod Edward 111. Damniiin. 36 Edw. TTT. 1st Part. 124 — — 125 — — 126 127 — — 128 — — 129 — — 130 — — 131 — — 132 — — 133 161. (3) 134. 161. (4) 135 161. (6) 136 161. (6) 137 161. (7) 138 161. (8) 139 161. (9) 140 161. (10) 141 161. (11) 142 161. (12) 143 161. (13) 144 161. (14) 36 Edw. ifl. 2nd Part. 1 162. (1) 2 162. (2) 3 162. (3) 4 162. (4) 6 162. (5) 6 162. (6) 7 162.(7 & 8) 8 162. (9) 9 162. (10) 10 162. (11) 11 162. (12) 12 162. (13) 13 162. (14 & 16) 14 162. (16) 15 163. (1) 16 163. (2) 17 163. (3) 18 — 19 163. (4) 20 163. (6 & 6) Miscellaneous Inquisitions. 183. (1) 183. (2) Missing (1808). Extents for Debts 12. (11) Do. Do. Do. Do. 12. (12) 12. (13) 12. (14) 12. (16) Do. 12. (16) Missing (1808). xu Inquisitions Post Mortem. Inquisitions Ad Quod Miscellaneous X ' 'J.* Edward III. Damnum. Inquisitions. 35 Edw. Ill 2nd Part. 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 163. (7) 163. (8) 163. (9) 163. (10) 163. (11) 163. (12) 160. (3) 28 163. (13) (f 29 163. (14) 30 163. (16) 31 163. (16) 32 163. (17) 33 163. (18) 34 163. (19) 36 163. (20) 36 163. (21) 37 163. (22) 38 163. (23) 39 163. (24) 40 163. (26) 41 163. (26) 42 164. (1) 43 164. (2) 44 164. (3) 46 164. (4) 46 164. (6) 47 164. (6) 48 164. (7) 49 164. (8) 50 164. (9) 61 164. (10) 62 164. (11) 63 164. (12) 64 164. (13) 55 164. (14) 56 164. (15) 67 164. (16) 68 164. (17) 69 164. (18) 60 164. (19) 61 164. (20) 62 164. (21) 63 164. (22) 64 166. (1) Xlll Miscellaneous Inquisitions. Inquisitions Inquisitions Post Mortem Ad Quod Edward 111. Damnum. 36 Edw. Ill 2nd Part. 65 165. (2) 66 165. (3) 67 165. (4) 68 165. (5) 69 165. (6) 70 165. (7) 71 165. (8) 72 165. (9) 73 165. (10) 74 165. (11) 75 165. (12) 76 165. (13 & 14) 77 165. (15) 78 165. (16) 79 165. (17) 80 165. (18) 81 165. (19) 82 165. (20) 83 165. (21) 84 165. (22) 85 165. (23) 86 165. (24) 87 165. (25) 88 165. (26) 35 Edw. Ill 2nd Nos. 1 2 — — 3 4 — 338. (1) 5 — 338. (2) 7 — 338. (3) 8 — 338. (4) 9 — — 10 — — 11 — 338. (5) 12 — 338. (6) 13 — 338. (7) 14 — 33^. (8) 15 165. (27) 16 — 338. (9) 17 — 338. (10) 18 — 338. (11) 183. (3) 183. (4) 183. (5) 183. (6) 183. (7) 183. (8) XIV Inquisitions Inquisitions Miscellaneous Inquisitions. Post Mortem. Edward III. Ad Quod Damnum. 35 Edw. Ill 2nd Nos. 19 — 338. (12) 20 — 338. (13) 21 155. (15) 22 — 338. (14) 23 — 338. (15) 24 — — 183. (9) 25 — 338. (16) 26 — 338. (17) 27 — 338. (18) 28 — 338. (19) 29 — — 183. (10) 30 — — 183. (11) 31 — — 183. (12) 32 — 338. (20) 33 — 338. (21) 34 — 339. (1) 35 — 339. (2) 36 — 339. (3) 37 — 339. (4) 38 — 339. (5) 39 — 339. (6) 40 — 339. (7) 41 — 339. (8) 42 — 339. (9) 43 — 339. (10) 44 — 339. (11) 45 — 339. (12) 46 — 340. (1) 47 — 340. (2) 48 — 340. (3) 49 — 340. (4) 50 — 340. (6) 51 340. (6) 52 340. (7) 53 — 340. (8) 54 — 340. (9) 55 — — 181. (28) 66 — — 183. (13) 57 — — 181. (23) 58 165. (28) 59 162. (11) 60 — 340. (10) 61 — — 183. (14) 6— (7) XV Inquisitions Post Mortem. Inquisitions Ad Quod Miscellaneous! Edward III. Damnum. Inquisitions. 36 Edw. Ill 1st Part. 1 2 3 4 5 168. (1) 168. (2) 166. (1) 166. (2) 168. (3&4) 6 168. (5) 1 7 168. (6) 8 168. (7) 9 166. (3) 10 168. (8) 11 168. (9) 12 168. (10) 13 168. (11) 14 168. (12) 15 168. (13) 16 166. (4) 17 168. (14) 18 168. (15) 19 168. (16) 20 168. (17) 21 168. (18) 22 168. (19) 23 168. (20) 24 166. (5) 25 168. (21) 26 168. (22) 27 168. (23) 28 168. (24) '/ ' 1 29 168. (25) 30 168. (26) 31 168. (27) 32 166. (6) 33 — — ! Missing. 34 169. (1) 35 169. (2) 36 166. (7) 37 169. (3) 38 169. (4) 39 169. (5) 40 169. (6) 41 169. (7) 42 166. (8) 43 169. (8) 44a 169. (9) XVI Inquisitions Post Mortem. Inquisitions Ad Quod Miscellaneous Inquisitions. Edward III. Damnum. 36 Edw. III. 1st Part. 446 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 166. (9) 169. (10) 169. (11) 169. (12) 169. (13) 169. (14) 169. (15) 166. (10) 170. (1) 166. (11) 166. (12) 166. (13) 166. (14) 170. (2) 170. (3) 170. (4) 170. (5) 166. (15) 170. (6) 170. (7) 170. (8) 170. (9) 166. (16) 166. (17) 170. (10) 170. (11) 170. (12) 170. (13) 170. (14) 170. (15) 170. (16) & 183. (11) 170. (17) 170. (18) 170. (19) 170. (20) 170. (21) 170. (22) 170. (23) 170. (24) 170. (25) 170. (26) 170. (27) 166. (18) xvu Inqtiisitions Inqiiisitions Miscellaneous Inqtiisitions. Post Mortem. Edward III. Ad Quod Damnum. 36 Edw. III. 1st Part, 87 170. (28) 88 171. (1&2) 89 171. (3) 90 171. (4) 91 166. (19) 92 171. (5) 93 171. (6) 94 171. (7) 95 171. (8) 96 166. (20) 97 171. (9) 98 171. (10) 99 166. (21) 100 171. (11) 101 155. (20) 102 171. (12) 103 171. (13) 104 171. (14) 105 171. (15) 106 171. (16) 107 171. (17) 108 171. (18) 109 171. (19) 110 171. (20) 111 171. (21) 112 171. (22) 113 171. (23) 114 171. (24) 115 159. (19) 116 171. (25) 117 171. (26) 118 171. (27) 119 171. (28) 120 — — 185. (16) 121 171. (29) 122 171. (30) 123 171. (31) 124 171. (32) 125 171. (33) 126 171. (34) 127 _ — Extents for Del 13. 128 — — — Do. 13. 129 — — 185. (1) xvm Inquisitions Inquisitions Miscellaneous Post Mortem. Ad Quod Edward ill. Damnum. Inquisitions. 36 Edw. III. 1st Part. 130 — — Miscellanea 137, file 13 131 172. (1) 132 172. (2) 133 172. (3) 134 172. (4) 136 172. (5) 136 172. (6) 137 172. (7) 138 172. (8) 139 172. (9) 140 172, (10) 141 172. (11) 142 172. (12) 143 172. (13) 144 172. (14) 145 172. (15) 146 172. (16) 147 172. (17) 148 172. (18) 36 Edw. TTT. 2nd Part. 1 172. (19) 2 166. (22) 3 172. (20) 4 172. (21) 5 172. (22) 6 172. (23) 7 166. (23) 8 167. (1) 9 173. (1) 10 173. (2 & 3) 11 173. (4) 12 173. (5) 13 173. (6) 14 173. (7) 15 173. (8) 16 173. (9) 17 173. (10) 18 173. (11) 19 167. (2) 20 173. (12) 21 173. (13) 22 173. (14) • 23 173. (15) XIX Inquisitions Post Mortem Inquisitions Ad Quod Miscellaneous Inquisitions. Edward III. Damnum. 36 Edw. III. 2nd Part. 24 173. (16) 25 173. (17) 26 173. (18) 27 167. (3) 28 167. (4) 29 173. (19) 30 173. (20) 31 173. (21) 32 173. (22) 33 174. (1) 34 174. (2) 35 174. (3) 36 174. (4) 37 174. (5) 38 174. (6) 39 174. (7) 40 174. (8) 41 174. (9) 42 174. (10) 43 174. (11) 44 174. (12) 45 174. (13) 46 174. (14) 47 174. (15) 48 174. (16) 49 174. (17) 50 165. (8) 51 174. (18) 52 167. (5) 53 167. (6) 54a 229. (9) 546 174. (19) 55 167. (7) 66 174. (20) 57 174. (21) 58 174. (22) 59 174. (23 & 24) 60 174. (25) 61 175. (1) 62 175. (2) 63 167. (8) 64 167. («) 65 1 175. (3) XX Inquisitions Inquisitions IVri spf^l 1 n Ti f^rti 1 A Post Mortem. Ad Quod Inquisitions. Edward III. Damnum, 36 Edw. III. 2nd Part. 66 155. (21) 67 175. (4) 68 175. (5) 69 175. (6) 70 175. (7) 71 167. (10) 72 175. (8) 73 175. (9) 74 175. (10) 75 175. (11) 76 175. (12) 77 175. (13) 78 167. (11) 79 175. (14) 80 167. (12) 81 175. (15) 36 Edw. 111. 2nd Nos. 1 — 342. (1) 2 — 342. (2) 3 — — 185. (2) 4 — 342. (3) 5 — 342. (4) 6 — 342. (5) 7 — — 185. (3) 8 — 342. (6) 9 — — 185. (4) 10 — 342. (7) 11 — 342. (8) 12 — 342. (9) 13 — 342. (10) 14 — 342. (11) 15 — 342. (12) 16 — 342. (13) 17 — 342. (14) 18 ■ — . 342. (15) 19 — 342. (16) 20 — 342. (17) 21 — 342. (18) 22 ■ — 342. (19) 23 — 343. (1) 24 — 343. (2) 25 — 343. (3) 26 — 343. (4) 27 — 343. (5) XXI Inquisitions Post Mortem Inquisitions . Ad Quod Miscellaneous Edward 111. Damnum. Inquisitions. 36 Edw. III. 2nd Nos. 28 ^ — 343. (6) 29 — 343. (7) 30 — 343. (8) 31 — 343. (9) 32 — 343. (10) 33 — 343. (11) 34 — 343. (12) 36 — 343. (13) 36 — 343. (14) 37 — — 183. (20) 38 — — 186. (6) 39 — 343. (16) 40 — 343. (16) 41 155. (14) 42 — 343. (17) 43 — 343. (18) 44 — 343. (19) 45 — 344. (1) 46 143. (6) 47 — 344. (2) 48 — 344. (3) 49 — — 185. (6) 50 — 344. (4) 51 — 344. (5) 52 — 344. (6) i 53 — 344. (7) 54 — 344. (8) 55 — . 344. (9) 56 — 344. (10) 57 — — 185. (7) 58 — 344. (11) 59 — 344. (12) 60 — 344. (13) • 61 — — 185. (8) 62 — — 185. (9) 63 — — 185. (10) 64 — 344. (14) 65 — 344. (15) 66 — 344. (16) 67 — 344. (17) 37 Edw. III. 1 2 177. (1) \ / — Missing (1808). 3 177. (2) 4 177. (3) xxu Inquisitions Post Mortem Inquisitions Ad Quod Miscellaneous T * "J-* Edward ITT. Damnum. Inquisitions. 37 Edw. III. 6 176. (1) 6 177. (4) 7 177. (5) * 8 177. (6) 9 177. (7) 10 177. (8) 11 177. (9) 12 177. (10) 13 177. (11) 14 177. (12) 15 177. (13) 16 177. (14) 17 176. (2) 18 176. (3) 19 177. (15) 20 177. (16) 21 177. (17) 22 177. (18) 23 177. (19) 24 177. (20) 25 177. (21) 26 177. (22) 27 178. (1) 28 178. (2) 29 176. (4) 30 178. (3) 31 170, (21) 32 178. (4) 33 178. (5) 34 178. (6) 36 176. (5) 36 178. (7) 37 178. (8) 38 178. (9) 39 178. (10) 40 178. (11) 41 178. (12) 42 176. (6) 43 178. (13) 44 178. (14) 45 178. (15) 46 178. (16) 47 178. (17) 48 178. (18) 49 1 178. (19) XXUl Inquisitions Inquisitions Miscellaneous Post Mortem. Ad Quod Edward III. Damnum. Inquisitions. 37 Edw. m. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 178. (20) 178. (21) 178. (2S) 178. (23) 178. (24) 178. (25) 176. (7) 176. (8) 176. (9) 178. (26) 178. (27) 178. (28) 179. (1) 179. (2) 179. (3) 179. (4) 179. (5) 176. (10) 174. (6) 179. (6) 179. (7) 179. (8) 179. (9) 179. (10) 176. (11) 179. (11) 179. (12) 175. (3) 78 — — 187. (29) 79 — — 187. (30) 80 — — 187. (31) 81 — — 187. (32) 82 — — 187. (33) 83 — — 187. (34) 84 — — 187. (35) 85 — — 187. (36) 86 176. (12) 87 176. (13) 88 176. (14) 89 179. (13) 90 179. (14) 91 179. (15) 92 180. (1) 93 180. (2) 94 180. (3) 1 XXIV Inquisitions Post Mortem. Inquisitions Ad Quod Miscellaneous T * "J.* _ Edward III. Damnum. Inquisitions. 37 Edw. III. 95 180. (4) 96 180. (5) 97 180. (6) 98 180. (7) 99 180. (8) 100 180. (9) 101 180. (10) 102 180. (11) 37 Edw. III. 2nd Nos. 1 — 347. (1) 2 — 347. (2) 3 — 347. (3) 4 — 347. (4) 5 — 347. (5) 6 — 347. (6) 7 — 347. (7) 8 — 347. (8) 9 — — 187. (1) 10 — 347. (9) 11 — 347. (10) 12 — 347. (11) 13 — 347. (12) 14 - — 347. (13) 15 — 347. (14) 16 — 347. (15) 17 — 347. (16) 18 — 347. (17) 19 — 347. (18) 20 — 347. (19) 21 — 347. (20) 22 — — 187. (2) 23 — — 187. (3) 24 — 347. (21) 25 — 348. (1) 26 — — 187. (4) 27 — 348. (2) 28 — — 187. (5) 29 — 348. (3) .30 — 348. (4) 31 — 348. (5) 32 — 348. (6) 33 — 348. (7) 34 — 348. (8) 35 — — 187. (6) 36 — 348. (9) XXV Inquisitions Inquisitions Miscellaneous Post Mortem. Ad Quod Edward III. Damnum. Inqiusitions. 37 Edw. III. 2nd Nos. 37 — 348. (10) 38 — 348. (11) 39 — 348. (12) 40 — 348. (13) 41 — 348. (14) « 42 — 348. (15) 43 — — 187. (7) 44 — 348. (16) 45 — 348. (17) 46 — 348. (18) 47 — 348. (19) 48 — 348. (20) 49 — 348. (21) 50 — 349. (1) 51 — 349. (2) 52 — 349. (3) 53 — 349. (4) 54 — 349. (5) 55 — 349. (6) 56 — 349. (7) 57 — 349. (8) 58 — — 187. (8) 59 180. (12) 60 — 349. (9) 61 — 349. (10) 62 — 349. (11) 63 — 349. (12) 64 — 349. (13) 65 ~ ^"^ Placita in Cane. 3. (28) 66 180. (13) 67 — 349. (14) 68 — 349. (15) 69 — 349. (16) 70 — — 187. (9) 38 Edw. TTT. 1 181. (1) 2 180. (16) 3 181. (2) ' 4 181. (3) 5 180. (17) 6 181. (4) 7 180. (18) 8 181. (5) 9 181. (6) ■ xxvx Inquisitions Inquisitions ]yr,-«„«iianeous Post Mortem. Edward III. Ad Quod -J Damnum. [nquisitions. 38 Edw. III. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46a 466 47a 476 48 49 50 181. (7) 181. (8) 181. (9) 181. (10) 176. (16) 181. (11) 158. (24) 181. (12) 181. (13) 181. (14) 180. (19) 180. (20) 181. (15) 181. (16) 181. (17) 181. (18) 171. (34) 182. (1) 182. (2) 182. (3) 182. (4) 180. (21) 180. (22) 182. (5) 173. (5) 182. (6) 182. (7) 182. (8) 180. (23) 182. (9) 180. (24) 182. (10) 182. (11) 182. (12) 182. (13) 180. (25) 182. (14) 182. (15) 182. (16) 182. (17) 182. (18) 180. (26) 182. (19) 51 — 188. (25) 52 — — 188. (1) xxvu Inquisitions Post Mortem Inquisitions Ad Quod Miscellaneous T • 'J.* Edward III. Damnum. Inquisitions. 38 Edw. 1 1 1 . 53 188. (2) 54 — — — Miscellanea 11, no. 8. (19) 55 — — — Extents for Debts 14. (9> 56 — — — Do. 14. (10) 57 — — — Do. 14. (11) 58 — — 188. (3) 59 — — 188. (4) 60 — — — C.P. Writs and Betiims. 61 — — 188. (5) 62 — — 188. (6) 63 — — Extents for Debts 14. (12) 64 180. (27) 65 183. (1) 66 183. (2) 67 183. (3) 68 183. (4) 69 183. (6) 38 Edw. TTT 2nd Nos. 1 — 351. (1) 2 — 351. (2) 3 — 351. (3) 4 — 351. (4) 5 — 351. (5) 6 — — 188. (7) 7 — 351. (6) 8 — — 188. (8) 9 — 351. (7) 10 ' 346. (17) & 361. (8) 11 — 351. (9) 12 — 351. (10) 13 — 351. (11) 14 — — 188. (9) 15 — 351. (12) 16 — 351. (13) 17 — 351. (14) 18 — 351. (16) 19 — 351. (16) 20 — 351. (17) 21 — 351. (18) 22 — 351. (19) XXVIU Inquisitions Post Mortem. Inquisitions Ad Quod Miscellaneous Edward III. Damnum. Inquisitions. 38 Edw. Ill 2nd Nos. 23 — 352. (1) 24 — 352. (2) 25 — 352. (3) 26 — 352. (4) 27 352. (5) 28 352. (6) 29 — 352. (7) 30 — 352. (8) 31 — 352. (9) 32 — 352. (10) 33 — 352. (11) 34 — 352. (12) 35 — 352. (13) 36 — 352. (14) 37 — 352. (15) 38 — 352. (16) 39 169. (4) 40 — 352. (17) 41 — 352. (18) 42 — 352. (19) 43 — 353. (1) 44 — 353. (2) 45 — 353. (3) 46 — 353. (4) 47 — 353. (5) 48 — 353. (6) 49 — 353. (7) 50 — 353. (8) 51 — 353. (9) 52 — 353. (10) 53 183. (6) 54 — 353. (11) 55 — 353. (12) 56 — 353. (13) 57 — — 188. (10) 58 183. (7) XXIX OOERIGEroA p. 81, line 10 from foot. For Walter read William. p. 90, line 8 from foot. For Morley read Morton. p. 389, line 30. For Halton read Hatton. XXX CALBNDAE OF INQUISITIONS. EDWAED III. 1. Agnes late the wife ot William atte Welle of Sandwich. Writ, 11 February, 35 Edward III. Kent. Inq. taken at Canterbury, 4 March, 35 Edward III. Grove. A third part of the manor, held for life in dower of the king in chief as parcel of the manor. The whole manor is held of the king in chief, as of the honor of Ledes Castle, by service of a fourth part of a knight's fee and by doing suit to the court of the door (janue) of the said castle every three weeks. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on 6 February, 35 Edward III. William atte Welle, her son, aged 18 years and more, is her heir. C. Edw. III. File 156. (1.) 2. Petek atte Cok. Writ, 12 November, 35 Edward III. Kent. Inq. (indented) taken at Lesnee, 23 January, 35 Edward III. Lesnes. A messuage and 20a. land, held for Mfe in gavelkind of the inheritance of John son of John Malwayne, a minor in the king's wardship, of the abbot of Lesnes by service of rendering 6s. 8d. yearly and doing suit to the abbot's court every three weeks. The premises were alienated by the deceased to John Malwaynfe, the elder, seven years ago, as the jurors understand. Lesnes. The deceased and Agnes his wife, who survives, held jointly a messuage and 12|a. land of the gift of Richard de Stonner (?), Walter Gyles, Thomas Schaddar (?) and others by divers feoffments. The premises are held of the abbot of Lesnes by service of rendering 45. 2d. yearly and doing suit to the abbot's court every three weeks. The deceased held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 23 August last without heir of his body. C. Edw. III. File 156. (2.) 3. BoGEB DB Acton. Writ, 12 November, 35 Edward III. Glottcesteb. Inq. taken at Alweston, Wednesday after the Purification, 36 Edward III. Auste. A messuage, a carucate of land, 6a. meadow and a dovecot, held of the bishop of Worcester in chief by knight's service. 1— (7) CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Fydynton. A messuage, a carucate of land, 8a. meadow and a several pasture, held of Edward le Despenser in chief by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Thursday after Michaehnas. John de Acton his brother, aged 40 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 156. (3.) 4. John de Assheby. Writ, 6 October, 35 Edward III. NoETHAMPTON. Inq. (indented) taken at Northampton, 22 October, 35 Edward III. Assheby Mares. A messuage, a dovecot, 36a. land, 6a. wood and 565. rent, held of the king in chief by service of raising his right hand on Christmas day towards the king, wherever he may be in England ; and 21a. arable and 7s. rent, held of Henry Grene by service of 2s. Id. yearly. Ecton. 10«. rent by the hands of a free tenant. Malveslee. 3«. rent. Hanging Houghton. 3s. 6d. rent. Earls Barton. 3l5. rent issuing from 2 messuages and 1 J virgates of land. The premises in Ecton, Barton, Hanging Houghton and Malveslee are held of divers lords by knight's service. Assheby (?). A windmill. He held no other lands &c. in the comity. He died on 5 September. Robert de Wyloughby, clerk, aged 25 years and more at Michtielmas last, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 156. (4.) ^ ^ E. Inq. P.M. File 18. (3.) 5. Thomas de Alvydelbye. Writ, 2 March, -35 Edward III. Salop. Inq. taken at Alvydeleye, 12 March, 35 Edward III. Alvydeleye. A chief messuage, 18a. arable, a several pasture called ' le Hawyngge,' 2a. meadow, and 13s. rent of free tenants, held of the king in chief by service of an eighth part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the coimty. He (^ed on 25 February last. Thomas, son of Thomas son of the deceased, aged 13 years and more, is his heir. The premises are charged with an annuity of 20 marks to Pernell late the wife of Thomas son of the deceased, by grant of the deceased. C. Edw. III. File 156. (5.) « m . ^- IM- PM. File 18. (24.) 6. Thomas de Aleesfoed of Hardene. Writ, 30 October, 35 Edward III. SOTTTHAMPTON. Inq. made at Basyngestoke, 4 December, 35 Edward lU Roppele. A messuage, a carucate of arable containing 100a 8a meadow 10a. wood and 30s. rent, held of the bishop ofl^chest^r, service not tebWARi) 111. known. There is also pasture for 2 horses, 4 oxen and 200 sheep, which has no yearly value because it hes in common. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on the feast of St. Denis last. Robert his son, aged 22 years and more, is his heir. Wilts. Ivq. made at Ambresbury, 29 November, 35 Edward III. Harden. A messuage, 2 carucates of land, 8a. meadow and 30s. rent, with the baihwick of the ' Broyl ' in the forest of Savernak, held of the king in chief by service of keeping a part of the forest of Savernak called the ' Broyl of Bedewynd,' rendering 10s. yearly at queen Phihppa's castle of Marleberwe, and doing suit to the king's court of Mourle in the said forest every three weeks. There is also pasture for 4 horses, 12 oxen and 300 sheep lying in common, and 6a. common waste. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 156. (6.) E. Inq. P.M. File 17. (2.) (Hants.) Do. File 16. (18.) (Wilts.) 7. Peter Achajrd. Writ, 30 October, 35 Edward III. Berks. Inq. made at Thacha'm, 10 November, 35 Edward III. Aldermanston. The manor (extent given, including a park, 2 woods containing 60 acres, and a several fishery). Spersholte. The manor (extent given). Both manors were held of the king in chief in fee-tail by service of a knight's fee by virtue of a fine levied in 16 Edward III. between Robert Achard and Agnes his wife, querents, and Master Walter de Stratton, parson of the church of Shalyngford, and Thomas de Annewyl, deforciants, concerning those manors (except the advowson of the church of Spersholte), whereby Robert recognized the premises to be the right of Walter and Thomas, who then granted the manor of Spersholte to Robert for life and the manor of Aldermanston to Robert and Agnes for their lives, with remainder in both cases to the aforesaid Peter Achard and Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing such heirs to Peter de la Mare, knight, and Joan his wife, for their lives, with remainder to Thomas son of the said Peter de la Mare and the heirs of his body. Estmanton. The manor, held of Robert Prechevill by knight's service in fee-tail, in the same form as above, by a fine levied in 16 Edward III. The said Peter died on 29 October last. Richard, son of his uncle Thomas de ColeshuU, aged 22 years, is his heir, but the aforesaid manors ought to remain to Thomas son of Peter de la Mare by virtue of the fines, because Robert Achard and Agnes, his wife, and Peter de la Mare and Joan his wife, are dead, and Peter Achard and Elizabeth his wife have died without heir of their bodies. C. Edw. III. File 166. (7.) CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. 8. John Aleyn. Commission to John de Borland and Simon de Kegworth to enquire as to the lands of the said John Aleyn, the date of his death, the name and age of his heir, and the name of the person who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 14 April, 35 Edward III. Writ to the sheriff of Kent ordering him to summon a jury. 15 April, 35 Edward III. Precept by the commissioners to the sheriff to summon the jiury at Derteford on Wednesday after St. Mark. Westminster, Wednesday before St. George, 35 Edward III. Fragment of jury panel. Kent. Inq. taken before the commissioners at Derteford, Wednesday after St. Mark, 35 Edward III. He held no lands &c. in Kent at the time of his death, but before his death he gave by charter aU his lands &c. in Derteford, Stone and Wylmynton to William Claptus, John ByUok and John Whitlok, in fee, who after his death enfeoffed his sons John, Thomas, William and Edward thereof. William died a minor. John demised his share to John Costantyn, citizen of London, for a term of years, no division of the premises having been made between him and his brothers. John Costantyn thereupon seized the wardship of John, Thomas and Edward as next friend of the blood of Idonea, his wife, to whom no right could descend by inheritance, alleging that the tenements were gavelkind, whereas he could claim no right on this account because the premises did not descend by inheritance but by the feoffment. Thomas, while under the age of 15 years, enfeoffed John Costantyn of his share, no division having been made, on condition that John should render to him yearly for life 10 marks and a gown, and make him his apprentice draper according to the custom of the city of London. John Costantyn never paid Thomas the said rent and would not make him his apprentice, but maUciously prosecuted him and his brothers John and Edward on a writ of trespass in the King's Bench, so that they were put in exigent in the city of London and outlawed in the busting there on Monday after the Conception of the Virgin Mary, 33 Edward III. This was to exclude them from any action against him concerning the premises. To avoid his malice the said John, Thomas and Edward left England. John and Thomas are now dead and Edward siirvives. William de Hatton, escheator, seized a third part of the premises into the king's hand by reason of the outlawry. Whether the king ought to answer for thU part the jury know not. The premises are held of divers lords, to wit, some of the earl of Pembroke, a minor in the king's wardship, and some of Thomas de Grandissono, knight. But whether the king or the said Thomas is the true chief lord the jurors know not, because the rent which the EDWARD III. said Thomas holds in the aforesaid towns belonged in the time of king Edward the king's grandfather to the crown of England, and was given by that king to the ancestors of the said Thomas to be received from certain lands &c. in Derteford and Wyhnyntone in exchange for lands &c. in Ihamme and Idenne by Wynchelse. Others of the premises are held of the bishop of Rochester, but whether the king or the bishop is chief lord the jurors know not ; and others of divers other lords by gavelkind services. One Nicholas atte Welle, by pretext of a recognizance made to him by John Costantyn in the king's court, sued execution of the tene- ments aforesaid, by virtue of which execution the said Nicholas and John, his son, have been in possession of the premises since the aforesaid outlawry. C. Edw. III. File 156. (8.) 9. Thomas db Aldon, or Daldon, knight. Writ, 25 June, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Ivq. made at Uphavene, 3 August, 35 Edward III. Manyngford Bohun. The manor (extent given, including a broken down water-mill charged with 40s. yearly to the perpetual chantry of the chapel of Wokesseye), held for life by demise of Edward de Bohun, knight (with reversion to the said Edward and his heirs), of the earl of Hereford, who holds it of the king in chief by knight's service. The reversion belongs to Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford, brother and heir of the aforesaid Edward, aged 40 years and more. Thomas de Aldon died in the county of Kent, not in the county of Wilts ; date of death and heir not known. Writ, 25 June, 35 Edward III. Sussex. Inq. {indented) taken at Burghersh, 5 July, 35 Edward III. Burghersh. AH his lands &c. there he gave to Thomas de Aldon, his son, and Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, fifteen years ago. They are held of the earl of Richmond and other lords ; service not known. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 25 June last. Thomas de Aldon, knight, his son, aged 26 years and more, is his heir. Kent. Inq. taken at Wy, 4 July, 35 Edward III. Hugham. The manor, held jointly by the deceased and Maud his wife, who survives, of her inheritance, of the heir of John Typetot, a minor in the king's wardship, as of the manor of Kynggeston, by service of two parts of a knight's fee. Dene. The manor, similarly held of the archbishop of Canterbury by service of rendering 10s. yearly to him and 8s. yearly to the abbot of St. Augustine, Canterbury. He held no other lands &c. in the county of the inheritance of Maud his wife. Date of death and heir as above. CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Kent. Inq- (indented) taken at Wy, 3 July, 35 Edward III. Bocton Alulph. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, as of the honor of Boulogne which is in the king's hand, by service of one knight's fee. Betricisden. Tenements at Hecchisdenn, to wit, 200a. pasture and heath, parcel of the manor of Bocton Alulph. Easture. 30a. arable, 15a. meadow, 7s. rent of free tenants, and a court worth nothing because the tenants do not owe suit, held of the countess of Huntingdon, as of her manor of Esforde, by service of an eighth part of a knight's fee and a rent of 5*. yearly. Stoutyng. The manor (extent given), held of the archbishop of Canter- bury by service of one knight's fee. Stotyng. A hundred and a fair (nunden') on the feast of St. James the Apostle, held of the king in chief by service of rendering 205. yearly by the hands of the sheriff. Syffleton. The manor of Syifleton (extent given), in Aylsford and Ditton, including a wharf at Melehale on the water called ' Medeway,' held of the earl of Stafford by service of a fourth part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in fee in the county. Date of death and heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 156. (9.) 10. Thomas de Bebkele of Ule. Writ, 22 October, 35 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. {indented) taken at Welles, 35 Edward III. Kynggeston Seymour. The manor, held jointly by the deceased and Katharine his wife, who survives, and the heirs of the deceased, by gift of Robert, parson of the church of Ule. It is held of the heirs of Thomas de Berkele, sometime lord of Berkele, by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Friday before Michaelmas last. Maurice his son, aged 3 years and more, is his heir. Writ, 22 October, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at SaUsbury, 7 January, 35 Edward III. Bryghtmanneston and Mileston. The manors, with the advowson of the church (of Mileston), held of the earl of Salisbury by service of a fourth part of a knight's fee. Nine days tefore his death the deceased gave these to Maurice de Berkele, Edward de Berkele, Simon Basset, knights, John de Coggeshale, John Cherlebury, John Clavyll, William Fiz Waryn and Thomas Eyluf for their lives, with reversion to his own heirs. He held no other lands in the county. Date of death and heir as above. SoTJTHAMPTON. Inq. made at Basingstok, 10 January, 35 Edward III. Rutherwyk and Stratfeld. AU his tenements in these places within the lordship of Greywell, to wit, a messuage and a carucate of land held of Bartholomew de Burghassh in socage by service of 6s. yearly, the EDWARD III. deceased, on Sunday after the Nativity of the Blessed Mary before his death, gave to Simon Basset, knight, William Fik Waryn the younger, Thomas Eylof and John ClaviU, chaplain, their heirs and Date of death and heir as above. Writ, 22 October, 35 Edward III. Gloticester. Inq. taken at Ule, 25 November, 35 Edward III. Kynges Weston. The manor. Aileberton. The manor. Both held of the king in chief by knight's service. Ule. The manor, held of Maurice de Berkele by knight's service. All three manors he held jointly with Katharine his wife, who survives, by gift of Robert, parson of the church of Ule. He held no other lands &c. in the coxinty. Date of death and heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 156. (10.) E. Inq. P.M. File 16. (10.) (Wilts, and Hants.) 11. Thomas de Bebkele, or de Berkle, lord of Berkle, knight. Writ, 30 October, 35 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. {indented) taken at WeUes, 35 Edward III. Bedmistre. The manor, held of Edward le Spencer by knight's service, as of the honor of Gloucester. Cheddre. A messuage, a carucate of land and 66s. 8d. rent, held for life of the bishop of Bath (service not specified) by gift of John Dacton, knight, with remainder to Edmund, son of the deceased, now dead, and John, his brother, who survives, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing such heirs to the right heirs of the deceased. Stocke. A moiety of the manor, held for life of the heirs of John de BeUo Campo of Somerset by knight's service, as of the manor of Stocke imder Hameldon (which is in the king's hand by reason of the death of the said John), by gift of Grimbald Paunchevout, with remainders to the aforesaid Edmund and John as above ; and a messuage, 40a. land and 10a. meadow, held for life of Andrew Basshet by knight's service, by gift of John le Vere, with the same remainders. Baurwe Goumay. The manor, held for life of Edward le Spencer, as of the honor of Gloucester (service not specified), with the same remainders. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Wednesday the eve of SS. Simon and Jude last. Maurice de Berkele his son, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 156. (11.) 12. Hugh Blount, knight. Writ, 13 October, 35 Edward III. Essex. Inq. taken at Chelmisford, Friday after St. Martin, 35 Edward III. Gyngejoyeberdlaundre, The manor, held jointly with Joyce {Jocosa) his CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. wife who survives, by a fine levied in the king's court. It is held of William Fereris, knight ; service not known. Ledenerothyngg. The manor, held in fee of the earl of Arundel ; service not known. He died on 20 September last. John his son, aged 23 years and more, is his heir. Hebtford. Inq. taken at Hicche, Tuesday after St. Leonard. 35 Edward III. Hicche. The manor (extent given), held of Robert de la Mare by service of rendermg \lb. cummin and lib. pepper yearly. Date of death and heir as above. Writ, 13 October, 35 Edward III. Stafford. Inq. taken at Pencrich, Friday after St. Luke, 35 Edward lii. Pencrich. The manor (extent given, including a fair at Michaelmas), held of the king in chief by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Monday before the feast of St. Matthew.* Heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 156. (12.) E. Inq- P-^- File 18. (23.) (Stafford.) 13. Peter son of Thomas Blottnt, or le Blount. Writ, 24 April, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. (indented) made at Marlebergh, 29 July, 35 Edward III. Hiwyssh. The manor (extent given), including 66s. rent of twelve free tenants in Ore and Shawe, held of the king in chief by grand serjeanty, with the advowson of the church. Erdescote and Wambergh. A messuage and 2 carucates of land (con- taining 120a. arable, 12a. meadow, and pasture for 4 horses, 8 oxen, and 200 sheep), held of the earl of Hereford by knight's service. He held nothing more in fee. All the aforesaid ought to remain to John de Cotteleye, son and heir of Nicholas de Cotteley, by virtue of a gift lately made by Peter Doignel with the king's Ucence to Patrick, parson of the church of Yatesbury, John de la Roche and John Wheteleye, vicar of the church of Yatesbury, of the manor and advowson of Hiwyssh and the reversion of the premises in Erdescote and Wambergh expectant on the demise of John Goudhyne, tenant for life by lease of the said Peter Doignel. The said Patrick, John and John, having received the attornment of John Goudhyne, gave the manor, advowson and reversion to Peter and Agnes his wife for life, with successive remainders to Thomas son of Thomas le Bloimt and Margaret [his wife], daughter of the aforesaid John de la Roche, and the heirs of their bodies, Peter brother of the said Thomas son of Thomas and the heirs of his body, Nicholas de Cotteleye and his heirs male, and the right heirs of Peter Doignel. Peter Doignel, Agnes his wife, and John Goudhyne are dead ; Thomas son of Thomas Blount, and Margaret his wife, died without heir of their bodies ; * The Excliequer copy gives the date as Monday before Michaelmas. EDWARD III. Peter le Blount, brother of Thomas son of Thomas, has now died without heir of his body ; and Nicholas de Cotteleye, whose heir is John de Cotteleye, is also dead. The said Peter brother of Thomas son of Thomas died on Wednesday before the Anmmciation last. Silvester Doynel, brother of Anastasia mother of the aforesaid Peter le Blount, aged 40 years and more, is his heir, but the premises aforesaid ought not to descend to him, but to the aforesaid John de Cotteleye, aged 30 years and more, by virtue of the gift aforesaid. C. Mw. III. File 156. (13.) 14. Hehky Bradbwayb, or db Bradbweye. Writ, 24 November, 35 Edward III. WoRCESTBR. Inq. taken at Persshore, 7 January, 35 Edward III. Bradeweye. A messuage with dovecot, a carucate of land and 2a. meadow, held of the abbot of Persshore by socage, rendering 38s. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Monday after St. Laurence last. John his son, aged 2 years and more, is Ms heir. Writ, 24 November, 35 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Andevere, 9 December,* 35 Edward III. Little Somboume. A messuage and a carucate of arable, held of the earl of Hereford by service of a red rose yearly at Midsummer and charged with yearly payments of 70s. to the lords of the hospital of St. John of Winchester, 18d. to the earl of Lancaster, 7s. to Edward le Spencer and lib. pepper to John Talemach. The carucate contains 80a. There are also 16a. meadow, worth 5s. 4d. only because it is hiUy and impossible to mow ; and 6s. 8d. rent of tenants. Whydehay. A messuage and 20a. arable, held of the bishop of Winchester, as of his manor of Whydehay, by service of 3s. yearly and suit of court twice a year. Butesthom, Mynstede, Tuderle, Testwod, Totton, Berkele and Natele. A third part of the lands &c. late of Richard de Buthesthorne, held of the king in chief by service of a third part of the grand serjeanty of providing a man with a habergeon (hahergell') in time of war in the realm of England in conjunction with the heir of Thomas de Mynstede, deceased, for forty days, descended to John, son and heir of the deceased, of the inheritance of Agnes his mother, late the wife of the deceased, she having survived the deceased 15 days. Okie. A third part of the lands &c. late of the same Richard, held by him, with the other two parts, of Philippa, queen of England, the prior of St. Denys, the prior of St. Swithim, the prior of the Maison Dieu of Portesmuth, the prior of Motesfonte, the prioress of Ambr', John de Boklonde and the heirs of William de Overton by service of 61. 10s. yearly, (but how the teniu:e is parcelled among these the jurors know not), descended in the same manner. * The Exchequer inquisition is dated 9 April, presumably in error. 10 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Bokhampton. A third part of the lands &c. late of the same Richard, held of Henry GoundevyU by service of 1 Id. yearly, descended in the same manner. The deceased held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 16 August last. Heir as above. G. Edw. III. File 156. (14.) E. Enrolments dhc. of Inq. No. 131 (d.) (Worcester.) E. Inq. P.M. File 16. (23.) (Hants.) 15. Richard de Bbnham. Writ, 23 November, 35 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Basyngestoke, 4 December, 35 Edward III. Kyngesclere. A messuage, 64a. arable, 2a. meadow, 2a. wood and 9s. 2d. rent, held of the king in chief by the serjeanty of keeping the king's forest of Fremantel, and by paying 2d. yearly to the king at Win- chester castle ; a virgate of land, held of William de Melton, knight, by service of 135. 4d. yearly ; and a messuage and a virgate of land, held of John atte Hyde by service of 13s. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the coimty. He died on 14 November last. John his son, aged 23 years and more, is his heir. Berks. Inq. made at Compton, 14 December, 35 Edward III. Estgenge. A messuage and 100a. arable, with 2^a. meadow, pasture for 2 horses, 6 oxen and 200 sheep, 5 free tenants rendering 20s. &d. yearly, 3 virgaters whose rents and services are worth 6«. Qd. each, and pleas &c. of court worth I2d., held of the king in chief by service of an eighth part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 156. (15.) E. Inq. P.M. File 17. (3.) (Hants.) 16. Mabgabet late the wipe of Thomas de Benton. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Margaret, and who has been in possession of her lands since her death and received the issues. Clere, 13 August, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Salisbury, 18 September, 35 Edward III. Fallardeston. Two parts of the manor (extent given), held of John Moubray, as of his barony of Brembre, by knight's service. Croucheston and Throp. A carucate of land and 30s. rent, held of the bishop of Winchester by knight's service. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on 4 (?) July, 14 Edward III. Nicholas de Benton her son, aged 24 years and more, is her heir. EDWARD III. 11 Thomas de Benton, late her husband, had possession of the premises for 19 years after her death by the courtesy of England by reason of issue between him and her, and since then Nicholas, her son and heir, has been in possession until now. C. Edw. III. File 156. (16.) 17. *[Maegabet wife oe John Bacon. Essex. Wedeford. The manor].* 18. Mabgabet late the wife of John Bacon. Writ not enrolled. Essex. Inq. taken at Chelmersford, 6 February, 35 Edward III. Wedeford. Two parts of the manor (extent given), held for life by gift of John Bacon, knight, to her and her husband and her husband's heirs ; 20a. land and 4a. pasture are held of the heir of Humphrey Bohun, earl of Hereford, a minor in the king's wardship, by service of 15s. yearly, and the residue of the heir of Roger de Mortuo Mari, earl of March, also a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service. She died on 15 October. E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 132. (5th entry.) 19. Edmitnd Bacon. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Edmund, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 16 April, 35 Edward III. Oxford. Inq. made at Dorchestre, Monday the morrow of St. James, 35 Edward III. Ewelm. The manor called ' Spenseresfee,' with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by knight's service ; also the manor late of Robert Pipard, knight, held of Gterard de Insula, service not known ; also a rent of 50s. 6d., which by a fine levied at Westminster a month after Easter, 24 Edward I, William Thalemache and Cecily, his wife, quitclaimed to the said Edmund and his heirs, but whether this rent is parcel of one manor or of the other, or a parcel by itself, the jurors Jmow not. The said Edmund died about the feast of the Annunciation, 10 Edward III, exact day not known. He married one Joan de Brewes, by whom he had a daughter Margery, who was married to William de Kerdeston and had a daughter Maud, who was married to John Burghwash and had a son John de Burghhaissh. He also married Margery Pounynges, by whom he had a daughter Margery, who was married to William de Molyns. This Margery and John de Burghwasch aforesaid are his heirs. She is 21 years of age and more, and he is 18 years of age. The lady de Mohon has the custody of the premises by the king's grant, and has received the issues thereof. C. Edw. III. File 156. (17.) * So given in the folio Calendar published in 1808 (p. 229), but now missing. 12 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. 20. Dbnisb Baooun. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Denise, and who has been in possession of her lands since her death and received the issues. 10 February, 35 Edward III. Cambridge. Inq. (indented) taken at Cambridge, Monday after St. Barnabas, 35 Edward III. Brune. 120a. arable, 2a. meadow and 40s. rent, held to herself and the heirs of her body by a fine levied at Westminster on the morrow of All Souls, 34 Edward I, by which the premises, by the name of 81. rent, were granted to Thomas Bacoun and Denise his wife, and the heirs of her body, and, faiUng such heirs, to Edmund Bacoun and the heirs of his body. The premises are held of the coimtess of Pembroke by fealty and service of a pair of gloves worth Id., or by service of Id. She held nothing of the king in chief in the county. She died without heir of her body about the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 23 Edward III. Emery {Almariciis) de Welyngton, knight, and William Clopton, knight, have been in possession of the issues of the premises since her death, by what title the jurors know not, during two years of which time William de Clopton was in possession of the premises. C. Edw. III. File 156. (18.) 21. Eleanok de Ewelle. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands which the said Eleanor held of the inheritance of Edmund Bacon, deceased, and of others, as to the heir of the said Edmund, and who has been in possession of the lands of the said Eleanor since her death and received the issues. 16 April, 35 Edward III. Buckingham. Inq. (indented) taken at Buckingham, Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 35 Edward III. Kyngeseye and Toureseye. A moiety of a messuage, 56a. land, 12^a. meadow, 5^a. pasture, 5s. rent, a pasture called ' Melshameslese,' a parcel of meadow called ' Puttes,' pasture in all the lands and tene- ments of the lord of the town of Kyngeseye for all the beasts (averia) of one plough, and la. 3r. meadow in a place called ' Wildemor,' all held for life of the inheritance of Edmund Bacon. By a fine levied at Westminster in the octave of Hilary, 2 Edward II, before Ralph de Hengham and other justices, Edmimd Bacon acknowledged a messuage, 67a. l^r. land, 17a. Ir. meadow, 3a. pasture and 14s. 2d. rent in Kyngeseye, Twithorp and Toureseye, and pasture for 10 cows and all the beasts of a plough in all the lands &c. late of Gilbert son of Herbert in those towns, all held for life by Eleanor de Ewell at a yearly rent of 101., to be the right of John Bacon, who thereupon granted the reversion of the premises after the death of Eleanor to Edmund and the heirs of his body, to hold of him and his heirs. Parts of Kyngeseye and Twithorp are in co. Oxford, and a moiety of the said messuage and part of the land &c. aforesaid are in that county, about which the jurors can have no information (noticiam). EDWARD m. 13 By virtue of the fine the premises must remain to the heirs of the body of Edmund Bacon. They are held of the manor of Kyngeseye, service not known. Eleanor held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on Thursday before Palm Sunday, 21 Edward III. Margery wife of WiUiam de Molyns, knight, aged 21 years and more, is daughter and heir of the aforesaid Edmund, and the jurors do not know of another co-heir. Robert de Mamy, knight, has been in possession of the premises, except 10a. meadow, from the death of the said Eleanor until now ; and the lady Joan de Moun has been in possession of those 10a., by what title the jurors know not. Similar lorit, 16 April, 35 Edward III. Oxford. Inq. made at Dorchestre, Monday the morrow of St. James, 35 Edward III. Kyngeseye and Tythorp. A moiety of a messuage, 40a. arable, 2a. 3r. meadow, 2^d. rent of free tenants, and 4s. 9d. rent of 2 cottars, held of the aforesaid inheritance. By a fine levied at Westminster in the octave of Hilary, 2 Edward II, Edmund Bacon acknowledged 39 Ja. land, 3Ja. meadow and lis. rent in Kyngeseye and Tythorp, held for life at a rent of lOl. by Eleanor de Ewelle with other lands &c. in co. Buckingham, to be the right of John Bacon, who thereupon granted the reversion of the premises after the death of Eleanor to Edmund and the heirs of his body. A moiety of the messuage was then in service. The premises aforesaid are parcel of the lands &c. dealt with in the fine, and ought therefore to remain to the heirs of the body of Edmund. It is not known of whom they are held. She held no other lands in the county of the inheritance of Edmund. She died on Thursday before Palm Sunday, 21 Edward III. Edmund Bacon married Joan de Brewes, by whom he had a daughter Margery, who was married to William de Kerdeston and had a daughter Maud, who was married to John Burgherssh and had a son named John de Burgherssh. Edmund Bacon also married Margery Ponyngs, by whom he had a daughter Margery, who was married to William de Molyns. This Margery, aged 21 years and more, and John de Burgherssh, aged 18 years, are the heirs of the aforesaid Edmund. Sir John de Mohun and Joan his wife have been in possession of the issues of the premises since the death of the said Eleanor, by what title the jurors know not. G. Edw. III. File 156. (19.) 22. Robert Bilkemob, knight. Writ, 20 September, 35 Edward III. Bedford. Inq. taken at Bartoun, Thursday the feast of SS. Simon and Jude, 35 Edward IH. 14 CALEKDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Kechyng. The manor, held for life by virtue of a fine levied at West- minster in the octave of St. Martin, 22 Edward III, before John de Stonore, William de Schareshull and others, whereby David son of Bartholomew de FUttewyk and WiUiam Savage granted the manor to Robert de BiLkemor, knight, and Anastasia his wife, for hfe, with remainder to John de Lillebon and Sibyl his wife and the heirs of their bodies ; the said David and William having previously had the manor by grant of Robert and Anastasia by a fine levied on the morrow of St. Martin, 22 Edward III (Michael Skillyng is mentioned as attorney of Anastasia). The manor contains a capital messuage and dovecot, 70a. arable, 8a. meadow, a garden, 3a. pasture, 16s. 10|d. rent of free tenants and 9s. rent of bondmen, held of the abbot of St. Albans by service of 10s. yearly and suit of court ; a messuage and 20a. land in PuseU, held of the abbot of Woborn by service of 65. 4d. yearly ; a messuage and 20a. arable in the same, held of the prior of Dunstaple by service of 6s. 4d. yearly ; and a dovecot and pleas of coittt worth 12d. yearly. The manor ought to remain to John, son of the aforesaid John Lfilebon and Sibyl, by virtue of the fine, because Robert de BOkemor and John Lillebon and Sibyl are dead. Robert Bilkemor died on Thursday after St. Peter's Chains last. Ralph Snow, aged 30 years and more, son of Alice Snow, sister of the said Robert, is his heir. Writ, BeauHeu, 30 August, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Cherlton by Hungerford, 6 September, 35 Edward III. Estwyke. The manor (extent given), held for hfe of the inheritance of John son and heir of John LiUebon, in the custody of the executors of John Malwayn deceased, to whom Phfiippa queen of England demised the wardship and marriage of the said heir, the king having granted her the same, with any reversions belonging to the heir. Two virgates of the manor are held of the king in chief by the grand serjeanty of keeping the west baihwick of the forest of Savemak and rendering 52s. yearly at the Exchequer by the hands of the constable of Marlebergh castle ; a messuage and 2 carucates are held of Thomas de la Ryvere, as of his manor of Wotton, by service of 9s. yearly ; a messuage, haH a virgate of land and a watermiU are held of the abbot of Hyde by Winchester by service of lis. yearly ; three parts of a carucate are held of the abbot of Battle by service of 12s. 6d. yearly, the fourth part of the same carucate being held of John le Eir of Clenche by service of 8s. 8d. yearly ; and a virgate is held of John Vyns by service of 6s. 6d. yearly. Shaldeboum and Harden. Two parts of a messuage and of 2 carucates of land, held for life of the same inheritance, of which two parts of the messuage and of one carucate are held of John Driweys by service of 65. and lib. cummin yearly, and two parts of one carucate are held of Thomas de Harden by service of 7s. 6fd. yearly. The two parts of the 2 carucates together contain 110a., each acre worth 2d. only because the pasture is common. There are also a decayed wind- mill, 3a. meadow, 10a. wood in common, 4 free tenants, 8 half- fiDWAM) III. 16 virgate bondmen, 4 ' cotsetles ' of bond-land, and pleas &c. of court worth 3s. 4d. Mary late the wife of William de Harden, knight, holds for life in Shaldeboum and Harden of the inheritance of the aforesaid John son of John a messuage, a third part of a messuage, a carucate of land and a third part of 2 carucates of land, whereof she holds the third part of the messuage and 2 carucates in dower, and the messuage and carucate in joint feoffment with WiUiam de Harden, her late husband, with reversion to the same John son of John. Covenholte. The deceased also held for life of the same inheritance 5 virgates of land in the hands of three bondmen, worth 40s. a year, held of the abbot of Hyde by service of 20s. yearly. He died on Thursday after St. Laurence last, heir not known. The said John son of John, to whom the above lands and reversion belong, is 18J years of age and more. C. Edw. III. File 156. (20.) E. Inq. P.M. File 15. (16.) (Wilts.) 23. RiOHABD DE BXJTTESTHOEN. Writ, Clere, 16 August, 35 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Rodebrugg, 15 September, 35 Edward III. Buttesthom. A messuage, a carucate of land and 405. rent. The carucate contains 120a. land, and there are 10a. meadow, pasture for 2 horses, 6 oxen and 200 sheep, an acre of wood, and pleas &c. of court worth 12d. a year. Totton, Terstewode, Berkele and Natele. 41. 7s. 2d. rent, with pleas &c. of court worth 12d. a year. MynsJbede. A messuage, 6a. waste land and 30s. rent, with pleas &o. of court worth Gd. a year. All held of the king in chief by grand serjeanty, to wit, by service of providing a man with a habergeon in time of war in the reahn of England, in conjunction with Thomas de Mynstede, deceased, for forty days. Tuderle. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of the king in chief as parcel of the grand serjeanty late of Roger de Langeford. The carucate contains 80a., and there are 3a. meadow, pasture in common for 2 horses, 6 oxen and 200 sheep, two free tenants, one rendering 4 capons at the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross and the other rendering 3s. 4d. at Easter and 3s. 4d. and |Z6. cummin at Michaelmas, 31s. 4d. rent of bondmen, of which 2s. 6d. yearly have to be paid to the king, and pleas &c. of court worth 18d. a year. Okie. A messuage, a third part of a watermill, a third part of a fulling- mill, 40a. land and 2o. meadow, held of PhUippa, queen of England, the prior of St. Denys, the prior of St. Swithun, the prior of the Maison Dieu of Portesmuth, the prior of Motesfont, the prioress of Ambr', John de Bokeland and William de Overton by service of 61. 10s. yearly, but how the tenure is parcelled among these the jurors know not. 16 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. JBokhampton. A messuage and 40a. land, held of Henry de Goundevill by service of lid. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Sunday before St. Laurence last. Joan his daughter, aged 30 years and more, Margaret his daughter, aged 24 years, and John, son of Agnes his daughter, aged 1| years, are his heirs. C. Edw. in. File 156. (21.) E. Enrolments dkc. of Inq. No. 124. (1.) 24. JoHK Bbymmoke. Writ, 20 October, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Salisbury, 25 October, 35 Edward III. Chesyngbury. A messuage, 3 carucates of land, 12a. meadow and 205. rent, held of Humphrey de Bohun, son and heir of William de Bohun, late earl Northampton, a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service. Each of the carucates contains 80a. There is also common of pasture for 6 horses, 20 oxen and 400 sheep, and pleas &c. of covat worth 12d. yearly. Enford and Lytlekote. A messuage, 80a. land, 8a. meadow and 10*. rent, held of the prior of St. Swithun, Winchester, by service of 6s. 8d. yearly. There is also common of pasture for 2 horses, 10 oxen and 200 sheep. Elcombe. A messuage, 140a. arable and 7a. meadow, held of the heir of John Lovel, knight, a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service. There is also common of pasture for 4 horses, 12 oxen and 200 sheep. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Thursday before Michaelmas last. Avice his daughter, aged 10 years and more, is his heir. SoTJTHAMPTON. Inq. made at Winchester, 26 October, 35 Edward III. La Polde in the New Forest. 50a. arable, 50a. pasture, 20a. meadow and 10a. moor and woodland, held of the king in chief by knight's service and charged with payment of 2s. Id. yearly to the king by the hands of the keeper of the New Forest at the manor of Lindhurste. Forde. A messuage, a watermill, 30a. arable, 5a. meadow and 30a. heath, held of the heirs of Thomas Langele by knight's service and by rendering 6d. yearly ; 10a. land and 30a. heath, held of John Hameys by service of a rose yearly ; and 195. 9d. rent, held of William de Bruyn by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 156. (22.) E. Inq. P.M. File 17, (9.) 25. Thomas Bblne, or de Bbllene, of Kyngesnorton. Writ, 10 November, 35 Edward III. WoBCBSTEB. Inq. taken at Alvechirch, 10 January, 35 Edward III. EbWARI) Hi. It Kyngesnorton. Lands and tenements called ' Blakegreve ' (extent given), held of the king in chief by socage, rendering 22s. yearly at the Exchequer ; and 2 messuages, 12a. land, 2a. meadow, and 85. lOd. rent, held of Wilham, bishop of Winchester, Ralph Spygornel, knight, John de Bisshopesdon and John Gour by service of lOs. yearly and suit to their court of Lekhey twice a year. Alvechurch. 4a. land, held of the bishop of Worcester by service of rendering 40d. yearly. Bellene Brokton. 8s. yearly rent, held of Robert de Bellene by service of rendering a pair of gloves yearly at Easter. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Tuesday after SS. Simon and Jude last. William his son, aged 12 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 156. (23.) E. Inq. P.M. File 19. (3.) 26, Matthew Besils. Writ to the escheator in co. Wilts, 5 February, 35 Edward III. Devon. Ivq. taken at Kyngisbrigge, Thursday before St. Gregory, 35 Edward He died on Thursday after the Purification last.* Alvyngton. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief in free socage. The rents of free tenants in the manor are 34s. yearly, and of tenants in bondage 8Z. 25. 2|d., whereof 36s. yearly are due to Thomas de Courtenay for his share of the manor of Dupeford on account of the release of the tithingmen of the said Matthew from the attendances and services of presentment whereof the lords of Dupeford were formerly seised. Peter de Besils, his son, aged 14 years and more, is his heir. Wilts. Inq. made at Marlebergh, 13 February, 35 Edward III. WodhuU. The manor (extent given, including a yearly rent of 5s. paid by the prioress of Ambresbury for a tithe there), held of the king in chief by service of four barbed arrows at the Exchequer at Easter. He held no other lands &c. in the coimty. He died on Sunday before the Purification last. Peter his son, aged 16 years, is his heir. G. Edw. III. File 156. (24.) E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 127. (Devon.) 27. William de Blbsbby. Writ, 16 January, 35 Edward III. Lincoln. Inq. taken at Lincoln, Monday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 35 Edward III. Caylesthorp. A messuage and 2 carucates of land, held of the king in chief by knight's service, which were charged with 30s. yearly for the * The Exchequer enrolment gives Monday after the Annunciation as the date of death. 2— (7) 18 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. dower of the lady Elizabeth, late the wife of Peter Rabayn, before Thomas de Bleseby, father of the deceased, acquired them. Walesby. 23s. rent, held jointly with Katharine his wife, to them and their heirs and assigns, of the abbot of Louth Park (de Parco Lvde) by knight's service. Bleseby. He held no other lands &c. in the county, because long before his death he ahenated to Thomas, vicar of the church of Leggesby, Thomas Wace and Thomas de Croxby, chaplain, all his lands &c. in Bleseby. These are held of the abbot of Louth Park and the prior of SixiU by knight's service. He died on Wednesday after the Circumcision, 35 Edward III. William, son of John de Touthorp and Joan his wife, daughter of the deceased, aged 6 years on Friday after the Purification, 35 Edward III, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 156. (25.) 28. Joan late the wife of William de Bokelond. Writ, Wyndesore, 26 September, 36 Edward III. Gloucestek. Iviq. taken at Gloucester, Friday after Michaelmas, 35 Edward III. Pychenecombe. A messuage, a carucate of land and 225. rent, held of the king in chief by service of 55. yearly at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff. Harsecombe. A six-acre parcel of land, held of Giles de Avenebury in chief by service of a clove yearly. Wyke. A parcel of arable, held of the lord of Payneswyk by service of I4d. yearly. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on 10 September, 35 Edward III. John de WoKurton, son of Ahce her daughter and heir, aged 3 years on 2 August last, is her heir. C. Edw. III. File 156. (26.) 29. Thomas Bakwell. Writ, 3 October, 35 Edward III. Kent. Inq. taken at Le Lee, 16 October, 35 Edward III. Modyngham and Chesulhurst. Tenements worth 20s. 4d. yearly, held by the deceased and Katharine his first wife, to them and the heirs of their bodies, of the king in gavelkind, as of the manor of Eltham, by service of rendering 14s. ll|d. yearly and doing suit to the king's court of Eltham every three weeks. Leuesham. The manor of Shrofholt, including 2l5. 9d. rent of free tenants held jointly as above of the ahen abbot of Gaunt in gavelkind by service of rendering IBs. yearly. Bromley and Shrofholt. Tenements worth Ss. 4d. yearly, held jointly as above of the bishopric of Rochester, now in the hands of the arch- bishop of Canterbury during voidance, in gavelkind by service of EDWARD 111. 19 rendering 2^d. yearly and doing suit to the court of the bishopric held on the bridge of Rochester. Lee. The manor, held jointly as above of Nicholas Burnel in gavelkind by service of rendering a rose yearly at his manor of Wykeham. Bankers. A sixth part of the manor, held jointly as above of the alien abbot of Gaunt in gavelkind by service of rendering 9s. llfd. yearly and doing suit to the court of the abbot's manor of Leuesham every three weeks. Dettelyng. A moiety of the manor, held jointly as above of the arch- bishop of Canterbury in gavelkind, as of his manor in Canterbury, by service of rendering 14s. yeiarly and doing suit to the archbishop's court of Canterbury every three weeks. The said Katharine died on 9 December, 22 Edward III ; and Thomas died at Le Lee on 20 June last. John de BauqueU, aged 16 years, their son, is heir to the foregoing lands &c. Bankers. Five parts of the manor, held by the deceased and Elizabeth, his second wife, to them and the heirs of their bodies, of the alien abbot of Gaunt in gavelkind by service of rendering 46s. 7^d. yearly and doing suit as above. Longesshote and Leuesham. 20a. land, held jointly as above in gavelkind of the master of St. Laurence, London, by service of rendering ll^d. yearly. Litelcroft in Le Lee. 4a. land, held of Joan late the wife of Simon de Lee by service of rendering 6d. yearly. The said EUzabeth died on 2 August in the same year (35 Edward III). William and Robert de Bauquell, aged 10 and 7 years respectively, sons of Robert and Elizabeth, are heirs to the premises held jointly by them. C. Edw. III. File 156. (27.) 30. John Bisshop of Abyndon. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands of the said John. 15 November, 35 Edward III. Berks. Inq. made at Abyndon, 5 January, 35 Edward III. Abyndon. 2 messuages and 2 carucates of land, held of the abbot of Abyndon in socage by service of 46s. 2d. yearly, and by suit to the court of Berton every three weeks and suit to the court of ' portemote ' every fortnight. The carucates contain 140a. arable ; and there are 10a. meadow, a pasture called ' Bisshopeshamme,' pasture for 20 beasts, and 20s. rent of free tenants. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 17 July last. C. Edw. III. File 156. (28.) 31. Elizabeth Bubdeleys, ov de Bubdeleys. Writ, 20 November, 35 Edward III. Cambridge. Inq. taken at Cambridge, 23 November, 35 Edward III. 20 CALEKDAll 01^ INQUISITIONS. Madynglee. A messuage, 100a. land, 4a. pasture and 6a. wood, held of the king as of the honor of Pecche by service of Ub. cummin. Cotenham. 100a. land, 3a. pasture and 20s. rent (apparently included in the above service though not expressly stated to be). She died on 10 September last without heir of her body. Joan her sister, married to John le Fitz Johan, is her heir. C. Edw. III. File 156. (29.) 32. Maud late the wife of John Btjedeleys. Writ, 30 October, 35 Edward III. Norfolk. Inq. [taken at Sculton, 6] * November, 35 Edward III. Scultone. The manor (extent given), held for life by way of dower after the death of John Burdeleys, formerly her husband, of the inheritance of Joan, sister of the said John. The manor is held of the king in chief by service of being the king's lardener at his coronation. She died on 3 August last. The said Joan, wife of John [Fitz Johan],* aged [36 years and more],* is heir of John Burdeleys. C. Edw. III. File 156. (30.) E. Enrolments die. of Inq. No. 132. (18.) 33. John son of Geoffbby atte Marohb, of Bromham. Writ, [12 November, 35 Edward III],t missing. Bedford. Inq. made at Bromham, Thursday, the feast of St. Katharine the Virgin, 35 Edward III. Bromham. A messuage, 29|a. [Ir.] land, la. meadow and 5s. 2Jd. rent came into the king's hand after the death of the said Geoffrey by reason of the minority of the said John, his son and heir, and are still in the king's hand. Of the premises Ja. land is held of Katharine le Botiller, Ir. land is held of Robert Parentyn, and Ir. land of William Passelewe, by knight's service, and the remainder is held of the king in chief by knight's service. He held no other lands in the county. The said John died on Sunday, the feast of the Decollation of St. John the Baptist last. Alice daughter of Stephen atte March, Geoffrey's brother, of fuU age, is his heir. (Cf. Calendar of Pine RoUs, Vol. VII, p. 187.) C. Edw. III. File 156, (31.) 34. Margaret late the wife of John db Bbllo Campo, of Somerset. Writ, 30 November, 35 Edward III. Buckingham. Inq. taken at Wycombe, Thursday after St. Lucy the Virjrin 35 Edward III. ^ ** ' Dourton. A messuage with a carucate of land, held of the earl of Stafford by knight's service, the reversion thereof belonging after her death * The words in brackets are supplied from the Exchequer enrolment t The date is supplied from the enrolment on the Fine KoU. EDWARD III. 21 to the heirs of John de Bello Campo, whose ages the jurors know not. She died on Saturday after All Saints last. Writ, 30 November, 35 Edward III. DOESET. Inq. (indented) taken at Blaneford, 10 December, 35 Edward III. Stormenstere Mareschal. 40a. arable, 20a. several meadow, in common after mowing, and 4Z. rent, held of the king in chief by knight's service. Loseborgh. A fourth part and a half of the hundred, held of the king in chief. Hondredesbergh. An eighth part of the hundred. All the above she held for life in dower by assignment of John de Bello Campo, her late husband, of the inheritance of his heirs, to wit, Cecily, his daughter, and John, son of Eleanor his other daughter. She died on 21 November last. The above named Cecily, aged 30 yoars and more, and John, aged 15 years and more, are her heirs. Writ, 30 November, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Ivq. made at Lutegarshale, 20 December, 35 Edward III. Westkyngton. The manor (extent given), held for hfe in dower by endow- ment of John de Bello Campo, her late husband, of the inheritance of Cecily daughter and one of the heirs of the said John, and of John Merizet, son of Eleanor daughter and other heir of the said John. The manor is held of the king in chief by knight's service. She died on 19 November last. The aforesaid Cecily her daughter, aged 40 years and more, and John Merizet son of Eleanor her daughter, aged 15 years and more, are the heirs of the said John de Bello Campo and Margaret. Somerset. Inq. (indented) taken at Yevele, 7 December, 35 Edward III. Shepton Beauchamp. The manor (extent given, including pasttire in the close called ' Brademede,' a fair (feria mercati) on St. Petroc's day, and a weekly market (forum) on Tuesday), held for life in dower by assign- ment of John de Bello Campo, her late husband, of the inheritance of Cecily his daughter and of John son of Eleanor his other daughter. The manor is held of the king in chief by knight's service. Dondene. The manor (extent given), held for life of the same inheritance of the abbot of Glastonbury by knight's service. Muryfeld. The manor (extent given, including woods called ' Palwode ' and ' Westwode '), held for hfe of John de Mowhaut (?) and Robert de Brideport in chiet by knight's service of the same inheritance. The manor is charged yearly with 255. to the abbot of Athelney, 3s. 4d. to the abbot of Muchelneye, 4d. to of Asshehull, and [Id.] to WiUiam de Brytheye, and llh. cummin to the lord of (?) Gatangr' at the sheriff's toum for Gronnevyles Penne. Brodemersshton. The manor (extent given, partly illegible, but including a watermiU, 150a. arable, and 40a. several meadow), held of the heirs of the earl of Hereford by knight's service in manner aforesaid. She died on 21 November last. Cecily [her daughter] and John son of Eleanor long since deceased, her other daughter, are her heirs. 22 CALENDAR OP INQUISITIONS. Writ, 26 October, 35 Edward III. Kent. Inq. (indented) taken at Strete, 20 January, 35 Edward III. Sellyng by Monks' Horton. A moiety of the manor (extent given), held for life of the inheritance of John de Bello Campo of Somerset, as the jury understand, of the king in chief by knight's service, amount not known, and by service of suit to the king's court called ' Redeleuet ' in Kent every three weeks. She died on 20 October last, as the jury understand. John de Bello Campo of Somerset, lately deceased, was her heir, age not known. She held nothing else in the county. Writ defeodis etc., 30 November, 35 Edward III. SoMEBSET. Extent of knights fees dbc. (Heading and date illegible). She held no knights' fees &c. in demesne as of fee, but only the , following for her life by assignment of John de BeUo Campo her late husband, of the inheritance of Cecily his daughter and John son of Eleanor his other daughter, his heirs. Mochelmershton. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Robert . . . by. Culve, Perers, Herscome, Estynton, Horecome, Styndereston, Hamme, Soundon and Lodewyk. 6^ knights' fees, held by Simon Forneaux. Enemere, Sutton and Ake. 5 knights' fees, held by John Malet. Chauton. One knight's fee, held by John de Chauton. Draycote. One knight's fee of Mortain, held by John de Draycote. Lymington. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by John Boys and John Daubron, and a fourth part of a fee held by Henry Pouwere. Compton. A twentieth part of a knight's fee, held by Peter Vocle. Sutton and Botekeleye. One knight's fee, held by Reynold Huse. Stoke under Hameldon. The advowson of the free chapel. Lymyngton. The advowson of the church. She held no other knights' fees or advowsons in the county. C. Edw. III. File 157. (1.) E. Inq. P.M. File 16. (8.) (Wilts.) 35. John de Bello Campo, or John Beatjchaump, or John de Beaxjchamp of Somerset, knight. Writ, 26 October, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Lutegarshale, 20 December, 35 Edward III. He held nothing in the county. He died on 7 October last. Cecily his sister, aged 40 years and more, and John Merezet, son of Eleanor liis other sister, aged 15 years and more, are his heirs. Writ, 18 October, 35 Edward III. Devon. Extent taken before John Prout, deputy of the escheator Thomas Cheyne, Wednesday before St. Nicholas, 35 Edward III. Hurberton. A moiety of the manor, held of the king in chief for half a knight's fee. Brixham. 11 marks 8s. 4d. rent, held of the king in chief for half a knight's fee, The pleas and perquisites of court are worth 10s, EDWAKD III. 23 Boltebery. A messuage, a carucate of land and 10 marks 5s. 3d. rent of bond tenants. The said manor of Boltebery was held of the king in chief for a fourth part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the bailiwick. He died on Wednesday the feast of St. Michael last, immediately before sunset. Cecily Turbervyll his sister, of fuU age, and John son of John de Meryet, knight, his kinsman, aged 18 years and more, are his heirs. The corresponding Exchequer extent [File 19. (11.)] taken on the same day before the escheator himseK with a slightly different jury, (place not specified), is as follows : — Devon. Herberton. The manor, held as above for a fourth part of a knight's fee. Brixham. As above, except that the perquisites of court are said to be worth half a mark. Boltebury. As above. He died on Monday before St. Luke, 35 Edward III. Cecily Turbere- vyle, and John son of John de Meriet, aged 16 years and more, are Ms heirs. Devon. Inq. taken at Honaton, Monday before Christmas, 35 Edward III. Bryxham. 11 marks 3s. 4d. rent, held of the king in chief by knight's service for half a knight's fee. Perquisites of court there are worth 10s. yearly. Hurb'. 20s. rent, held of the king in chief by service of halt a knight's fee. [Boljtebery. A messuage, a carucate of land, 10 marks 5s. 8d. rent, held of the king in chief by service of half a knight's fee. Sulferton. A capital messuage, a carucate of land, lOl. rent, pleas of court worth half a mark, and the advowson of the church, held of the earl of Devon, service not stated. Southpol. Held by Thomas Courteney, knight, of the deceased for one knight's fee. Moreheys. Held by Alice Wylde of the deceased for a twentieth part of a knight's fee. He had no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Sunday after Michaelmas last. CecUy de Beauchaump, of fuU age, and John son of John Meriet, knight, aged 15 years and more, are his heirs. Writ, 26 October, 35 Edward in. Suffolk. Inq. taken at Ixeworthe, 4 November, 35 Edward III. Litelhawe. The manor (extent given, including a leet ield about the feast of St. [Matthew] the Apostle), held of the king in chief, service not known. Date of death and heir not known at present because he died in a distant country (patria) of which the jurors have no knowledge. Writ, 26 October, 35 Edward III. Middlesex. Inq. (indented) taken at Scheperton (undated). 24 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Scheperton. The manor (extent given, including a weir (gurges) worth nothing because the king has forbidden anything to be taken at it, to wit, the customary Id. called ' Schoutpeny,' and a court held on Friday in Whitsun week), with the advowson of the church, held of the abbot of Westminster by service of rendering 101. yearly. Per- quisites of court are worth nothing because the tenants do not owe suit. He died on 6 October last, as the jurors understand, without heir of himself. Cecily Beauchamp his sister, aged 30 years and more, and John Meriette his kinsman, son of his sister Eleanor, aged 15 years, are his heirs. Littelyngton. Certain tenements worth nothing because there is nobody who will farm them, held of the abbot of Westminster by service of rendering 125. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heirs repeated. Writ, 30 October, 35 Edward III. Gloucester [now Monmouth]. Inq. taken at Munemouth, 14 December, 35 Edward III. Magor. 505. rent, held of the king in chief by homage and fealty. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Wednesday after St. Luke last. Cecily his sister, aged 30 years, is his heir. Writ, 20 December, 35 Edward IH. Berks. Inq. made at Chepynglambourne, 3 January, 35 Edward III. Maydenecote. A messuage, a carucate of land, 2a. meadow, 9a. wood and 50s. rent, held of the coimtess of Penbrouk by service of a fourth part of a knight's fee. The carucate contains 60a. and there is pasture for 160 sheep in common, and pleas &c. of court worth 12d. yearly. He held no other lands in fee in the county. He died on 8 October last. Cecily his sister, aged 40 years, and John Mereyet, son of Eleanor his other sister, aged 15 years and more, are his heirs. Writ, 28 October, 35 Edward III. Cambridge. Inq. taken at Cambridge, Friday after the Conception of the Virgin, 35 Edward III. Dulyngham. A manor (extent given), held of the abbot of St. Valery, service not known. Date of death not known because he died in distant parts. Cecily de Seymor and John son of John Meriot, ages not known, are his heirs. Writ, 20 October, 35 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. (indented) taken at Stoke under Hameldon, Saturday the feast of St. Leonard, 35 Edward III. Stoke under Hamedon. The manor (extent given, including 2 watermills, 3 carucates of land containing 350a. dr., and a custom called ' larder- EDWARD III. 25 selver ' amounting to 12s. payable at Martinmas), held of the king in chief by knight's service. Hacch. The manor (extent given, including 2 watermills, and 2 parks containing in length and breadth 200a. of wood), held of the king in chief by knight's service. Welweton. The manor, with its members Myssomeresnorton and Wyde- combe (extent given but partly torn away), held of the king in chief by knight's service. [Stokelynch.]* Tenements held of John de Mouhoun, as of the manor of [Dunster].* [Shepton Malet. The manor],* held of the abbot of Glaston[bury] . . . He died on 7 October last. [Cecily] his sister, aged 30 years [and John son of Eleanor] his other sister, are his heirs. Dorset. Ivq. {indented) taken at Dorchestre, Wednesday the morrow of All Souls, 35 Edward III. He held no lands &c. in the county. Writ defeodis <&c., 30 November, 35 Edward III. Dorset. Extent (indented) of knights' fees &c., made at Dorchestre, Saturday after St. Hilary, 35 Edward III. Frome Bonevyleston, Waye Hamondvyle and Erome Wynterboume. 3 knights fees, held by John Mautravers. Gatemerston. A fourth part of a knight's fee, held by John de Beauchamp of LiUesdon ; a fourth part of a knight's fee, held by John Brioz and now in the custody of the executors of the deceased by reason of the minority of the heir of the said John Bricz. Wjoiterboume Watecome. An eighth part of a knight's fee, held by Walter Monsters. Waye. One knight's fee, held by John Quyntyn ; one knight's fee, held by John le Heir. WjTiterbourne Germayn. An eighth part of a knight's fee, held by John Faryngdon. Wynterboume Nicholeston. An eighth part of a knight's fee, held by Joan de Benham and Maud her sister. Wynterboume Sejnt Martyn. One knight's fee, held by John Mautravers. Styntesford. One knight's fee, held by John SonneghuH. He held no other knights' fees or advowsons of churches in the county. Somerset. Extent {indented) of knights' fees &c., made at Yevele, Monday after the Circumcision, 35 Edward III. Sooke Denys. Two knights' fees of Mortain, held by Richard de Abber- bury. Craucombe. One knight's fee, held by John de Bokcombe ; one knight's fee and a half, held by the prioress of Stodeleye. Babbecary. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Elizabeth de Erleye. * The words in square brackets are supplied from a summary extent of certain of the deceased's lands which has recently been foiind among the Chancery Miscellanea and is now annexed to the above inquisition, 26 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Pury and Fodyngdon. One knight's fee, held by the same Elizabeth. Socke Deneys. One knight's fee of Mortain, held by John de Berkeley. Shepton Malet. A fifth part of a knight's fee, held by Robert Martyn. La Wode. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by William atte Borghland. Comptony Haweie. One knight's fee, held by Edward de Strodlyng. Corypol, Hescome and Sanforde. A knight's fee and a half, held by Simon de Bradeney. Luttelton and Wohnereston. One knight's fee, held by James de Audele. EmeshuU. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Ralph de Middelney. Stokewode. A twentieth part of a knight's fee, held by John Gray. Lymyngton. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Ralph son of Bernard. Compton. A fifth part of a knight's fee held by John Ivethom ; a third part of a knight's fee held by John Besselys ; a fourth part of a knight's fee held by Richard Baldwyn ; a fifth part of a knight's fee held by Adam Gascon. Dondene. A twentieth part of a knight's fee, held by Robert Walays. Compton and Michil Merschton. A fourth part of a knight's fee, held by Thomas Fraunces. Shepton Beauchamp. The advowson of the church. Hacch Beauchamp. The advowson of the church, Stokelynch Magdaleyn. The advowson of the chapel. Shepton Malet. The advowson of the church. He held no other fees or parts of fees or advowsons of churches in the said county. Precept to the escheator in Somerset to return into Chancery before the quinzaine of Hilary next the inquisitions as to knights' fees and advowsons which he has been ordered to take. 20 December, 35 Edward III. Writ defeodis «fec., 30 November, 35 Edward III. Middlesex. Inq. taken at Stanwell, 14 January, 35 Edward III, The deceased had no knights' fees in the county. Soheperton, The advowson of the church. Writ defeodis <&c., 30 November, 35 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Andevere, Saturday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 35 Edward III. The deceased had no knights' fees or advowsons in the county. Writ defeodis dhc. to the escheator in Devon, 18 December, 35 Edward III. [No separate inquisition, the knights' fees &c. being included iii the inquisition taken on Monday before Christmas, p. 23 above.] C. Edw. III. File 157. (2). E. Inq. P.M. File 19. (11.) (Devon.) 36. John de Boys. Writ, 28 November, 36 Edward III. Essex. Inq. taken at ToUishunte, Friday after St. Nicholas, 35 Edward III, EDWARD III. 27 Bluntishale. The manor in the towns of Wytham and Hatfelde Peverel, held of the king, as of the honor of Peverel, by service of one knight's fee. Tollishonte Treigoos. 285a. arable, of which two parts can be sown yearly, 9a. meadow, 27a. Ir. several pastm-e and 105. 11 jc?. rent of free tenants, held of the king by service of five parts of a knight's fee, but whether in chief or of the honor of Peverel the jm-ors know not. A chief messuage, 102a. arable, 4a. meadow, in common after Michaelmas, 16a. thick wood, 12a. pasture, and the small works of 56 customary tenants, held of John Bonn, knight, as of his manor of Kelleveden, by service of 13s. 6d. yearly. 80o. land, 2a. several pasture, 15a. pasture flooded by salt water, 13s. 5d. rent of free tenants, and 303 small customary works, held of the abbess of Berkyng by knight's service and by rendering 20d. yearly. Tenements held of the abbot of Coggishale by service of 16d. yearly, to wit, 14a. pasture, a view of frankpledge on Tuesday in Whitsun week, and pleas of court worth 18d. 16a. land, held of John Gemoun by service of ^. yearly. Skaynes. Lands and tenements so called, held of the church of St. Paul and other lords by service of il. Langenho. Lands held of Lionel de Bradenham by service of 9s. yearly. Halstede. The manor, held for life by demise of WiUiam de Maldon, to whom the inversion belongs, tenure not specified. Stistede. 13s. 7d. rent, held of the earl of Oxford, service not known. John, his son, aged 17 years and unmarried, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 157. (3.) 37. WiLUAM BoTHJjeB, or Botyleb, of Wemme. Writ, 1 January, 35 Edward DI. Wakwick. Inq. tak:en at Overesleye, Tuesday after St. Hilary, 35 Edward III {mtich stained and partly illegible). Overesley.* The manor, held of the duke of Bavaria and Maud, his wife, by service of one knight's fee. William Botyller, his son, aged 3[2] years and more, is his heir. Leicester. Inq. taken at , Saturday after St. Hilary, 35 Edward III {nmch stained and partly illeg^le). Norwode.* The manor (extent given), held to him and the heirs of his body. He died on Saturday before Christmas last. William BotUler, his son, aged 32 years and more, is his heir. Writ, 1 January, 35 Edward III. Staitobd. Inq. taken at Tyrley, 16 January, 35 Edward III. * An Exchequer abstract {E. Inq. P.M. FUe 18. (18.)) says that he held the manor of Overesleye, to him and the heirs of his body, of the king in chief by knight's service, by gift of WiUiam de Stoke ; and certain lands &c. at Norwode in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight's service. 28 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Tyrley. The manor (extent given, including a park, woods called ' Swynzorde ' and ' Rounhay,' 2 mills and a stew with fishery), held to him and the heirs of his body by grant of WiUiam de Stoke by a fine. The manor is held of the king in chief by service of one knight's fee. Date of death as above ; heir as above, aged 30 years. Saloi'. Inq. taken at Wemme, 16 January, 35 Edward III. Wemme. The manor (extent given, including woods called ' Norwode,' ' Brokhurst ' and ' Shetles,' 2 parks, a stew with fishery, a watermiU, a weekly market on Thursday, and a fair on the feast of SS. Peter and Paul), with the advowson of the church, held to him and the heirs of his body by grant of WilHam de Stoke. The manor is held of the king in chief by service of two parts of a knight's fee. Hynstoke. The manor (extent given, including a wood called • Lokkeleye '), held as above of the king in chief by service of half a knight's fee. Quikeshale. The hamlet, held as above of James de Audeleye by service of a pair of spurs ; and 6s. M. rent of free tenants there. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above. C. Edw. HI. File 157. (4.) E. Inq. P.M. File 18. (18.) (Warwick and Leicester, and Stafford) E. Ewrolmenta die. of Inq, No. 130 (Salop.) 38. Thomas de Bbewosa, or de Bbeotjsa, or de Bbbwbs, knight. Writ, 25 June, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Uphavene, 7 July, 35 Edward III. Manyngford Brewes. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by knight's service in joint feoffment with Beatrice his wife, who survives, by a fine levied at York in the octave of Michaelmas, 1 1 Edward III, between them and Robert de Harperdesford, whereby the said Thomas acknowledged the manor to be Robert's by his gift, and Robert in return granted it to Thomas and Beatrice and the heirs of their bodies. La Frith. A messuage and a carucate of land so called, held in joint feoffment as above of the abbess of Lacok by service of 5s. yearly. The carucate contains 60a., of which half can be sown yearly, and there are 5a. meadow, 4a. wood, and pasture for 2 horses and 6 oxen. He died on Wednesday after St. Barnabas last. John de Brewosa, knight, his son, aged 22 years and more, is his heir. Writ, 25 June, 35 Edward III. Sussex. Inq. taken at Cicestre, 20 September, 35 Edward III. Boseham. Two parts of the manor, held in right of Beatrice his wife, who had the manor for her life by gift of Thomas de Brothertone, earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England. The whole manor is held of the king in chief by service of two knights' fees. The third part EDWARD III. 29 is in the hand of the countess Marshal by way of dower after the death of the earl Marshal her husband. The deceased and Beatrice his wife held the following manors jointly by gift of Robert de Harperdesford to them and the heirs of their bo(Mes by a fine, to wit : — Churseworthe. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of a sixth part of a knight's fee. Segwyke. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of a twentieth part of a knight's fee. Bidelyngtone. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of a tenth part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 9 June, 35 Edward III. Heir as above. Writ, 25 June, 35 Edward III. Surrey. Inq. taken at Guldeford, Saturday before St. Margaret, 35 Edward III. The deceased and Beatrice his wife, who survives, held jointly the following manors by gift of Robert de Harperdesford to them and the heirs of their bodies by a fine, to wit : — Bokhara. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of rendering 4s. yearly by the hands of the sheriff and doing suit to the king's hundred of Effyngham every three weeks. Bromlegh. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of a knight's fee and a half. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 9 June last. Heir as above. Sussex. Inq. taken at Cicestre, 14 July, 35 Edward III. Boseham. The manor, held for life in right of Beatrice his wife, who sm*- vives, of the king in chief by service of two kiughts' fees. The deceased and Beatrice his wife held the following manors jointly by gift of Robert de Harperdeford to them and the heirs of their bodies by a fine, to wit : — Chersworth. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of a sixth part of a knight's fee. Seggewyke. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of a twentieth part of a knight's fee. Bidlyngton. The manor, held of the king in chief by service of a tenth part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 157. (5.) 39. John Boxjhlb, or de Boublb. Writ, 18 November, 35 Edward III. SoxTTHAMPTOiir. Inq. made at Forthyngebrygge, 2 December, 35 Edward III. Bourle in the New Forest. A messuage, a carucate of land and 30s. rent, held of the king in chief in socage by service of paying 30s. yearly at the king's manor of Lyndhurst. 30 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Pylle. Is. rent, held of Richard de Pylle by service of suit to his court there. (Unspecified.) 12a. land and 135. 4d. rent, held of the earl of Salisbury by service of suit to the court of Ryngwod. Crowe. 10a. land and 6s. 8d. rent, held of the earl of Salisbury by service of half a mark yearly ; a messuage and 13a. land, held of Cheyne by service of 12d. and a pound of cummin. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on the morrow of Michaelmas last. Margery and Alice his daughters, aged respectively 40 years and more and 30 years and more, are his heirs. AHce is married to Henry Olde. 0. Edw. III. File 157. (6.) 40. Joan de Blithe, Writ to the mayor of London to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Joan. Wyndesore, 12 June, 36 Edward III. Endorsed by the mayor that he has taken the premises specified in the annexed inquisition into the king's hand for safe keeping until further order. London. Inq. 14 June, 35 Edward III. She died on Monday in the quinzaine of Easter, 35 Edward III, seised of :— Parish of St. Michael in the ward of Queenhithe {ripa regim). Three messuages with an adjacent quay worth 251. 2a. 2\d. yearly, subject to yearly payments of 2^d.iox socage and 2s. to a chaplain celebrating in the said church. The premises are held of the king in free burgage, as is the whole city. She has no heirs and had no other lands &c. in the city or suburbs, so far as the jurors can ascertain. C. Edw. III. File 157. (7.) 41. Idonea late the wife of Simon de Bbnyngton, Writ, 18 November, 35 Edward III. Subrey. Inq. (indented) taken at Southwerk, 30 November, 35 Edward III. Southwerk. A messuage formerly held on lease for a term of years by WiUiam de Overton, deceased, held of the prior of St. Mary's, South- werk, by service of 5 marks yearly. A shop held on lease by WiUiam Chaundeler, held of the same prior, service not known. Two shops, held of the earl of Anmdel, service not known. They are worth 12s. and are let on lease for that sum to WiUiam Chaundeler. Two shops opposite the last, held of the earl of Arundel, service not known. They stand empty and unoccupied because they are in ruins and without roofs and no one wiU rent them or give anything for them. A shop and garden, held of the archbishop of Canterbury by service of a rose yearly at Midsummer. The shop is in ruins and vacant for EDWARD III. 31 want of a tenant, and the garden stands enclosed {inclus' sic) and is worth nothing because no one will rent it for that reason. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on 11 August, 35 Edward III. John de Abyngdon, her son, aged 18 years and more, is her heir. Middlesex. Inq. {indented) taken at Totenham, 17 December, 35 Edward III. Totenham. A moiety of a third part of a third part of the manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, as of the honor of Huntingdon, which is in the king's hand, by service of an eighteenth part of a knight's fee and by royal charter. Totenham. A capital messuage, a dovecot, 180a. arable, 37a. meadow, 20a. several pasture, 20a. wood, 40s. rent of free tenants and six bondmen, and pleas &c. of coiurt worth nothing, held of the heir of the earl of Pembroke, a minor in the king's wardship, by service of rendering 24s. yearly and doing suit of court every three weeks. Edelmeton. 8a. land, held of the lord de Say by service of 8s. yearly. She held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 157. (8.) 42. EtITEMIA DE LA BeCHE. Writ, 6 July, 35 Edward III. Essex. Ivq. taken at Raurethe, Tuesday after the Nativity of the Virgin, 35 Edward III. Raureth. A messuage, 140a. land, 4a. meadow, 40a. wood and . . . rent, held of Henry de Coggeshale, WiUiam Doreward, Roger Hende- man, Hugh de Peyton and Richard by service of render- ing 12s. 6d. yearly. Eamham. Lands &c. called ' WaJkefares,' held for hfe of the earl of Hereford and Essex of the inheritance of Richard Walkefare, knight. She died on Sunday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr last. Elizabeth her daughter, married to Roger de Ehnerugge, aged 30 years and more, is her heir. Hertford. Ivq. taken at Sauecomp, Tuesday after St. James the Apostle, 35 Edward III. Sauecomp. The manor (extent given, including a leet on Friday in Whit- sun week), with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by service of one knight's fee. Stavmdon. A messuage and 50a. land, held in parcels of Lionel earl of Ulster and John atte Lee, services not known. Date of death and heir as above. Suffolk. Ivq* taken at Fakenham Aspis, Wednesday the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin, 35 Edward III. * Among the Exchequer Enrolments of Inquisitions (No. 125) is an inquisition taken at Fakenhamaspys on 28 July, 35 Edward III, by the oath of a different panel of jurors. It is to the same efiect as the above, but differs in the details of the extent of the manor. 32 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Fakenham Aspis. A moiety of the manor (extent given, including a fishery, a moiety of a watermill, and a leet on the feast of St. Peter's Chains), held of the king in chief by service of paying 9d. at the end of every twenty weeks to the king's castle of Norwich. She died on Sunday after SS. Peter and Paul last. Heir Ehzabeth as above, aged 36 years and more. O. Edw. III. File 157. (9.) 43. John db Bibbswobth. Writ, 15 July, 35 Edward III. Hertford. Inq. taken at Saueoompe, 20 July, 35 Edward III. He held nothing of the king in chief. Bibesworth in Kympton. The manor, held for life, with remainder to Hugh his son and Avice, Hugh's wife, by a fine levied in the king's court. The manor is held of Maurice Fitz Niohole and Elizabeth his wife, as of the manor of Peryton, by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. He died on Wednesday before St. George last. Hugh his son, aged 26 years and more, is his heir. Essex. Inq. taken at Branketre, 12 December, 35 Edward III. He held nothing of the king in chief. Salyngg. The manor, held of the lord de Say by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. Latton. A moiety of the manor, held of the earl of Hertford, service not known. Southous. The manor, held of the same earl by service of 6s. 8d. yearly. Sprynggefeld. \2d. rent, with the advowson of the church, held of the same earl, service not known. AU held for life by gift of Thomas de Sakevyll and John de Leghton by a fine, with remainder to Hugh his son and Avice, Hugh's wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Hugh survives. Date of death and heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 157. (10.) 44. Gilbert db Berewyk. Writ, 8 November, 35 Edward III. (Inquisition torn away. A fragment remains, sufficient, with the entry in the foho Calendar, to identify it as the original of the Exchequer inquisition calendared below.) C. Edw. III. File 157. (11.) Wilts. Ivq. made at Salisbury, 13 November, 35 Edward III. Wynter Newee {sic).* The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by grand serjeanty, to wit, by making wine called Clar' for the king's coming to Clarendon, when warned, at the king's costs, * Correctly given as Wyatereslawe in the folio Calendar. EbWARi) Hi. 33 and serving the king therewith from the cup on his coming. He held the same in fee tail by gift of William de Worston and Roger de Wodeweye, chaplain. Berwyk. The manor, held of the abbot of Stangle by service of 65. 8d. yearly. Worston. The manor, held of the prior of Nywent by service of 65. 8d. Monketon. A messuage and 2 carucates of land, held of the abbot of Glastonbury by service of 12d. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 2 November last. Agnes his daughter, aged 40 years, married to John de la Roche, and Nicholas, son of Joan his other daughter, aged 4 years and more, are his heirs. E. Inq. P.M. File 16. (15.) 45. Hawise datjghter of Robert Corbet. Writ, 12 October, 35 Edward III. Staeeord. Irtq. taken at Kyngesbromleye, 21 November, 35 Edward III. Kyngesbromley. The manor (extent given, including a fishery), held of the king in chief by service of 4Z. yearly payable at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on 15 October last. Robert Corbet of Haddeleye, aged 30 years and more, is her heir. C. Edw. in. File 157. (12.) E. Inq. P.M. File 18. (21.) 46. Maud late the wiee oe Roger Cyerewast, Writ, Wyndesore, 26 September, 35 Edward III. Berks. Inq. made at Wyndesore, 15 October, 35 Edward III. Cliwar. Two watermiOs, held for life by demise of the said Roger of the inheritance of John, Roger's son and heir. They were held of the said Roger by service of a rose yearly at Midsummer. She died on 21 June last. John, son of the said Maud and Roger, aged 22 years and more, is their heir. C. Edw. III. File 157. (13.) 47. John de Calvbrlbye. Writ, 6 December, 35 Edward III. Norfolk. Inq. taken at Bergh, 18 December, 35 Edward III. Calverleye. The manor (extent given), held of the bishop of Ely by service of a moiety of a knight's fee, as of the manor of Schipedham. He also held 50a. of pasture and wood and two mills without mill- stones in the said manor of John Bardolf by service of 2s. 5d. yearly and suit to the court of Quynbrghe every three weeks and suit to the hundred of Mdford. He held no other lands &c. in the county. 3— (7) 34 CALENDAii Oi^ INQUISITIONS. He died on Friday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist last. Annora his sister, aged 30 years and more, married to John Coruner, and John, son of Ela his other sister, aged 30 weeks, are his heirs. C. Edw. III. File 167. (14.) E. Enrolments dkc. of Inq. No. 132. (17.) Writ to the escheator to make a partition of the premises held of the bishopric of Ely, which is now in the king's hand, into two parts, and to deliver seisin to John Coroner and Annora of her pourparty thereof, retaining in the king's hand the pourparty of John son of Ela ; and not to intermeddle further with the premises held of John Bardolf. 16 January, 35 Edward III. E. Inq. P.M. File 17. (22.) 48. Thomas Cam, or de Caby, knight. Writ, 15 March, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Werm', 14 June, 35 Edward III. Selwode forest. The office of forester {ballivam foreste), held of the king in chief by service of providing a man to keep the forest and paying to the king 135. 4:d. yearly by the hands of the sheriff for the issues and profits of the forest. Hulle Deverel. A messuage, a toft, 3 carucates of land, 6a. meadow and 100s. rent, held jointly with Emma his wife, to whom he demised them for life before marriage, and who survives. They are held of Sir John Mautravers, knight, by knight's service. Each carucate contains 80a., and 100a. can be sown yearly, and there is pasture for 6 horses, 12 oxen and 300 sheep, and &l. rent of free tenants, and pleas &c. of court worth 2s. He died on 23 February last. Alice, his daughter, aged 1 year and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 167. (15.) 49. Richard atte Coueold, Writ, Beauheu, 12 September, 35 Edward III. SotTTHAMPTON. Inq. made at Basyngestok, 25 September, 35 Edward III. Rutherwyk. A messuage, a carucate of land, 8a. wood and 12a. rent, of which the messuage, 87a. arable, 8o. wood and 6«. rent are held of the king in chief by service of rendering 20s. yearly at Windsor Castle, and 30a. land and 6s. rent are of the king's ancient demesne of Odyham and are held of the lord of GreyweU by rendering to him 3s. 4d. yearly and by suit of court, A messuage, 10a. arable and la. meadow of the same ancient demesne, held of Richard Harpour by rendering yearly 2s. 3d. Wynteneye Herteleye. 20a. land and Jo. meadow of the king's ancient demesne, held of the prioress of Wynteneye by service of 7s. yearly. Mattyngle. 4a. meadow, held of the prior of Merton, service not known. They are at common law and not of ancient demesne. EDWARD Ili. 36 Mighale. la. meadow, held of Richard de Bere by rendering I2d. yearly. It is of the king's ancient demesne. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 1 August last. His daughters Edith, aged 24 years and more, married to Nicholas de Ichene, Margery, aged 21 years and more, married to William Grygory, and Isabel, aged 17 years and more, are his heirs. C. Edw. III. File 157. (16.) E. Enrolments dkc. of Inq. No. 124. (2.) 50. Roger de Coloigne, or de Coloyngne. Writ, 22 November, 35 Edward III. Kent. Inq. (indented) taken at Adyngton, 8 December, 35 Edward III. Adyngton. The manor (extent given), held of the heir of Roger de Mortuo Mari, earl of March, a minor in the king's wardship, as of the manor of Swannescompe, by service of a third part of a knight's fee and by rendering 36s. yearly at that manor and making two appear- ances (adventus), at Easter and Michaelmas. Combe. Tenements worth 10«. yearly, held of John de Moubray, the younger, by service of rendering yearly at his manor of Ryersche 44s. lOd. and 4 plough-shares, and by doing suit to the court of the same manor every three weeks. Berstede. Tenements worth 135. id. yearly, held of the archbishop of Canterbury, as of his manor of Wrotham, by service of rendering 66s. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 15 July last. WiUiam de Coloyngne his son, aged 24 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 157. (17.) 51. William de Colwyk, or de Colewyk. Writ, 26 November, 35 Edward III. Nottingham. Inq. taken at Notyngham, 10 January, 35 Edward III. Colewyk. The manor (extent given, including a waternull, a fishery, and cheminage), with the advowson of the church, held jointly with Joan his wife, who survives, to them and the heirs of their bodies, by feoffment of William, parson of the church of Colewyk, and Stephen de la More. He held the manor of the king in chief, as of the honor of Peverel, by service of providing twelve arrow-heads at the king's coming to Notyngham once yearly. Ayleston. A messuage with curtilage, and half a virgate of land, held jointly as above, by feoffment as above, of William de Thorp by fealty. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Saturday after St. Luke last. Thomas, his son by the said Joan, aged 2 years at the feast of St. Gregory next, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 157. (18.) 36 CALENt)AK OF INQUISITIONS. 52. John de Coggbshale, knight. Writ, 26 June, 35 Edward III. Suffolk. Inq. taken at Stutton, Monday after St. James, 35 Edward III. Stutton. The manor, held of Robert de UfEord, earl of Suffolk, by- service of suit to the earl's court at Caldewell every three weeks. This manor the deceased long before his death gave by his charter indented to Henry, parson of the church of Stutton, to hold for life and for a year after his death, rendering to the deceased and his heirs 5 marks of silver yearly. He died on 4 June. Henry de Coggeshale his son, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. Essex. Inq. taken at Branketre, Wednesday the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 35 Edward III. Benflete. The manor, of which 8a. are held of the king, as of the honor of Boulogne, by knight's service, and the residue of the abbot of Westminster, service not known. Codham. The manor, held of the lady Alesia de Nevyll, as of the manor of Wetherisfeld, by knight's service. Coggeshale. The manor, held of the abbot of Westminster and the abbot of Coggeshale, services not known. Sharnhafl. The manor, with the advowson of the chapel, held of John de Northwode by service of 95. yearly. HakeweU. The manor, with the advowsons of the towns of Hakewell and Benflet, the advowson of the ohiirch of Aysshenden, and a pasture in Feryngg, held of the king, as of the honor of Reileye, service not known. Alisford. A messuage, 150a. land, 4a. meadow, 52a. pasture, 240a. wood and 165. 8d. rent, held of the king, as of the honor of Boulogne, by service of 45. yearly. Eratyngg and Thoriton. A messuage, 80a. land, 10a. wood and 10a. pasture, held of the countess of Oxford, service not known. Pagesham. The manor, held of Warin Trussel by service of 2 marks yearly. Roghirde. The manor, held of the prior of Leghes, service not known. Bokkyngg. 10a. land, 4a. meadow, 5a. pasture and 80a. wood, held of the prior of Canterbury, service not known. Feryngg. 80a. land, held of the abbot of Westminster, service not known. Date of death as above. Heir as above, aged 26 years and more. C. Edw. III. File 157. (19.) 53. John de Cogenho. Writ, 12 October, 35 Edward III. Northampton. Inq. (indented) made at Northampton, Saturday after St. Luke, 35 Edward III. Cogenho. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held of the earl of Pembroke, a minor in the king's wardship, of the EDWARD III. 37 fee of Hasting, by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. The extent includes 40a. land in demesne and 59s. 6d. rent of villeins, together with the reversion of a manor in Haroudon and a carucate of land and 31. rent there, held of Fulk de Birmyncham, as of the fee of Haversham, by service of a moiety of a knight's fee, a mowing custom by 8 viUeins in autumn called ' Lovebon,' and a custom of work at the same time called ' le Bene.' He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Saturday the feast of St. Denis last. William de Cogenho his son, aged 25 years and more at Easter last, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 157. (20.) {No lorit.) NoETHAMPTOiir. Inq. taken at Coten by Northampton, Saturday after St. Luke, 35 Edward III. (by a different jury). Cogenho. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held as above ; and 40a. land of the demesne and 595. 6d. rent of villeins, held of Fulk de Byrmingham, as of the fee of Haversham, by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. He died on 10 October last. Heir as above. E. Inq. P.M. File 18. (4.) 54. JOAJSr LATE THE WIFE OF JOHN ClAVERLE. Writ, 18 November, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Salisbury, 21 February, 36 Edward III. Wodeborgh. A toft, 50a. arable and 7a. meadow, held for life in joint feoffment with John her late husband, of his inheritance, of the king in chief by service of a tenth part of a knight's fee. She died on 10 October last. All the premises ought to remain to the king and his heirs as an escheat, because the aforesaid John Claverle was a bastard and has no legitimate issue. C. Edw. III. File 157. (21.) E. Inq. P.M. File 20. (1.) 55. William de Creppyng. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said WiUiam, and who has' been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 20 March, 35 Edward III. York. Inq. taken at York, 14 April, 35 Edward III. •Burton in Lonesdale. 160a. land and 40a. poor meadow, held to him and the heirs of his body of the king in chief by homage and service of a sixteenth part of a knight's fee. He died on 8 Jime, 29 Edward III, and from the time of his death until the Invention of the Holy (ioss, 30 Edward III, on which day they were demised by John his son and heir to Sir Ohver de Dynley, the premises were worth nothing because they could not be let nor could anything be levied from them for lack of tenants and on account of their poor quahty. From the aforesaid feast until 38 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. 26 March, 33 Edward III, when they were taken into the king's hand by the esoheator by reason of a trespass committed by Roger de Moubray, who held them in chief, in alienating them in fee to John de Creppyng, deceased, in the time of king Edward, the king's grandfather, without the king's hcence, the aforesaid John son of William was in possession and received the issues as his father's heir. The premises are stiU in the king's hand in the custody of the escheator by reason of the aforesaid trespass. Hoton. A messuage and 5 bovates of poor land, each containing 5a., held in tail, as above, of Miles de Stapelton of Hathelsey, knight, by knight's service. Since his father's death the aforesaid John has had entry and received the issues as the heir in tail. The said William held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 8 June, 29 Edward III. John de Creppyng his son, aged 34 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 157. (22.) E. Enrolments die. of Inq. No. 133. (3.) 56. Edmttnd Croupes, or de Cbotjpbs. Writ, 30 October, 35 Edward III. Gloitoestbr. Inq. taken at Whitynton, Monday before St. Martin, 35 Edward III. Whytinton. The manor (extent given, including two several pastures called ' Wikham ' and ' Combe '), held of the king in chief by knight's service. Doudeswell. A messuage, held of Richard Chastiloun, lord of Doudeswell, service not specified, and 2a. land there. Brokhampton. A messuage and 6a. land, held of the bishopric of Here- ford, service not specified. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Friday before Michaelmas, 35 Edward III. Alice his sister, aged 30 years and more, married to Thomas Baskerville, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 157. (23.) 57. LtrCY LATE THE WIFE OF ROBERT CrAUNFORD. Writ, Beauheu, 20 August, 35 Edward III. Oxford. Inq. made at Oxford, 9 September, 35 Edward III. NyTFenton. Two parts of a messuage, a watermill, 2 carucates of'land, 5a. meadow and a rent of lOl. 5s. Id. and a quarter of mesUn (extents given), held in fee tail jointly with the said Robert by the king's hcence. The third part is held in dower by Joan Kjrmbell, formerly wife of Robert Craunford father of the deceased's late husband, who survives. The whole premises are held as follows, to wit, a moiety of the king in chief by knight's service, as of the honor of Dover, by paying 10s. every 24 weeks for the guard of Dover castle, and the other moiety of the lady Isabel, the king's eldest daughter, by knight's EDWARD III. 39 service, as of the fee of Aumale. The reversion of the whole belongs to Richard, son and heir of the said Robert and Lucy, who survives. She died on Thursday after St. Peter's Chains last. The aforesaid Richard, aged 22 years and more, is the heir. C. Edw. III. File 157. (24.) E. Inq. P.M. File 16. (2.) 58. Thomas de la Pole, w atte Pole, knight. Writ, 14 November, 35 Edward III. Buckingham. Inq. taken at Mersh, Friday after the Conception of the Virgin, 35 Edward III. Mersh. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief for a fourth part of a knight's fee ; and two virgates of land, with meadow thereto belonging, and 13s. id. yearly rents of bondmen, held of Sir John Buttourt, lord of Newport Paynel, service not known. He died on 24 October, 35 Edward III. Michael de la Pole his brother, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. Writ, 14 November, 35 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. (indented) taken at Yvele, Saturday after St. Andrew, 35 Edward III. Northton by Stoke under Hamedon. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of a seventh part of a knight's fee, together with the advowson of the church. Date of death and heir as above. Writ, 14 November, 35 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Andevere, 30 November, 35 Edward III. Ramryge. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by service of a fifth part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above. Wilts. Inq. made at Salisbury, 1 December, 35 Edward III. Konk. A messuage,"" 60o. arable, 4a. meadow, pasture in common for 2 horses and 4 oxen, pasture for 150 sheep, a free tenant rendering 10s. Id. yearly, 14 bondman virgaters, each worth 10s. yearly in rents and services, 2 haJf- virgaters, each worth 5s. yearly in rents and services, and pleas &c. of court worth 12d. ; held of the king in chief by service of a sixth part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above. 0. Edw. III. File 157. (25.) E. Inq. P.M. File 16. (11.) (Wilts.) E. Inq. P.M. File 17. (18.) (Hants.) * In the Exchequer copy the messuage is galled a manor. 40 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. BuciaNGHAM. Inq. taken at Bukyngham, Saturday before St. Margaret, 36 Edward III. Le Merssh. A manor (extent given), held of the king in chief (service not specified) ; and 2 virgates of land, held of Sir [John] Boutetourd by suit of court. He died on 20 December, 35 Edward III. Katharine his daughter, aged one month, was his heir and in the king's wardship from the said 20 December until 22 July following, when she died and the manor was delivered to Michael atte Pole, her kinsman and heir. E. Inq. P.M. File 21. (8.) 59. Reynold de Cobham, or db Cobbham, knight. Writ, 6 November, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Aumbr', 29 November, 35 Edward III. Langele Burel. The manor (extent given), held of the earl of Salisbury, by service of 2 knights' fees, in joint feoffment with Joan his wife, who survives, by a fine levied at Westminster in Michaelmas term, 17 Edward III, before John de Stonore and his fellows, justices (and afterwards a concord was made in Hilary term, 18 Edward III, before the same justices), between John de la Mare of Langelegh Burel, knight, querent, and Thomas son of Maurice de Berkele, knight, deforciant, concerning the same manor and its appurtenances, except the advowson of the church, whereby the said John acknowledged the manor to be the right of the said Thomas, who in return granted it to the said John for life, to hold of the said Thomas and Ms heirs by service of a rose at Midsummer and by doing for the said Thomas and his heirs the services due to the lords of the fee, with remainder to the deceased and Joan his wife, and the heirs of the body of the deceased. Lye. The manor (extent given), held of Thomas de Hoo, knight, by service of half a knight's fee, in joint feoffment with Joan his wife, by grant of John Mohaut and Joan his wife by a fine levied at Westminster in Easter term, 27 Edward III, before John de Stonore and his fellows, justices. He died on Tuesday after Michaelmas last. Reynold his son, aged 13 years and more, is his heir. Writ, 12 October, 35 Edward III. Sussex. Inq. taken at Grensted, 11 November, 35 Edward III. Northeye. The manor, with the advowson of the chapel, and a wood called ' Ybrok ' with its ground (fuvdo), within the limits of the Cinque Port of Hastyng', held jointly with Joan his wife, who survives, by gift of Richard Smelt, citizen and fishmonger of London, and Margery his wife, to the said Reynold and Joan and the heirs and assigns of Reynold, by a charter of feoffment to which is attached the seal of the Cinque Port of Hastyng'. The premises are held of WiUiam de Ychyngham, knight, by service of rendering 20s. yearly to him and 155. yearly to the men of Hastyng'. The premises are EDWARD III. 41 within the bounds of the Cinque Ports and are taxable to the men of Hastyng' as parcel of the Cinque Ports. Estgrensted. 60a. land, held jointly as above by gift of Walter atte More of Lingefeld and Denise, his wife, to the said Reynold and Joan and the heirs of Reynold, by a fine levied before John de Stonore, Roger Hillary and other justices in 18 Edward III. The premises are held of Roger de Leukenore, knight, by service of rendering 6*. 8d. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 5 October last. Reynold his son, aged 13 years at Whitsun last, is his heir. Surrey. Inq. taken at Southwerk, 4 November, 35 Edward III. Ockested. The manor, held jointly with Joan his wife, who survives, by gift of Roger, parson of the church of Okested, and Peter de Estcote, by a fine levied in the king's court. It is held of the king, as of the honor of Boulogne, by service of one knight's fee. Prinkeham in Lynggefeld. The manor, held jointly as above by gift of Thomas Eitljoig to the said Reynold and Joan and the heirs of their bodies by a fine. It is held of the abbot of Battle by service of rendering 205. yearly and doing suit to his court of Lymmesfeld every three weeks. Stonhurst and Estgrensted. 3 messuages, 3 carucates of land and 100a. wood, held jointly as above by gift of Thomas Fytlyng by the same fine. The premises are held of the abbot of Battle by service of rendering 13s. 4d. yearly. Ljmgfeld. A messuage, a toft, 2 mills, 308a. land, 29a. 3r. meadow, 14a. wood and rents of 13s. lOd. and a pound of cummin, held jointly as above by gift of John de Colchestre and Alesia, his wife, by a fine levied in the king's court. The premises are held of the abbot of La Hide by service of rendering 28s. 8d. yearly. Southwerk. A messuage by St. Mary's church, held jointly as above by gift of John de Einchingfeld to the said Reynold and Joan and their heirs by a charter of feoffment. It is held of the prior of St. Mary's church by service of rendering 5s. yearly. Blecchynglegh. 26s. [8d.] rent, held jointly as above, to the said Reynold and Joan and the heirs of Reynold, by gift of Giles atte Ware. It is held of Ralph earl of Stafford, service not known. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as last above. Kent. Inq. (indented) taken at Canterbury, 22 November, 35 Edward III. Westcleve. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by the king's gift, as the jurors imderstand ; service not known, because the king's charter thereof has not so far been shewn. Elmelee in the Isle of Schepeye. A chief messuage and 80a. salt marsh, often flooded by the sea and the Medewey, held of Roger de Northwode by service of rendering 40s. yearly. Estshelve Birdefeld. The manor, held jointly as above by gift of Thomas Fitelyng to the said Reynold and Joan and the heirs of Reynold by a 42 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. charter of feoffment and a fine. The said manor of Cobehamschelve Bourdefeld is held of the king in chief, as of the castle of Dover, which is in the king's hand, by service of rendering for ward of the said castle 3s. 9d. every 20 weeks, rendering yearly at the manor of Newenham a sparrowhawk and 2s., and rendering yearly to the abbot of Feveresham 20s. in equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas and 6d. at St. Peter's Chains for sheriff's aid {exilium). Westwell. Tenements called ' WestweU ' in Westwell, held jointly as above by gift of Thomas Fitelyng to the said Reynold and Joan and the heirs of Reynold by a charter of feoffment. The premises are held of Thomas Daldon, knight, by service of doing suit to his court of Bokton every three weeks. Date of death and heir as last above. Kent. Inq. taken at Rochester, 19 November, 35 Edward III. Buggessell. Tenements so called (extent given) in ChevenjTig, Sevenhok, Chydyngston and Hevere, held of the archbishop of Canterbury by service of rendering yearly 12d. to the archbishop, 14|d. to Ralph de Frenyngham, lis. to Thomas Moraunt, knight, and his parceners, 4d. to John Herry, lOd. to Thomas Ketelak, and 21^rf. to Maurice Knyght. Sevenhok. Tenements called Denhull (extent given), held of Elizabeth de Kyrkeby, as of her manor of Horton, by service of a moiety of a knight's fee and by rendering 2s. yearly at the said manor of Horton and doing suit to the court there every three weeks. He held no other lands in demesne or service in the lathes of Sutton and Eylesford. Date of death and heir as last above. Horkesdenn. The manor, held in joint feoffment by Reynold and Joan his wife, who survives, by gift of Thomas Fitlyng to them and the heirs of Reynold by a fine. It is held of the lord la Souche, as of his manor of Eynesford, by service of a moiety of a knight's fee and by rendering yearly 28s. to the said lord, 8s. to the archbishop of Canter- bury, 40s. 2d. to John Kyriel, 6s. 8d. to John Pojtis, and 6s. to the lady of Brockehull at the manor of Foucourt. Chydyngston. The manor, held in joint feoffment, by gift as above, of the archbishop of Canterbury in gavelkind by service of rendering to him 5s. yearly and to Ralph de Frenyngham . . . (there appears to be an omission here in the original). Aldyngton by Maydenston. The manor, held jointly, by gift as above, of the king as of the castle of Rochester, which is in his hand, by service of rendering for guard of the same 30s. yearly. Neugare, Bourdfeld, Coulyngge, Cleve, Stoke, Hoo, Bromhey, Frendes- biury, Woldham, Haloustowe, Newhithe and Haudlo. Two messuages, 40a. land, 20a. meadow, 400a. marsh and 100s. rent, held jointly, by gift as above, of Sir John de Cobeham, knight, by service of rendering 30s. yearly. Holtesbury. The manor with the advowson of the church of Lullyngstan, EDWARD III. 43 held jointly as above by gift of Simon de Echingham and Alice his wife to the said Reynold and Joan and the heirs of Reynold, by a fine in the king's court. The manor is held of the prior of Ledes by service of doing one suit to his court at Ledes at Michaelmas. Broklond. The manor, held jointly as above by gift of Margaret late the wife of Stephen de Asshewy, daughter and one of the heirs of John Held, to the said Reynold and Joan and the heirs of Reynold by a fine. It is held of the abbot of Westminster by service of rendering 13s. 4d. yearly. Goldsm3rth and Newhams. Tenements so called, held jointly as above by gift of Thomas Fitel3mg to the said Reynold and Joan and the heirs of Reynold by a charter of feoffment. The premises are held of the archbishop of Canterbury by service of rendering yearly 3l5. to him, 7s. 3|c?. to the lord la Souche, 4s. 6d. at the manor of Kynggesdoun, and 23s. to the master of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. Shorham. A tenement called ' Tynlyngsden ' with a grove called ' Newmans ' thereto belonging, held jointly as above by gift of Simon Porter to the said Reynold and Joan and the heirs of Reynold by a charter of feoffment. It is held of the archbishop of Canterbury, service not known. Chidyngston and Hevere. Tenements held jointly as above by gift of Richard son of Richard de Chestede, John son of John de Chevenyng and Thomas atte Foulebeche to the said Reynold and Joan and the heirs of Reynold. The premises are held of Nicholas Loveyne by service of 20s. yearly. Edehnesbregge. Tenements called ' Scha[rden],' acqtdred jointly by the deceased and Joan his wife of Eleanor late the wife of John Tanner of Rochester, so that after the death of the said Eleanor, and of Katharine her daughter, they ought to remain to the said Reynold and Joan and the heirs of Reynold, by a charter of feoffment. The premises are held of Lora Savage, as of the manor of Halstede, by service of 2s. 6d. yearly and 4 ploughshares. Date of death and heir repeated. Writ, 26 October, 36 Edward III. Oxford. Inq. made at Oxford, 4 January, 36 Edward III. Oxford. A moiety of two water-mills beneath the castle, 90a. meadow by Oseney called ' Kyngesmede,' and a moiety of the profits of the fishery of a certain water called ' Temese ' from the bridge called ' Hide- brigge ' to the said mills, held for life of the king's demise. The reversions belong to the king. He died on Tuesday after Michaehnas, 35 Edward III. Reynold de Cobham his son, aged 14 years and more, is his heir. Kent. Assignment of dower to Joan late the wife of RejTnold de Cobeham, knight, made at Bouxsull in the presence of John de Bampton, attorney of Sir John atte Lee, steward of the lady Philippa, queen of England, 6 February, 36 Edward III. 44 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. The following are assigned for all the lands held by Reynold in fee in the county of Kent : — Elmele in the Isle of Schepey. Tenements. Bouxsull, Tenements so called, in Chevenyng, Sevenoke,»Chyd3nigston and Evere. DenhuU in Sevenok. Tenements. G. Edw. III. File 158. (1.) 60, William db Dacrb, or db Dakee, knight. Writ, Clere, 7 August, 35 Edward III. LisrcoLiir. Inq. (indented) taken at Holbech, 1 September, 35 Edward III. Holbech. The manor. Rantdph de Dacre and Margaret his wife, father and mother of the deceased, being seised of the manor in right of the said Margaret, granted it to the deceased and Katharine his wife and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion to the grantees and the heirs of Margaret. Ranulph is dead, and WiUiam and Katharine are dead without heir of their bodies, so that the reversion belongs to Margaret. The manor is held of the earl of Hereford by homage and fealty only. He holds it of the earl of Richmond by homage and fealty only, and the earl of Richmond holds it of the king by homage and fealty only. William de Dacre died on Sunday before St. Margaret, 35 Edward III. Ranulph de Dacre his brother, aged 40 years and more, is his heir. Fragment of writ. York. Inq. taken at York, Monday the eve of St. Bartholomew, 35 Edward III. York. A messuage by the friars of the order of St. Augustine, held of the king in the burgage of the city of York by service of Id. yearly for husgable by the hands of the bailiffs of the city. Thurgramby. 2 waste plots, 100c. land and la. meadow, held of the lady Margaret de Multon by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 18 July last. Ranulph de Dacre, parson of the church of Prestcotes, his brother, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. CuMBEBLAiirD. Inq. taken at Carhsle, Monday after the Assumption of the Virgin, 35 Edward III. Glassanby. A sixth part of the town, and 8a. wood and \r. meadow, held of the king in chief by homage and fealty and by service of rendering at the Exchequer of Carhsle by the hands of the sheriff 2Qd. yearly for comage at the feast of the Assumption. Dacre. Two parts of the manor (extent given, including a park with deer), and of tenements, specified below, m Thakthwayt, Mossdale, Soulbyl Newbiggmg, Grenrig, Dolffanby and Blencow, held, together with the third part (which is held in dower by Margaret late the wife of Ranulph de Dacre, mother of the deceased, who survives, of the inheritance of the deceased), of the heir of WiUiam late baron of Graystok, a minor in the king's wardship, by homage and fealty and SDWARi) Hi. 45 service of 85. yearly for comage at the feast of the Assumption, and by service of lOd. yearly at Christmas. Thakthwayt. 19s. 6d. rent of tenants at will. Mossedale. A close in the hands of a tenant at will rendering 4s., 39s. lOd. rent of tenants at wiU, two parts of a decayed fulling-mill in the hand of a tenant at wiU rendering 4s., two parts of a decayed water-mill in the hand of a tenant at wiU rendering 6s., and a plot called ' le Bouschale ' in the hands of tenants at wiU rendering 22s. ll^d. Soulby. 40s. rent of tenants at wiU. Newbigging. 31s. 3d. rent of tenants at wiU and 2s. Id. rent of one free tenant. Grenrig. lis. Id. rent of tenants at wiU. Dolffanby. 10s. rent of tenants at wiU. Blenoowe. 19s. rent of tenants at will. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as last above. Writ, Clere, 7 August, 35 Edward III. Lancaster. Itiq. {defaced with gall and almost illegible. The words in brackets have been supplied from the folio Calendar.) Fisshwyk. The manor, held of John earl of Lancaster, Richmond and Lincoln, of the lands of Blanche his wife, one of the heirs of Henry late duke of Lancaster, of the honor of Lancaster, by knight's service. Halton. The manor with the advowson of the church, held of the same earl, as above, of the honor of Lancaster, by knight's service and by rendering 6Z. 6s. yearly. There are two free tenants holding parcels in Overburgh (the rest illegible). [Leke and Whistone. Lands and tenements. Prestcote. The church. West Derby. The manor. Eccleston. The manor. Leilondshire. Lands and tenements.] WESTMOBBLAifD. Inq. taken at Kyrkeby in Kendale, Saturday after the Assumption, 35 Edward IH. Preston Patrik in Kendale. Lands &c. wherein are tenants at will rendering 66s. 8d. yearly, with waste woodlands, to wit, 200a. called ' Prestonwod ' and 100a. called ' Aldhotonwod,' held of Sir Gilbert de Curwen of Wyrkyngton, the elder, service not known. Barton. A messuage which Aimora late the wife of John de Lancastre, lately deceased, held for her life of the inheritance of Ranulph de Dacre, father of the deceased, whose heir the deceased was. It is held of the king in chief by service of a twentieth part of a knight's fee. It renders yearly 2s., and is in the king's hand by the death of the said Annora and in the custody of the escheator because the heir of the said Ranulph did not prosecute his right thereto. The deceased held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as last above. 46 CALENDAR Of INQUISIT'IONS. Writ to Robert de Tughale, chamberlain of Berwick on Tweed, 7 August, 35 Edward III. RoxBTTEGH Shekiffwick. Ifiq. taken at Roxeburgh, 6 October, 1361. Nethircraling. The manor, held of the king by homage and fealty only. He held nothing of others in the county. Master RandoM de Daker his brother, aged 30 years, is his heir. The said manor has been in the king's hand by reason of the death of the said WiUiam since the feast of St. James last. Writ of certiorari to the same as to the debts of the deceased on account of which the manor of Nethircralyng was taken into the king's hand. 16 February, 36 Edward III. RoxBtniGH. Reply (undated). The deceased was seised of the manor of Nethercralyng in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death, and after his death the manor M'as taken into the king's hand by virtue of the writ of diem claiisit extremum and not by reason of any debt to the king, as the present writ supposes. The writer has examined the rolls and memoranda of the king of England's Chancellor and Chamberlain in Scotland and has not found that the deceased owed anything to the king. C. Edw. III. File 158. (2.) 61. RlCHABD DaHSEYE. Writ, 12 October, 35 Edward III. Hebbford. Inq. taken at Hereford, Saturday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 35 Edward III. Kyngeston. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of the king in chief by service of going with the baggage {cariag') of the king's son from Hereford to Gloucester. He died on St. Cuthbert's day Ijist. Thomas his son, aged 8 years, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 168. (3.) 62. Roland Dajsteys, knight. Writ, 6 November, 35 Edward III. Rutland. Inq. (indented) taken at Okam, Tuesday the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 35 Edward III. Lyndon. The manor (extent given, including 9 'holmis' of meadow), with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by service of a sixth part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 19 November last. John son of Ohver Daneys, his kinsman, aged 10 years and more at Michaelmas last, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 158. (4.) Writ to the escheator in Rutland to assign dower to Ehzabeth late the wife of the said Roland, after having received her oath not to marry without the king's licence. 28 January, 36 Edward III. E. Inq. P.M. File 21. (12.) EDWARD III. i1 RtTTLAND. Assignment * of dower (indented) to the said Elizabeth, made at Lindon, 8 February, 36 Edward III. Lyndon. A third part of the manor and of the advowson of the church. The assignment is set out at length, with descriptions of rooms in the house, outhouses and fields. G.Edw. III. File 158. (4.) 63. William Danvebs. Writ, 29 January, 35 Edward III. NoRTHAMPTOiir. Inq. made at Little Weldon, 5 February, 35 Edward III. Weldon. The manor with the office of keeper of the king's buckhounds, held jointly with Margaret his wife, now deceased, by gift of Richard Daunvers to them and the heirs of William's body, with remainder, in case the said William should die without heir of his body, to John son of Margaret de Borhunte and Mary, his wife, and the heirs of his body. He held the manor of the king in chief by service of being the king's huntsman of his buckhounds ; having in his keeping 24 buckhounds and 6 greyhounds of the king's hounds. He shall receive from the king for the food of each hound ^d. a day. He shall have two yeomen called berners (bernarios) to keep the said hounds, each of whom shall receive l^d. a day and a gown every year in cloth or a mark in money for his gown and hose (calsura) ; and a fewterer at the king's wages who shall have 2d. a day and a gown or a mark a year, and for his shoes (calcitura) 4s. 8d. Of these hounds the said huntsman shall keep at his own costs 15 buckhounds and one yeoman berner for forty days every year in Lent ; and the rest of the hounds and the other berner, as well as the fewterer, shall be at the king's costs as well duriug Lent as for the rest of the year. The said huntsman shall receive, if in the Court, T^d. a day for his wages, and, if outside the Court on the king's business, 12d. a day, and two gowns yearly or 405. in money, and well or ill [saniis et egrotus) a pennyworth of bread and a gallon of ale and a mess {feroulum) of boiled food (de grossis coquine) and a mess of roast meat {de carnihus assatis) daily. William is dead without heir of his body ; the said John son of Margaret is dead ; and Mary, late his wife, survives and is married to Bernard Brokas, knight. The aforesaid feoffment was made by a fine in the king's court, whether with the king's licence or not the jurors know not. Date of death not known. He held no other lands &c. in the county. C. Edw. III. File 158. (5.) 64. Robert Daubbney. Writ, 2 October, 36 Edward IH. Westmoreland. Inq. taken at Appleby, Friday after St. Luke, 35 Edward III. KesskHff. The hamlet (extent given, including tenements held by the heir of Walter Mawchell and William de Hete), held of Ralph son and * This wae found among the Miscellanea of the Chancery, and added to the file in 1928. is CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. heir of William late baron of Graystok, a minor in the king's wardship, as of the manor of Dufton, by homage and service of 6d. yearly for comage, and by doing suit to the court of Dufton. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Saturday after the Nativity of the Virgin last. EUen his daughter, wife of [John *] de Moriceby, aged 28 years, is his hen:. CXJMBBBLAND. Inq- taken at Penreth, Tuesday after St. Luke, 35 Edward III. Kirkethwayt and Linethwayt in the forest of Inglewode. The hamlets (extent given), held as of the purpresture of that forest of the king m chief by service of 60s. yearly payable at the Exchequer [of Carhsle] t by the hand of the sheriff. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir {partly illegibk) as above. C. Edw. III. File 158. (6.) 65. EUZABBTH LATE THE WIFE OF JOHN DeLVBS, OT DB DbLMES. Writ, 1 December, 35 Edward III. Salop. Inq. taken at Chirchestretton, Thursday the feast of St. Hilary, 35 Edward m. Lauton. Half a hide of land, held jointly with Walter de Baskeryill, knight, formerly her husband, to them and the heirs of their bodies, of the king in chief by service of findmg a serjeant on foot with a bow and arrows for fifteen days yearly in the kiog's army in Wales at the costs of the tenant. The said half hide contains a capital messuage, 30a. arable, 4a. meadow, 2a. several pastwe, 2s. rents of free tenants and 6s. rents of tenants for a term. Pikethom. The hamlet (extent given), held jointly as above of the prior of Wenlok in chief by service of 26s. 2d. yearly to the prior and a fee- farm of 16rf. yearly to the king. She died on 8 November, 35 Edward III. John, son of the said Walter and herself, aged 11 years and more on Ash Wednesday, 35 Edward III, is her heir. G. Edw. III. File 158. (7.) 66. Elizabeth de Deeby. Writ, 22 October, 35 Edward III. Northampton. Inq.X (indented) made at Northampton, Tuesday the feast of St. Qement, 35 Edward III. Brampton. The manor (extent given, including a windmill and a horse- mill), held as to one moiety of the prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England by service of rendering 13s. 6d. yearly, and as to the other moiety of the lord le Roos by service of rendering lib. of cummin yearly. * Cf. Calendar of CloBe Rolls 1360-1364, p. 376. t Cf. Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1356-1368, p. 178. i The Exchequer inquisition is identical with this, except that it is said to be taken at Daventre and the second mill is called a watermiU. EDWARD III. 49 She died on 20 October last. Roger Beler, her kinsman, aged 30 years and more at Michaehnas last, is her heir. Writ, 22 October, 35 Edward III. Nottingham. Inq. taken at Notyngham, Saturday after St. Katharine, 35 Edward III. Gonalston. The manor (extent given), except an acre of land and the advowson of the church, held in fee tail of the king in chief, as of the honor of Peverel, by homage and fealty and by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. In 18 Edward II. a fine was levied between John Harys, querent, and Thomas de la Eorde, clerk, and Robert Scolond, deforciants, whereby the latter surrendered the premises to the former for his life, with successive remainders to Roger Seller for Ufe, to Thomas son of Roger BeUer and Margaret his wife, younger daughter of Richard de la Ryvere, knight, and the heirs of their bodies, to Roger son of the said Roger BeUer and Margaret his wife, elder daughter of Richard de la R3r\rere, and the heirs of their bodies, and to the right heirs of John Harys. John Harys and Roger BeUer died as Ufe tenants. Afterwards Thomas son of Roger, the elder Margaret and the younger Margaret died in the order named, and after the death of the last the deceased Elizabeth de Dreby had entry as daughter and heir under the entaU, and has died seised without heir of her body ; so that the premises belong to Roger son of Roger BeUer, who survives, by virtue qf the remainder. Date of death as above. She has no heir of the premises, but her heir in blood is Roger BeUer, aged 40 years. C. Edw. III. File 158. (8.) M. Inq. P.M. File 18. (13.) (Northants.) 67. William db Deayton of Tychemersh. Writ, 12 October, 35 Edward III. Nobthampton. Ivq. {indented) made at Thrappeston, 3 January, 35 Edward III. Tichmersche. A messuage, a carucate of arable containing 80 acres, of which half can be sown and the other half Ues faUow and in common, 10a. meadow, half a virgate of land containing 12a., 7 marks rent and a several pasture, held of the heir of Lovel, a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service, as of his castle of Tichmersche, which is held of the king in chief. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 6 October last. John de Drayton his son, aged 16 years and more at Michaelmas last, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 158. (9.) 68. John de Draycote. Writ, 15 January, 35 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. taken at Castelcary, Saturday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 36 Edward III. 4— (7) 50 CALENDAR OF iNQmSITIONS. Redlissh. The hamlet (extent given), held of the heir of Nicholas Sey- mour, a minor in the king's wardship, by a fourth part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the coimty. He died on Thm^day before St. Thomas the Apostle last. Simon his son, aged 26 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 158. (10.) 69. Clemency daxjghteb and heir of John de Exemtjth. Writ after the death of the said Clemency, who has died a minor in the king's wardship. 12 October, 35 Edward III. Bedford. Inq. taken at Wodhull, 16 October, 35 Edward III. Wymington. A messuage, 200a. land, 20a. meadow and 2«. rent, together with the advowson of the church, came into the king's hand by the death of the said Clemency, and are held of the king by petty serjeanty , rendering yearly 2s. by the hands of the sheriff. She died a minor on 16 July last. Richard, son of the late William Harcourt, aged 36 years and more, is her heir. This Richard Harcourt, immediately after the death of Clemency, entered the premises and alienated them to John Curteys and his heirs without the king's hcence. C. Edw. III. File 158. (11.) 70. WnjJAM DB Enefeld. Writ, 1 November, 35 Edward III. Essex. Inq. taken at Rothingge Abbesse, Monday after St. Edmund the King, 35 Edward III. Fifhide. 40a. arable and 30a. wood, held of the king in chief, the arable by service of a twentieth part of a knight's fee and the wood by service of a thirtieth part of a knight's fee. lOo. of the wood are worth nothing yearly on account of the number of great trees, and 20a. can be cut every eighth year, to wit, 2\a. every year, worth 2s. an acre only on accoimt of the shade of the great trees. Little Laufare, Morton and Rothingg Beauchaump. A messuage, a miU, 2 carucates of land, 12a. meadow and 40s. rent, held jointly with Joan his wife, who survived him seven weeks, of the abbot of Waltham and Thomas Fitz Richard, service not known, by gift of Richard de Enefeld, knight, and William Morice, who enfeoffed the said WiUiam and Joan thereof for their Uves, with remainder to John their son, who survives, and the heirs of his body, and, failing such heirs, to the right heirs of William de Enefeld. He died on Friday after St. Laurence last.' John his son, aged 15 years on St. Andrew's day last, is his heir. G. Edw. III. File 158. (12.) E. Enrolments tfcc. of Inq. No. 132. (1.) EDWARD III. 61 71. Kathahinb late the wife of Giles de Esoote. Writ, Claryndon, 18 September, 35 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Romeseye, 26 October, 35 Edward III. Tuderle. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of the king in chief as parcel of the grand serjeanty late of Roger de Langeford. The carucate contains 80a. land, and there are 3a. meadow, pasture for 2 horses, 6 oxen and 200 sheep, a ivee tenant rendering 6s. 8d. yearly and ^Ib. cummin, 31s. 4tZ. rents of bondmen, of which 2s. 6d. is paid to the king, and pleas &c. of court worth 18cZ. Okie. A messuage, a third part of a waternull, a third part of a fuUing- miU, 40a. land and 2a. meadow, held in parcels of the lady Philippa, queen of England, the prior of St. Swithun's, Winchester, the prior of the Maison Dieu of Portesmuth, the prior of Motesfonte, the prioress of Ambresburi, John de Boclonde, William de Overton and the prior of St. Denys by service of 61. 10s. yearly, how distributed the jurors know not. she held no other lands &c. in the county. She jdied on Thursday after St. Denis last. William her son, aged 7 years and more, is her heir. C. JUdw. III. File 158 (13.) 72. John Essex of Redesweli. Writ, 10 June, 35 Edward III. Essex. Inq. taken at RedesweH, 16 June, 35 Edward III. RedesweU. A messuage, 60a. arable, IJa. pasture and 18s. 9d. rent, held of the king, as of the honor of Boulogne, by knight's service. He died on Wednesday before Michaelmas last. John, his son, who is of full age, is, if living, his heir ; and in case this John is dead, then Thomas his brother, aged 19 years and more, is next heir of the deceased. Joan late the wife of the deceased, who is exceedingly poor (nimis pauper), is to be dowered of the premises. C. Edw. III. File 158. (14.) Writ to the escheator to assign dower to Joan late the wife of John Essex of ReddesweU, after receiving her oath not to marry without the king's licence. 18 June, 35 Edward III. F. Inq. P.M. File 17. (20.) 73. John de Elyng. Writ, 7 December, 35 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Romeseye, 26 February, 36 Edward III. Elyng. A messuage, 47a. arable, 7a. meadow lying on the sea shore and often flooded so that nothing can be got from it except the first crop {prima vestura), la. wood, pasture^for 2 horses, 4 oxen and 80 sheep, Us. rent of tenants, and pleas &c. of court worth 6d., held of the king in chief by service of being bailiff errant in the Isle of Wight and in 62 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. the New Forest * and making execution of the king's orders there by the sheriff ; 3 cottages and 4a. arable, held of Hugh Camoys by service of 18d. and suit of court twice a year. He held no other lands &c. in the coimty. He died on Tuesday the feast of St. Laurence last. Emma his sister, aged 30 years and more, married to John Priour, Aubrey another sister, aged 40 years and more, married to John Pyk, and Ahce, daughter and heir of Maud his third sister deceased, aged 30 years and more, are his heirs in the order named. C. Edw. III. File 158. (15.) E. Inq. P.M. File 20. (14.) 74. Elizabeth late the wife of John de Eble. Writ, 18 December, 35 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. (indented) taken at Lamport, 17 January, 35 Edward III. Somerton Erlegh. The manor (extent given), held for hfe in dower by assignment of John de Erie, knight, formerly her husband, of the inheritance of John, the latter's son and heir. The manor is held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. Babbecary. The manor (extent given), similarly held of the heir of John de Beauchamp of Somerset, a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service. Purye. The hamlet (extent given), similarly held in dower of Edward le Spenser by fealty and by rendering 5«. yearly. The reversion of all the premises belongs to the aforesaid John, son and heir of John de Erie, knight. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on 12 December last. The aforesaid John, son of John de Erie and herself, aged 28 years and more, is her heir. G. Edw. III. File 158. (16.) 75, Adam Fbbman of Wartre. Writ, 26 June, 35 Edward HI. York. Inq. taken at York, 20 August, 35 Edward ITT Wartre. A moiety of a toft and of a bovate of land, held of the heir of WiUiam de Roos of Hamelak, late a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 12 August, 23 Edward III, in the pestilence, as the jurors understand. Since his death the escheators have charged them- selves in their accoimts with the issues of the premises. John his son, aged 24 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 158. (17.) w* ^Exchequer copy states t^t the office is to be exercised in the hundreds of Estmedeme. Westmedeme FresBhwatere and S^^srneston in the Me of Wight, and also in the hundreds of Crysehurche, Ryngwode, Forde, Kudebrug and the New Forest. EDWARD III. 53 76. John Fitz Bebnabd. Writ, 26 April, 35 Edward III. Kent. Inq. {indented) taken at Derteford, 3 May, 35 Edward III. Kyngesdon. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, by service of a moiety of a knight's fee, to him and the heirs of his body, by gift of John de Northwode the elder to Thomas Pitz Bernard, Ms father, and Bona wife of the said Thomas, and the heirs of the body of Thomas, with remainder to Bartholomew de Badelesmere and his heirs, by a fine levied in 6 Edward II. The extent includes plots called ' Courtwode ' and ' le Parke,' woods called ' Knokfrethe,' ' Dembyrwode ' and ' Rogerswode,' worth nothing because they he ' copys,' rents of a pair of spurs, a pair of gloves and seven plough- shares, and views of frankpledge at Easter and Michaelmas. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 4 April last, 35 Edward III, without heir of his body. The manor of Kynggesdon now remains to the heirs of Bartholomew de Badelesmere, to wit, to Maud de Veer, coTmtess of Oxford, his daughter, aged 40 years, to Margery lady de Boos, his daughter, aged 40 years and more, to Roger, son of Roger de Mortuo Mari earl of March, son of a sister of the last two, aged 4 years, a minor in the king's wardship, and to the heir of Margaret late the wife of John de Typptote, deceased, daughter of the said Bartholomew, aged 19 years and in the king's wardship. Writ to the escheator to assign dower to Elizabeth, late the wife of the said John, after receiving her oath not to marry without the king's hcence. 9 May, 35 Edward III. Kent. Assignment of dower (indented) in the manor of Kyngesdowne. 7 June, 35 Edward III. The assignment gives the rooms, outhouses and fields &c. assigned as dower, with names of tenants &c. C. Edw. III. File 158 (18.) 77. RiCHAKD DE LA FbLDE, Or ATTE FbLDE.* Writ after the death of the said Richard, who held of the heir of Laurence de Hastynges, earl of Pembroke, a minor in the king's wardship. 10 November, 35 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. {indented) f taken at Yvele, Saturday after St. Andrew, 35 Edward III. Mersshton. A messuage &c. called Lytehnersshton, with 160a. arable, 14a. several meadow, 3a. several pasture, 14s. 3d. rents, and pleas &c. of court worth 16rf., held for Ufe, of the inheritance of John Hastynges, * A Wiltshire inquisition on Kichaxd atte Pelde taken in 38 Edward III, File 181. (11.). may relate to this man. t The Exchequer copy, taken ex officio, is dated Monday after St. Laurence and is taken by the oath of diSerent jurors. The findings are substantially the same though somewhat differently worded. The deceased is called Bichard atte Felde and the reversion is definitely stated to belong to John son of Laurence de Hastynges, 54 CALENDAR OF INQXHSITIONS. son and heir of Laurence de Hastynges, late earl of Pembroke, of the king in chief, (service not specified). He died on 4 August last. Heir not known, because he had no heir of his body. C. Edw. III. File 158. (19.) E. Inq. P.M. File 19. (9.) 78. Joan late the wipe of John de Folvill. Writ, 22 October, 35 Edward III. Lincoln. Inq:. taken at Louth, Saturday before St. Katharine, 35 Edward III. Wodethorp. The manor with its member Thorsthorp (extent given), held for fife of Roger de Pedwardyn by service of half a knight's fee, by gift of WilHam Bemak to John Bemak and the said Joan, who was then his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on Wednesday before St. Luke, 35 Edward III. Maud, daughter of the said John and Joan, married to Ralph de Crumbe- weU, knight, by whom she has issue, is her heir, and is aged 24 years. C. Edw. III. File 158. (20.) Norfolk. Inq. taken at Bokenham, 3 November, 36 Edward III. Bokenham and Besthorp. The manors, held for life of the king in chief by knight's service, in dower of the inheritance of WiUiam Bemak, son and heir of the said John, who died a minor in the king's wardship. She died 2 October. Heir as above, aged 26 years and more. E. Enrolments, &c. of Inq. No. 132. (16.) 79. William de Fililod. Writ, BeauHeu, 17 August, 35 Edward III. Salop. Inq. taken at Alvytheleye, 1 September, 35 Edward III. Asteleye and Nordeleye. A messuage, a water-mill, a carucate of land, 2a. meadow, la. pasture, 3a. wood and 30s. rent, held jointly by him and Denise his wife, by the king's charter, of the king in chief by service of providing at his own costs a man riding with the king for forty days when there is war in Wales. He died on 7 August last. John his son, aged 15 years, is his heir. There are no pleas or perquisites of court or other profits that can be valued. C. Edw. III. FiU 158. (21.) E. Inq. P.M. File 19. (1.) 80. Agnes late the wipe op Thomas Fitz Eustace, or Agnes Fitz Ettstacb. Writ, Swalfeld, 30 July, 35 Edward III. Buckingham. Inq. taken at Stonystratford, Tuesday the feast of St. Laurence, 35 Edward III. EDWARD III. 56 Shenle. A manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of a tenth part of a knight's fee. She held no other lands &o. in the county. She died on Friday after the Translation of St. Thomas, 35 Edward III. John Fitz Eustace her son, aged 22 years and more, is her heir. Writ, Wyndesore, 20 September, 35 Edward III. Suffolk. Inq. taken at Ouesden, Monday before SS. Sjmon and Jude, 35 Edward III. Ouesden. The manor called ' le Newehalle ' (extent given), held for hfe by gift of Thomas Fitz Eustace, sometime her husband, of the heirs of William Creketot by service of lib. pepper yearly. She died on Friday before St. Margaret last. Heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 158. (22.) E. Enrolments e Overton. * [Wilts. Escote manor. Extent. Hants. Quabbe manor. Extent. Estdene manor. Extent. Estuderle manor. Northasshelee manor. Extent. Sutton manor. Extent. Alresford. * So given in the folio Calendar printed in 1808, and stated to be missing. The Chancery inquisitions are still missing, but were apparently identical in substance with the Exchequer inquisitions abstracted below. 150 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Stanbrigge. Basinge manor. Stanbrigge Comitis. Romesey. Pershute. Westuderle. Dimid'. Quabbe.] Wilts. Inq. made at Ludegarsale, 20 December, 25 (sic) [Edward III]. Escote. The manor (extent given), held of the abbess of St. Mary's Winchester by service of 60s., a ploughshare worth 2s., two cloves {dav' gyloffr') and ITb. of cummin yearly ; and a messuage, 60a. arable and pasture for 2 horses, 2 oxen and 60 sheep in common, held of the same abbess by service of 5s. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the coimty. He died on 13 October last. Thomas de Overton his son, aged 19 years and more, is his heir. SoTTTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Andevere, Satiu-day after St. Thomas the Apostle, 35 Edward III. Quabbe. He held by the decease of Thomas de Overton, his brother, a messuage, 80a. arable, 6a. meadow, 12a. wood, pasture in common for 2 horses, 6 oxen and 200 sheep, rents of 10 free tenants rendering 10s. yearly, and pleas &c. of court worth &d. yearly, held of the king in chief by the grand serjeanty of finding a hobeler for forty days in the Scotch war at his own costs. Estdene. A messuage with garden, a dovecot, 140a. arable, ... a. meadow common after the hay, pasture for 2 horses, 6 oxen and 200 sheep in common, 6a. wood, 2 free tenants rendering 205. yearly, and pleas &c. of court worth 3s. 4c?. yearly, held of the king in cHef by service of a fifth part of a knight's fee, as of the manor of Est Tidurle, which is in the hands of Phihppa queen of England. Northassele. 18a. arable, 4a. wood, 2 free tenants rendering 2s. yearly, 12 bondmen cottars, each of whose rents and services are worth 8s. 2d. yearly, and pleas &c. of court worth 13s. 4d. yearly, held of the earl of Hereford by service of 12 white capons when he comes to those parts. Sotton. A messuage, garden and dovecot, 100a. arable, 4a. meadow, pasture for 2 horses, 4 oxen and 200 sheep, and 8 free tenants rendering 40s. yearly, held of the prior of the convent of Merton by homage and fealty and service of 23s. yearly. Alleresseford. 16Z. rent, held of the bishop of Winchester by service of 75s. \\\d. yearly, which he bequeathed to Stephen Wellewyk in his testament to hold for 5 years. Stanbrugge. A messuage, 2 carucates of land, 12a. meadow, 4a. wood and 8«. rent, held for life by demise of John de Overton, clerk, and Thomas de Overton, the reversion of which belongs to Thomas his son and heir, who survives, by the same demise. The premises are held of the manor of Baseng by knight's service. Stanbrugge Comitis. A messuage, a water-mill, 23a. arable and 3a. EDWARD III. 151 meadow, held for life as above of Thomas de Kemie by service of 15s. rent, with the same reversion. Romeseye. lOOs. rent, held for life of the abbess of Romeseye, with the same reversion, by service of 12c?. yearly. Perschute. A toft, 40a. arable, 4a. meadow and 8a. wood, held for life as above, with the same reversion, of the king in chief as of the manor of Estuderle, which is in the hands of queen Phihppa, by what service or whether with the king's hcenoe not known. Westudurle. . A moiety of the manor, with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief for hfe, in joint feoffment with Thomas his son, who survives, by grant of John de Overton, provost of the collegiate church of St. Ehzabeth without Winchester, and Thomas de Wolferton, parson of the church of Upham, made with the king's licence in 35 Edward III. Hulle. A messuage, garden and dovecot, 140a. arable, 200a. pasture, 12a. meadow and 40a. wood, held of the bishop of Winchester by service of lOs. yearly, except 40a. land which are held of the abbot of Ticheveld by service of 5s. yearly. Quabbe. A messuage and garden, 30a. arable, 30a. pasture, and 10a. underwood, held of the king in chief as parcel of the above-mentioned serjeanty. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above. E. Inq. P.M. File 17. (10.) 154. Maby de Pakenham. Writ, 6 July, 35 Edward III. Norfolk. Inq. taken at Elmham, Friday after St. Laurence, 35 Edward III. Bilaghe. The manor (extent given), held of the earl of Richmond by knight's service. Northcreyk. The manor (extent given), with a mediety of the advowson of the church, held of the heirs of the earl of Norfolk by knight's service. She died on Saturday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr last. Euphemia, her sister, aged 50 years and more, is her heir. Euphemia entered the manors after her death and alienated them in fee to Ralph de Heminhale, knight, John de Wyngefeld, knight, Gilbert de Debenham, John de Blitlisho and Geoffrey de Honeweton. Suffolk. Inq. taken at Walsham, Friday after St. James, 35 Edward III. Walsham. The manor (extent given), held for life by grant of John de Ufford, knight, William de Wychingham, John de Cavyndissh and John Gonevyll, clerk, with remainder to Robert de Ufford, earl of Suffolk, and his heirs. It is held of the king in chief, as of the castle of Norwich, by service of 16s. yearly. Date of death as above. Heir not known. 152 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Suffolk. Inq. taken at Ixeworthe, Wednesday after St. Laiurence, 35 Edward III. . . , ,. Fakenham Aspes. A moiety of the manor (extent given, mcludmg a moiety of a leet held about the feast of St. Margaret), with a mediety of the advowson of the chiu-ch, held of the king in chief by service of rendering 20d. for ward of the castle of Norwich at the end of every twenty weeks. Date of death as above. Heir Euphemia as above, who aUenated the premises in fee to Ralph de Hemynhale, knight, John de Wyngefeld, knight, Gilbert de Debenham, John de Bhttlesho and Geoffrey de Honeweton without the king's Hcence. C. Edw. III. File 163. (4.) E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 125. (13th and 16th entries.) 155. Thomas de Pakbnham. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands, heu- and date of death of the said Thomas. 4 April, 35 Edward III. Suffolk. Inq. taken at Ixeworth, Thursday before St. George, 35 Edward III. Ixeworth. A mediety of the advowson of the priory of the church. BerdeweU. Id. yearly rent. Both held of the king in chief by service of a hundredth part of a knight's fee. He died on 19 May, 31 Edward III. Hervey de Pakenham his uncle, aged 40 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 163. (5.) 156. Hervey de Pakenham. Writ, 18 October, 35 Edward III. Suffolk. Inq. taken at Ixeworth, 6 November, 35 Edward III. Ixeworth. The advowson of a mediety of the priory of the church, and Id. yearly rent, held of the king in chief by service of a hundredth part of a knight's fee. He died on 6 October, 35 Edward III. Robert de Ufford, earl of Suffolk, his kinsman, aged 50 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 163. (6.) 157. John de Pappeworth, knight. Writ, 28 October, 35 Edward III. Cambridge. Inq. taken at Gravele,* 10 November, 35 Edward III. Pappeworth Amieys. A messuage, 200a. land, 8a. meadow and 26s. 6d. rent, held of the king in chief by service of 85. rent ; a messuage and dovecot, 100a. land and 2a. meadow, held of John Noriz by service * The Inquisition enrolled was taken at Pappeworth, 16 October, 35 Edward III, before a different jury. Only the premises held of the Wng are returned, the particulars being different, and the heir is said to be 32 years old and more. EDWARD III. 153 of 27d. ; and a croft, held of Sir Reynold de Grey, lord of Wilton Surway, by service of 2s. He died on 30 September last. WiUiam de Pappeworth, his son, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 163. (7.) E. Enrolments dhc. of Inq. No. 128. 158. Elizabeth late the wife of William de Pappeworth. Writ, 20 October, 35 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. {indented) taken at Yvele, Sattirday after St. Andrew, 35 Edward III. Preston Ploukenet. A messuage, a garden, 120a. arable, 7a. meadow and 103s. yearly rent, held of the king in chief by service of a third part of a fee of Mortain. These she held of right and fee after the death of John de Preston, her father, as his daughter and heir, but not in demesne. They were taken into the king's hand after the death of the said John. WiUiam de Pappeworth, who stiU survives, long ago married the said Elizabeth, and they had a son, named John, now dead. She died on 2 October last. Eleanor, aged 50 years, Margaret, aged 40 years, Katharine, aged 38 years, and Cecily, aged 30 years, her atxnts, and Eehcia daughter of AUce another aunt, aged 24 years, and John de Radeston son of Christina another aunt, aged 22 years and more, are her heirs. C. Edw. III. File 163. (8.) 159. Margery late the wife of Bertin Pukchardottn, or de Punoh- ARDOTHSr. Writ, Beaulieu, 6 September, 35 Edward III. SouTHAMPTOiir. Inq. made at Romeseye, 26 September, 35 Edward III. Elyngham. The manor (extent given), which she held for life of the king in chief by knight's service in joint feoffment with Bertin, formerly her husband, with the king's Mcence. She died on Saturday after St. Bartholomew last. Oliver, son of the said Bertin and Margery, aged 24 years and more, is their heir. C. Edw. III. File 163. (9.) E. Enrolments &C. of Inq. No. 124. (2.) (4th entry.) 160. John Pavbly. Writ, 3 November, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Salisbury, 1 December, 35 Edward III. Westbury. The manor with its hamlets (extent given, including the perquisites of the court and hundred of Westbury amounting to 61. beyond the fee-farm of 26s. 8d. rendered to the king for the hundred), held of the king in chief by service of one knight's fee. 154 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Dycherygge. A messuage and a carucate of arable, held of the heir of Bevis {Bigonis) de Cnowvill by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 21 October last. Alice his daughter by Ehzabeth, his first wife, married to John de Seintlow the younger, who survives, outUved him by haH a day. She and John de Seintlow had lawful issue, who survive, to wit, Joan aged 11 years, Ehzabeth aged 8 years, and Ela aged 6 years, who, with Joan daughter of the said John Pavely by Agnes his second wife, aged 8 years, are his heirs. Writ to the escheator, referring to the last inquisition and directing him to divide the premises into two equal parts and retain them in the king's hand until further order. 28 December, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Partition made at Westbury, 21 January, 35 Edward III, between John de Seintlou, the younger, who married the above-mentioned Ahce, tenant by the courtesy of England by reason of issue between him and the said Alice, and Joan, the other of the daughters of the said John Pavely, bom of Agnes his second wife, a minor in the king's wardship, in the presence of the aforesaid John de Seintlou and others. First part : — the manor of Brouke and the hamlet of Dicherigg, with a moiety of the profits of the view of frankpledge, the hundred, fair, market and portmote of Westbury. Second part : — ^the manor of Westbury and the hamlet jsf Hefdyng- hull, with a moiety of the profits of the view of frankpledge, the hundred, fair, market and portmote of Westbury, the holders of this part to pay the other part 111. 9s. Ijd. yearly. C. Edw. III. File 163. (10.) Wilts. Inq. taken at Salisbury, 13 November, 35 Edward III. Westubury. The manor (extent given, including the court and hundred, as above), held of the king in chief by service of one knight's fee. HefdynghuU. The hamlet, held of the king in chief as parcel of the manor of Westbury. Broke. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by knight's service. JDicherigge. The hamlet, held of the heir of Bevis {Wigonis) de Knowvill by knight's'service. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heirs as above. E. Inq. P.M. File 16. (17.) 161. Agnes late the wife of John de Pavely. Writ, 20 October, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Sahsbury, 25 October, 35 Edward III. Stepullavynton. A messuage and 2 carucates of land, held for life in joint feoffment with John Forstel, her first husband, of the inheritance of Eobert Forstel, brother and heir of the said John. The premises are held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. EDWARD III. 165 There is there a water-mill, and the 2 caruoates contain 110a. ; there are 8a. meadow, pasture in common for 4 horses, 12 oxen and 400 sheep, 4a. wood, 29s. rent of free tenants, 2 virgates of viUeins' land, a haM-virgater, 6 cottages, a court, and a market on Wednesdays. The whole is charged with payments of 20s. yearly to queen Philippa's castle of Devises and Ql. 6s. 8d. yearly to the wardens of the chantry of Wamberwe. She died on 5 October last. Robert de la Mare her brother, aged 40 years and more, is her heir ; but the reversion of the premises belongs to Robert Forestel, brother and heir of the aforesaid John Forestel, aged 40 vears and more. G. Edw. III. File 163. (11.) E. Inq. P.M. File 16. (14.) 162. Peter de Peeshtjtb. Writ, 3 November, 35 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Andevere, Saturday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 35 Edward III. Pershute. A messuage with garden, 80a. arable, 21a. meadow, 20a. pasture, a fishery, 12a. wood, free tenants rendering 40s. yearly, and pleas &c. of court worth Qd. yearly, held of Philippa, queen of England, in chief, as of her manor of Thuderle, by service of a fifth part of a knight's fee. Ha3rwode. 22a. pasture, held of the king in chief by service of 55. l\d. yearly by the hands of the sherifiE. Bentele. The manor (extent given), held of the heirs of WiUiam de Fyens, late lord of Compton Mounciaus, by service of a pair of spurs yearly. Shulvele. A messuage with garden, a water-mill, 50a. arable, 12a. pasture and 12a. wood, held of the prioress of Ambresbury by service of 21s. 8d. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 8 October last. Nicholas de Pershute his son, aged 40 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 163. (12.) E. Inq. P.M. File 20. (5.) 163. WnxiAM Plokenet, or Plxtgenet. Writ, Wyndesore, 26 September, 35 Edward III. Berks. Inq. made at Chepynglamburne, Tuesday after St. Denis, 35 Edward III. Chepynglamburne. A moiety of the manor (extent given), with a moiety of the tolls of the market and of the pleas and perquisites of the hundred there, held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the coimty. 156 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. He died on Friday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross last. Elizabeth his daughter, aged 30 years and more, married to Richard LyUyng, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 163. (13.) E. Inq. P.M. File 16. (3.) 164. MiLICBNT LATE THE WIPE OF HUGH PlESCY, or DE PlESCY. Writ, 18 June, 35 Edward III. Berks. Inq. made at Grauntpount by Oxford, 28 June, 35 Edward III. West Wyttenham. The manor (extent given), held for Ufe of the earl of Stafford, as of the earldom of Buckingham, by service of an eighth part of a knight's fee, of the inheritance of Hugh de Plescy her late husband, deceased, with whom she was jointly enfeoffed. The reversion belongs to John Lenveysy for his life, and after his death to John son of John Lenveysy and Joan daughter of Thomas de Mussen- den and the heirs of their bodies, by virtue of a fine levied in the king's court at Westminster in the quindene of Easter, 33 Edward III, between John Lenveysy, querent, and William de Bokebrugg, parson of the church of Farle, John de Langele, parson of the church of Isnamstede, John Abel, parson of the church of Ayot Montfichet, and Thomas, vicar of the church of Hungerford, deforciants, concerning that manor and others. She died on 10 June last. John son of John Lenveysy son of Eleanor daughter of the said Hugh and Mihcent, aged 9 years, is kinsman and heir of the said Hugh and Milicent. Oxford. Inq. made at Oxford, 28 June, 35 Edward III. Hoggenorton. The manor (extent given), held for Ufe of the king in chief by knight's service, in the same form as the manor of West Wytten- ham above, and with the same reversion. Date of death and heir as above. Wilts. Inq. made at Sahsbury, 25 June, 35 Edward III. Combe Byset. The manor (extent given, including a moiety of a water- mill), held for life of the king in chief by knight's service, in the same form as the above manors, and with the same reversion, whether with the king's licence or not the jurors know not. Date of death and heir as above. [The foHo Calendar printed in 1808 contains a reference to an inquisition concerning the manor of Great Missenden, co. Buckingham, but this inquisition is not now on the file.] C. Edw. III. File 163. (14.) E. Inq. P.M. File 16. (7.) (Oxford and Berks.) E. Enrolments dkc. of Inq. No. 124. (2.) (Wilts.) 165. RiCHARP DE PeNSAX. Writ, 10 November, 35 Edward III. Nottingham. Inq., 11 January, 35 Edward III. EDWARD III. 157 Skeggeby. A messuage, 5 bovates of land and a water-mill, held of the king in chief by service of 205. yearly ; and 20 bovates of land, held in service of the king in chief by service of rendering 4 marks yearly at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff. Le Stubhyng. An assart so called, held of the king by service of I2d. yearly. Mamesfeld Wodehouse. A messuage and a bovate of land, held of Richard del Va[ch]e, lord of Mannesfeld, by fealty and suit of court every three weeks according to the custom of the manor of Mamesf. Arnale. A messuage and 2 virgates of land, held of the earl of Northamp- ton by fealty and suit of court every three weeks according to the custom of the manor of Arnale. The virgates are wasted by the wild animals in Schirewode. Wysshow (?). A messuage and a carucate. of land, held of Richard WiUughby by fealty and service of 6d. yearly. He died on Sunday after St. Martin last. William his son, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 163. (15.) 166. Laurence de Pagham, knight. Writ, 21 October, 35 Edward III. Southampton. Ivq. made at Winchester, 1 1 November, 35 Edward III. Drayton. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by the grand serjeanty of providing a man to keep the east gate of the castle of Porchestre for 15 days in time of war at his own costs. Bere. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by knight's service and by rendering 6s. M. yearly at the castle of Porchestre. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 6 October last. John son of John son of the said Laurence, aged half a year, is his heir. G. Edw. III. File 163. (16.) 167. Pbtee the Bakeb {Pistor). Writ of certiorari to the escheator, on a claim by Thomas de Gildef ord that the said Peter, who according to the escheator's certificate was out- lawed on 8 June, 33 Edward III, at the suit of Robert Treufle in a plea of debt, has died, and that he (Thomas) is his heir. The escheator is to enquire whether Peter is dead, and if so, when he died, who is his heir and of what age, and as to the tenure of a messuage taken into the king's hand on the occasion of his outlawry. 4 November, 35 Edward III. Surrey. Inq. taken at Guldeford, 22 December, 35 Edward III. Peter died on 30 March last at La Rye in Sussex. Thomas de Guide- ford, aged 40 years and more, is his kinsman and heir. He held the messuage in Guldeford of the prior of Merton by service of M. yearly. C. Edw. III. File 163. (17.) 158 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. 168. John son of John db Pbnbbth. Writ after the death of the said John, who died a minor in the king's wardship. 18 April, 35 Edward III. CuMBEBLAND. luq. taken at Penreth, Tuesday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 35 Edward III. Lamanby. Two parts of the manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, as of the crown, by homage and by service of rendering 2s. yearly for comage at the Exchequer of CarUsle at the feast of the Assumption. Inglewod forest. A purpresture at Midlescogh, and another at Silywxa, containing 52a., held of the king by fealty and by service of rendering 525. 6d. yearly at the feast of the Assumption at the Exchequer of Carlisle. AU the premises were in the kiug's hand in the custody of Sir WiUiam de Sandford by the king's commitment until the lawful age of the deceased. The deceased died on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross last, as reports have come to England. Thomas son of John de Penreth, knight, aged 30 years and more, is his imcle and heir. C. Edw. III. File 163. (18.) E. Enrolments tbc. of Inq. No. 133. (2nd entry.) 169. Walter Pabk. Writ, 12 October, 35 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. {indented) taken at Somerton, Monday the feast of St. Valentine, 36 Edward III. Chilton CaTintelo. The manor (extent given), held for life by the courtesy of England of the heir of Laurence de Hastynges, late earl of Pem- broke, a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service, in right of Emma, late his wife, of the inheritance of Andrew Homere and Joan daughter of Thomas Chastelyn, kinsfolk and heirs of the said Emma. The extent includes a watermUl, a garden in Haygrove, meadow in Brodemour and Brodemede, pasture in La Inlond, pasture called ' Westham,' pasture called ' Oxinsele ' in La Langemede, and a larder rent (redditus lardar') of a bushel of com payable at the feast of St. Martin. The manor is charged with 4d. yearly to the hundred of Berewyk. Walter Park died on 4 October last ; heir not known. The reversion of the manor belongs to the aforesaid Andrew and Joan. Andrew is 22 years of age and more, and Joan is 16 years of age and more, and was married after the death of the said Walter to Robert de Wyke by John Fitz Pajni, knight. Long before the death of the said Walter and Emma she was married to John Wyneet by Humphrey de Boiui, late earl of Hereford, because Thomas Chastelyn, her father, at the time of his death held in demesne as of fee of the said earl by knight's service divers lands &c. in Trent, co. Somerset. G. Edw. III. File 163. (19.) EDWARD III. 169 170. Henry Pouwbb. Writ, 18 January, 35 Edward III. SoMEKSET. Inq. {indented) taken at Yevelcestre, Monday after the Purifica- tion, 36 Edward III. Lymyngton. The manor (extent given), held for life by service of a moiety of a knight's fee of the heir of John de Beauchamp of Somerset, a minor in the king's wardship, and of the inheritance of William de Shareshull the younger and Joan his wife, by a grant made by William de Shareshull, knight, WiUiam Pouwer, and WiUiam Broghton to the said Wilham the younger and Joan and the heirs of the body of Joan by a fine levied in the king's court. Longesutton. A messuage, 40a. arable, 5a. meadow, several from the feast of the Purification until the hay has been carried and after that common, and 3s. rent, held for fife as above, by the same fine, of the earl of Salisbury by service of rendering lib. pepper yearly. Chaf combe. A messuage and 12a. arable, held of Roger de Beauchamp, as of his manor of Cokelyngton, by knight's service. Otranton. A messuage, 40a. arable, and 3a. meadow, several as above, held of John BumeU. by knight's service. Cherlton Adam. A messuage, 80a. arable, and 12a. meadow, several as above, held for life by knight's service of Thomas Horsy and of the inheritance of Richard son and heir of Nicholas de Seymour, a minor in the king's wardship. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 9 December last. The aforesaid Joan his daughter, aged 28 years and more, and married to WiUiam de Shareshull the younger, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 163. (20.) 171. John Pygot. Writ, 4 May, 35 Edward III. Bedford. Inq. taken at Kerdyngton, Monday after Trinity, 35 Edward III. (The deceased is called John Pygot, knight, in this inquisition.) Kerdyngton. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of two parts of a mediety of the church of Houghton Conquest, held of the king in chief by knight's service in demesne as of fee-tail jointly with Isabel, his wife, by feoffment of WiUiam de Ounesby, parson of the church of Dodyngton ; and a messuage, 100a. arable, 5a. pasture, 10s. rent and a third part of a watermiB, held of the king in chief by knight's service jointly with the aforesaid Isabel, to them and the heirs of their bodies, by feoffment of the lady Elizabeth de Latymer. He died on 28 April last. John Pygot, son of the said John and Isabel, aged 13 years, is their heir. Writ, 4 May, 35 Edward III. Lincoln. Inq. {indented) taken at Lincoln, Wednesday after Trinity, 35 Edward III. Dodyngton and Thorp othe HiU. The manors, held of the abbot of West- minster by service of \2l. yearly by gift of WiUiam de Ounesbyj 160 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. parson of the church of Dodyngton, Henry Balle, parson of a mediety of the church of Hoghton, and Geoffrey de Burgh, chaplain, to him and the heirs of his body by Maud, his &8t wife, and failiiig such heirs to Isabel, his second wife, for Ufe, and after her death to the heirs of John's body by her, with remainder in default of such heirs to the right heirs of John. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 28 April, 35 Edward III. John, his son by Maud, aged 22 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. HI. File 163. (21.) 172. Rose {Roeaia) late the wife of Nicholas Parles. Writ, 30 September, 35 Edward III. Northampton. Inq. {indented) made at Northampton, 26 October,* 35 Edward III. Upton. The manor (extent given, including a fishery in the river), with the hundred of Neubotilgrave, 2 carucates of arable, 16a. meadow and 8 marks rent of free tenants, held of the king in chief by service of rendering by the hands of the sheriff iOs. yearly for the manor and 12s, yearly for the hundred, and finding for the king an armed man within the four seas for forty days at her own costs for the defence of the realm when the king's serjeanty is summoned throughout the realm, and also finding a yeoman every year in the hundred of Neubotilgrave to execute the precepts of the sheriff there. Herlaston. A view of frankpledge at Michaelmas, held in common with Henry Dyve, 5s. Qd. rent of customary tenants, and autumn works called ' bedrep ' and ' netrep ' to be done for four days by foiu* customary tenants, tenure not stated. She died on Thursday after SS. Peter and Paul last.* Richard son of Wilham de Clendon, aged 15 years and more at Michaelmas last, is her kinsman and heir. C. Edw. III. File 163. (22.) E. Inq. P.M. File 18. (7.) 173. Walter Parles. Writ, Beauheu, 18 August, 35 Edward III. Northampton. Inq. made at Wattford, Thursday after the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, 35 Edward III. Wattford, [Mor]cot and Sullesworth. A messuage, 11 virgates of arable and 10 marks yearly rent, held of the king in chief by service of a fourth part of a knight's fee and finding at his own costs a fourth part of a man-at-arms for forty days when the white banner is raised for the king's war against Scotland. Byfeld. 10 marks yearly rent, held jointly with Ralph Paries, his son, of the baron of Duddeley in socage by service of rendering a knife {(MltelVwm) yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. * The Exchequer inquiBition is dated 25 October, and gives the date of death as 14 September last. EDWARD III. 161 He died on Saturday the eve of St. James last. Ralph Paries his son, aged 26 years and more at the feast of St. John the Baptist last, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 163. (23.) Northampton. Inq. taken at Northampton, 24 August, 35 Edward III. Watford. A messuage, 11 virgates of land (each containing 16a.), 5a. meadow, 2a. wood, a dovecot and 10 marks rent, held of the manor of Watford which is held of the king in chief by knight's service. Byfeld. 10 marks rent, held of Thomas Wakeleyn by knight's service. He died on 13 August last. Ralph Paries his son, aged 25 years and more, is his heir. E. Inq. P.M. File 18. (12.) 174. John son of Adam de Podyngdone, or de Podyngdbnne. Writ, 2 December, 35 Edward III. Surrey. Inq. taken at Lyngefeld, 21 December, 35 Edward III. Lyngefeld. A messuage, 12a. arable and lOs. 2d. rent, held of the king in chief by service of rendering 10s. yearly at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff and doing suit to the king's hxmdred of Tanregge every three weeks ; 12a. land, held of John de Chevenynge by service of rendering M, yearly ; 40a. land called ' Ridden,' held of John de Gaynesforde by service of rendering 2s. yearly and doing suit to his court at Chelwes every three weeks ; and 30a. land, held of John Chevenyngge by service of rendering 5s. M. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 4 October last. Agnes daughter of Thomas Broun, aged 14 years at the Purification next, Mabel Eyr, aged 40 years, and Lucy Nicoles, Mabel's sister, aged 30 years, married to John Nicole, are his kinswomen and heirs. G. Edw. III. File 163. (24.) 175. John de Preston. Writ, 3 October, 35 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. {indented) taken at Yvele, Saturday after St. Andrew, 35 Edward III. Preston Ploukenet. A messuage and garden, 120a. arable, la. meadow several from the Purification until the hay is carried, and then common, and 103s. yearly rent, held of the king in chief by service of a third part of a knight's fee of Mortain. Elizabeth his daughter, aged 27 years and more, married to WiUiam de Pappeworth, who survives, by whom she had a son John now deceased, was her father's heir and survived him ten days. The reversion of the premises belongs to the said William de Pappeworth for life by the courtesy of England, by reason of the death of Elizabeth and of offspring begotten between him and her. 11— (7) 162 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. John de Preston died on 22 September last. Eleanor aged 50 years, Margaret aged 40 years, Katharine aged 38 years, and Cecily aged 30 years, his sisters, Felicia, daughter of Ahce another sister, aged 24 years, and John de Badeston, son of Christina another sister, aged 22 years and more, are his heirs. G. Edw. III. File 163. (25.) 176. Thomas Patbych, w Patbrych. Writ, 18 November, 35 Edward III. SotTTHAMPTON. Ivq. made at Forthyngebrygge, 2 December, 35 Edward III. Wodyton, Batamesle and PiUe in the New Forest. 9 messuages, 140a. land, 10a. meadow, 100a. heath, 2a. moor and 305. rent, held of the king in chief by service of paying 20s. 20c?. yearly to the king at his manor of Lyndhurst, to wit, in socage. Beimynton and Crischurche. A messuage, 2 carucates of land and 4Z. rent, held jointly with Margery his wife, who survives, one moiety of the earl of SaUsbury by service of 15d. yearly and the other moiety of Maurice Bruyn by service of suit to the court of Perle. He held no other lands &c. in the coimty. He died on the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin last. Walter his son, aged 18 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 163. (26.) E. Ivq. P.M. File 17. (5.) 177. Nicholas Pbvbb, knight. Writ, 1 November, 35 Edward III. Hertford. Inq. taken at Wyhen, 3 November, 35 Edward III. Wyhen. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. He died on Monday after the Nativity of St. Mary last. Thomas his son, who will be 18 years of age at the Purification next, is his heir. Writ, Beauheu, 14 September, 35 Edward III. Bedford . Inq. taken at Eversholt, Thursday the feast of SS. Simon and Jude, 35 Edward III. Todyngdon. The manor, held of the earl Marshal in socage by service of 1005. yearly, worth only 12Z. 12«. 8d. yearly because the tenants are dead. He held no other lands &c. in the coimty. He died on Saturday before St. Margaret last. Heir as above, aged 18 years on the eve of the Purification last. Buckingham. Inq. taken at Lathebury, Thursday after St. Luke the Evangehst, 35 Edward III. Chylton. The manor, held of the earl of Stafford by service of a knight's 166 • Lavenden. The manor, held of the lady de Wake, service not known Masseworth. Lands &c. worth 13«. 4d. yearly, held of Sir Edward the Prince, as of the honor of Walyngford, by service of 12d. yearly EBWARD III. 163 Weston. 36s. rent of free tenants, held of Sir Ralph Basset, service not known. He held iio other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as last above. C. Edw. III. File 164. (I.) 178. John db la Ryvbke. Writ, Beauheu, 16 September, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. {indented) taken at Heyeworth, 14 October, 35 Edward III. Westhrop. The manor (extent given, including 35 free tenants in Westhrop and Hampton Torvyle, rents of pepper and cummin, and a rent of capons payable at ' le Hok '), held of the king in chief by service of half a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on the day of the Nativity of the Virgin last. Richard de la Ryvere his brother, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 164. (2.) E. Inq. P.M. File 16. (19.) 179. Joan de la Ryveee. Writ, 30 October, 35 Edward III. Gloucester. Inq. taken at Acton, 26 November, 35 Edward III. Stordone by Bristol. The hamlet (extent given), held of the king in chief in socage by service of paying 16s. yearly at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff at Michaelmas. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on Sunday after Michaelmas last. Richard de la Ryvere her son, aged 30 years and more, is her heir. C. Edw. III. File 164. (3.) 180. William Randolf. Writ of certiorari, the king having been informed that the said WiUiam was a bastard and died without heir of himself. 24 April, 35 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. taken at Salisbury, 18 May, 35 Edward III. He was a bastard and died without heir of himself. He held in demesne as of fee : — Larkestoke. A messuage and a fuUing-miU, with 50a. arable, 3a. meadow and 12a. pasture, held of the king in chief by the petty serjeanty of rendering to the king six barbed arrows yearly at Midsummer by the hands of the keeper of the forest of Claryndon ; and a croft of pasture, a toft and dovecot, and 10a. arable, held of the prior of Ivychuroh {Monasterii Ederosi) by service of 2s. yearly. Larkestoke, Milford and Forde. A water-mill, 5 virgates and 10a. arable, each virgate containing 32a., 14|a. meadow, the pasture whereof is common after carrying the hay, and pasture for 2 horses, 6 oxen and 200 sheep in common, with 40b. rent of free tenants, and pleas 164 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. &c. of court worth 6d. yearly, held of Thomas de Famhull by service of 65s. yearly. He died on Saturday before St. George last. C. JEdw. III. File 164. (4.) 181. Alice late the wife of John Rous. Writ, Clere, 4 August, 35 Edward III. Bkkks. Inq. made at Chepynglamboum, 8 August, 35 Edward III. Goldhull by Estgarston. A messuage and 2 carucates of land containing 200a., with pasture for 4 horses and 12 oxen in the common pasture of Estgarston, and pasture for 200 sheep in common, held for life in joint feoffment with John le Rous, knight, deceased, her late husband, with reversion to Richard le Rous, brother and heir of the said John, of the countess of Hainault (Henavd), daughter and coheu- of Henry duke of Lancaster, as of her manor of Estgarston, by service of lib. pepper. She died on Saturday, 31 July last. Richard le Rous, aged 40 years and more, is brother and heir of John, and to him belongs the reversion of the premises ; but as to who is Alice's heir the jurors are altogether ignorant. Wilts. Inq. made at Stepullavynton, 9 August, 35 Edward III. Ymmere. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the chapel, held for life of the king in chief, by the grand serjeanty of being one of the king's chamberlains, in joint feoffment with the said John, with reversion to John's heirs. Devis'. A burgage, held for hfe, in joint feoffment as above, by the service of the aforesaid serjeanty. Bradele. A meadow, held for life, in joint feoffment as above, of Reynold de Bradele by service of 6s. yearly. The reversion of all the above belongs to Richard le Rous, as above. Date of death as above. Heir not known. C. Mw. III. File 164. (5.) E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 124. (2.) 182. Alice datjghtee of Peter lb Rous of Grenstede. Writ to the mayor of London to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said AUce, and who has received the issues and profits of her lands since her death. 10 January, 35 Edward III. {Endorsed by the mayor.) The tenements specified in the inquisition were taken into the king's hand at another time, as he has returned into Chancery. London. Inq. (indented), 11 January,* 35 Edward III. Parish of St. Mildred in the Poultry. A brewhouse and 4 shops worth IIZ. 6s. 8d. yearly and charged with quit rents of 22s. 8d. to the prior of the new hospital of St. Mary within Crepilgate, 49s. 4d. to * The Exchequer copy is dated 12 January. EDWARD III. 165 Henry de Sutton and Margaret his wife, 8s. to the abbot of St. Albans, and 13?. 4t?. to Richard Godchyld and Juliana his wife, and with 53s. 4d. for repairs. Parish of St. Edmund the King, Lumbardstret. Abrewhouse (not located), and 3 shops in Berchemereslane worth 117s. 4d. yearly and charged with quit rents of 59s. to the prioress of Halywell and 6s. to the prior of the church of Holy Trinity, London, and with 25s. 8d. for repairs. One Robert Motoun, the elder, was seised of all the above in demesne as of fee. He had two wives. By the first he had a son named Richard, and by the second two sons named Robert and William. Robert survived Richard and William, and after the death of his father entered the premises and died seised thereof. On his death the aforesaid Alice daughter of Peter le Rous entered as his kins- woman and heir, to wit, daughter of Joan his sister, and she died seised thereof without heir. Richard and WiUiam never had anything in the premises. The said Alice died on the last day of July last. Since her death no one has received any issues or profits from the premises, which are held of the king in chief in free burgage, as is the whole city of London. She held no other rents or tenements in the city so far as the jurors are able to ascertain at present. C. Edw. III. File 164. (6.) E. Inq. P.M. File 19. (12.) 183. James de Roos, knight. Writ, 10 November, 35 Edward III. York. Libeetv of Holderness. Inq. taken at Wythornse, Thm-sday, 18 November, 35 Edward III. Oustwyk and Hilderston. 15 tofts and 15| bovates of land, held by knight's service of the lady Isabel, the king's daughter, as of the manor of Brustwyk, which the king gave to her for hf e. Tharlesthorp. IJ bovates of land, held of the archbishop of York by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. within the Uberty. He died on Thursday the last day of September last. Robert de Roos, knight, his son, aged 40 years and more, is his heir. Writ, 16 October, 35 Edward III. York. Inq. taken at York, Wednesday after St. Thomas the Apostle, 35 Edward III. Hunmanby. A third part of the manor (extent given, including a third part of a poor {debilis) market held every Wednesday), held of the king in cMef by knight's service as a third part of the barony of Hunmanby. Brighton. A capital messuage in ruins, rents of tenants at will from 10 messuages and 17 bovates of land with half the ferry across the river Derwent amounting to 61. 6d., 4s. 2Jd. rents of cottars, and 6s. Id. 166 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. rents of free tenants holding 2 messuages, half a bovate and 13a. land for fealty. Melbume. Rents of tenants at wiU from 7 messuages and 6| bovates of land amounting to 72s. The tenements in Brighton and Melbume are held of the lord de Roos, as of the fee of Mortimer {de Mortuo Mari), by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the escheator's liailiwick. He died on the morrow of Michaelmas, 35 Edward III. Robert de Roos, knight, his son, aged 32 years and more, is his heir. Writ, 16 October, 35 Edward III. Lincoln. Inq. taken at Flete, Thursday the feast of SS. Simon and Jude, 35 Edward III. Gedeneye. The manor (extent given, including 3 salterns), held of the honor of Aumale (AU)e Marlie) by service of a sixth part of a knight's fee. WyweU. The manor (extent given, including 3 carucates of land worth Kttle because the land is poor and stony and lies uncultivated for want of tenants and servants after the pestilence), with appurtenances in Wywell and Hungerton, held of Thomas de Roos, lord of Belvoir {de Bdvero), by service of rendering (amount illegible) yearly for ward of the castle of Belvoir. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Thursday after Michaelmas last. Heir as above, aged 33 years and more. C. Edw. III. File 164. (7.) 184. Joan late the wife of John de Roches. Writ, 3 October, 35 Edward III. Dorset. Inq. {indented) taken at Shireboum, 3 November, 35 Edward III. Bromleye. The manor (extent given), held for life in dower by assignment of the said Jbhn de Roches, her husband, of the inheritance of Mary, daughter and heir of the said John. The manor is held of Edward Stradlyng by fealty and rendering 3s. yearly. Date of death not known, because she died outside the escheator's baihwick. The aforesaid Mary, aged 30 years and more, married to Bernard Brochas, knight, is her daughter and heir. Writ, 3 October, 35 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Winchester, 26 October, 35 Edward III. Styvyngton. A messuage, 2 carucates of land, 60a. wood and 45s. 2d. rent, held for life of the king in chief by fealty and suit to the hundred of Basyngstok. She was jointly enfeoffed thereof with the aforesaid John de Roches her husband, with the king's licence and bv a fine levied before the justices of the Bench in 15 Edward III between the said John de Roches, querent, and Peter de Ho and John Poul- bergh, deforciants, concerning the manors of Styvyngton, Bradele, Parham, Hoo, Brokkesheved and Eldestok, and 8 marks rent in EDWARD III. 167 Hurseboume, whereby John de Eoches acknowledged the manors &c. to be the right of the said Peter and John, who granted them to the said John de Roches and Joan his wife for their lives, with remainders successively to John de Bourhonte and Mary his wife and the heirs of their bodies, and to the right heirs of John de Roches. The messuage &c. mentioned above are called in the fine the manor of Styvynton, which is worth 45s. 2d. yearly. Bradelegh. The manor, held for hfe, as above, of the bishop of Winchester by the grand serjeanty of providing an armed man to keep the fair of St. Giles for 16 days yearly at the costs of the bishop. Brokkeshefd. The manor, held for life, as above, of Sir John de Mohon by service of rendering 55. yearly. Eldestok. The manor, held for life, as above, of Thomas de Hampton by service of Id. yearly. Farham. The manor, held for life, as above, of the bishop of Winchester by service of doing suit to the soke of Winchester. Hoo. The manor, held for life, as above, of the heirs of John Bourhonte by service of a pair of gilt spurs worth 6d. AU the above ought to remain to the aforesaid Mary for life in fee tail, because John de Roches and Joan and John Bourhonte are dead. Joan died on Thursday after St. Giles last. The aforesaid Mary, daughter of John and Joan, aged 30 years and more, is her heir. C. Edw. III. File 164. (8.) E. Inq. P.M. File 16. (20.) 185. Edwaed Stokke, or de Stokkb, or de Stoke. Writ, 20 October, 35 Edward III. Beeks. Inq. made at Hungerford, the last day of September {sic), 35 Edward III. Langebryghe. A messuage, a carucate of arable containing 100a., and pasture in common for 6 horses, 6 oxen and 200 sheep. Bekesgate. 5s. rent. AU held of the countess of Hainault {Henavd) by knight's service, except 8a. land which are held of Robert Bemak by service of . . s. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 17 September last. John his son, aged 4 years, is his heir. G. Edw. III. File 164.. (9.) Wilts. Inq. made at Salisbury, 8 October, 35 Edward III. Stocke. A messuage, a carucate of land containing 100a., 6a. meadow, 20a. pasture, 2a. wood, 5s. rent of free tenants, and pleas &c. of court worth \2d., held of the king in chief by knight's service. Rusteshale. The manor, held in fee tail of the king in chief by service of one knight's fee. He was enfeoffed thereof jointly with Joan his wife, who survives, by gift of John de Neubinry, chaplain, and Robert Blake, with the kiug's licence, to them and the heirs of their bodies. 168 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS, Bedewynde. A messuage and 20a. land, held of the earl of Stafford by service of 3s, yearly ; a messuage and 16a, land, held of John de Cobham, knight, by service of 2«. yearly ; and 30a, land and 3a. meadow, held of the rector of the church there by service of 2«. 6d. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 6 October last, John his son, aged 4 years and more, is his heir, E. Inq. P.M. FiU 16, (9,) 186. Elizabeth Seikcleb, Writ, 4 December, 35 Edward III, SoMEESBT, Inq. {indented) taken at Shirbum, Monday after the Epiphany, 35 Edward III. Stapulton. A messuage and garden, 27a. arable, of which two parts can be sown yearly, 6a. meadow several from the Purification until the carrying of the hay, and after that common, 8a. several pasture, 20*. rent, and the works of 4 customary tenants, held for hfe in dower by assignment of Robert Seincler formerly her husband, by whose grant the reversion belongs to WiUiam BoneviU and his heirs. The premises are held of the king in chief by service of a fourth part of a knight's fee. She died on Satm-day after St, Luke last, Richard her son, aged 25 years and more, is her heir, G. Edw. III. File 164, (10,) 187. Nicholas Seymotjb, or de Seymore. Writ, Beaulieu, 10 September, 35 Edward III, Devon, Inq. taken at North Molton, Sunday after Michaelmas, 35 Edward III, North Molton. The extent of the manor is given, including two water- mills, a fuUing-miU and the hundred court, but nothing is said as to tenure, 22 ferhngs, which used to be in the hands of bondmen, are in the lord's hand owing to the pestilence, William Corby came and shewed a bond whereby the said Nicholas granted him lOOs. yearly for hfe out of the manor of North Molton, but as this bond was made in CO, Somerset the jurors can say nothing with regard to it. He died on Friday before the Assumption last, Nicholas his son, aged 9 years and more, is his heir. Writ, Beauheu, 12 September, 35 Edward III, Wilts, Inq. made at Heyworth, 14 October, 35 Edward III, Eton Meisy. Two parts of the manor (extent given, including two parts of a mill with a fishery there), with the advowson of the church, held of the earl of Stafford, as of the earldom of Gloucester, by knight's service. Wyttenham, The manor (extent given), tenure not known. He held no other lands &c, in the county. He died . . (unfinished). EDWARD III. 169 Writ, Beaulieu, 10 September, 35 Edward III. DoKSET, Inq. (indented) taken at Mayden Nywton, 15 September, 35 Edward III. Wynfred. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Friday before the Assumption last. Nicholas his son, aged 10 years and more, is his heir. Somerset. Inq. {indented) taken at Castelcary, Thursday the morrow of Michaelmas, 35 Edward III. Castelcary. The manor, held in fee tail to him and Muriel his wife, long since deceased, and the heirs of their bodies, by gift of John de Derby, clerk, and Walter de Aumeneye. The manor is held of the king in chief by knight's service. Merssh. The manor, with the borough of Wyncaulton, held in the same manner of the king in chief by knight's service. Northbarwe. The manor, held in the same manner of the king in chief by knight's service. Southbarewe. The manor, held in the same manner of the earl of Salis- bury by knight's service, as of his manor of Cory. Rode. The manor, held in the same manner of Edward le Despencer by knight's service, as of the honor of Gloucester. Prestelegh. The manor, held in the same manner of John de Palton by knight's service, as of his manor of Corscombe. Blakeford. The manor, held in the same manner, whereof one part, called ' Le Esthalle,' is held of Hamo Mltz Richard by knight's service, another part, called ' Wythele,' is held of Thomas de Courtenay by knight's service and by rendering 6s. 8d. yearly, another part, called ' Bricestenement,' is held of John Dacton and the heirs of James de Wilton by knight's service and by rendering 20s. yearly, and another part, called ' ThysteUesham,' is held of the earl of Salisbury by service of rendering 4s. 4d. yearly. Stokeholway. A messuage and a carucate of land, held in the same manner of the king in chief by knight's service. Broghton. The manor, held in the same manner of the king in chief by knight's service. CokhuU. A messuage and a virgate of land, held in the same manner of the king in chief by knight's service. Date of death and heir as last above. The premises in Stokholway and a parcel of the manor of Castel- cary called ' Pydecoumbe ' are charged to John de Bourne in 100s. of silver and 6 yards {vergis) of cloth with fur yearly for his gown (roba) ; ' Pydecoumbe ' is charged to Richard Strode in 70s. ; and the manor of Blakeford is charged to John de Bekyngton in 20s. The above charges are for the lives of the grantees and were made by the said Nicholas before John Derby or Walter de Aumeneye had anything to do with the manors. C. Edw. III. File 164. (11.) E. Inq. P.M. File 19. (19.) (Dorset.) E. Inq. P.M. File 21. (18.) (Somerset.) 170 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. 188. John de Spersholte. Writ, 15 April, 35 Edward III. Berks. Ivq. made at Wantyng, 13 May, 35 Edward III. Spersholte. The manor (extent given), whereof he was enfeoffed jointly with Maud his wife, who survives, held of Peter Achard by service of 16«. yearly and fealty. West Hanred. The manor (extent given), whereof he was enfeoffed jointly with Maud his wife by a fine levied at Westminster in the quindene of Easter, 5 Edward III, held of the heir of WiUiam de Insula, knight, by service of Id. yearly. The said heir holds it of the king in chief by serjeanty. He died on Sunday after All Saints last. William, son of the same John and Maud, aged 20 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 164. (12.) 189. Robert de Sallowe. Writ, 25 November, 35 Edward III. Derby. Inq. taken at Derby, 12 January, 35 Edward III. Stanton. 16a. land, held of the king in chief by service of 4s. 4d. yearly. Sandiacre. 5 messuages and 6 bovates of land, held of the king in chief by service of paying 13«. 4d. yearly at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff. Stanton. A messuage with garden, a dovecot, a carucate of land, an acre of meadow and a windmill, held of the lady de Caunttelowe by knight's service. Breydeston. A messuage and a virgate of land, held of the lady de Caunttelowe by fee-farm. He held aU the above in fee tail to himself and the heirs of his body, and he held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Sunday before St. Martin last. WiUiam his son, aged 23 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 164. (13.) 190. Thomas de Sancto Leodegario. Writ, 12 March, 35 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Stratfeld Say, 18 March, 35 Edward III. Stratfeld Say. The manor (extent given, including a water-mill with fishery), held in right of Elizabeth his wife, who survives, of the heir of Robert de Stotevylle, an alien of the duchy of Normandy, by service of a pair of gilt spurs or 6d. yearly, except 4Ja. pastiu-e in a purpresture of the king's assart in ' le Heighwodebrech ' which are held of the king by rendering 2s. 3d. yearly by the hands of the sheriff, Gl. rents of tenants in Bromlegh belonging to the said manor which are held of the lady EUzabeth del Isle as of the barony of Basyngge, and a yearly rent of 34i. in Stratfeld belonging to the said manor (tenure not specified). EDWARD III. 171 He died on 14 January last. Edmimd, son of the said Thomas and Elizabeth his wife, aged 3 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 164. (14.) 191. Roger Siferwast, or Cyfeewast, or Cipebwast, of Cleuwar, Clyware or Cleware. Writ, Beaulieu, 2 September, 35 Edward III. Cambridge. Inq. taken at Sauston, Monday after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 35 Edward III. Badbourgham. A messuage, 6s. 8d. rent, 132a. arable, 11a. pasture, and a broken water-mill of no value because the stream is entirely emptied elsewhere {evacvxitur aliunde), held of the earl of Richmond by service of 12d. yearly and suit to his court there. He died on 28 May last. John Cyfrewast his son, of fuU age, is his heir. Writ, Wyndesore, 5 June, 35 Edward III. Suffolk. Inq. taken at Culford, Thursday after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary,* 35 Edward III. Culford. The manor (extent given), held of the abbot of St. Edmund's, service not known. He died on 5 May last. John his son, aged 22 years and more, is his heir. Writ, Wyndesore, 5 June, 35 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Basyngstoke, 11 September, 35 Edward III. Canteshangre. 28*. Id. rent, held of the lord of Basyng by service of a sixth part of a knight's fee. Ellesfeld. 6d. rent or a pair of gilt spurs issuing from a messuage and a carucate of land lately held by William E^hide ; 12d. rent issuing from a carucate of land lately held by the same WiUiam ; lib. pepper issuing from 2 messuages and 2 virgates of land lately held by the same WiUiam ; and Id. rent issuing from 100a. pasture lately held by the prioress of Wynteneye. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 28 May last. John his son, aged 22 years and more, is his heir. Berks. Inq. made at Maydenhuythe, 27 June, 35 Edward III. Cleware. The manor (extent given, including a fishery in the river Thames), with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death as last above. Heir as above, aged 21 years and more. Writ, Wyndesore, 5 June, 35 Edward III. Hereford. Inq. taken at Much (Magna) Coweme, Friday after St. Bartholo- mew, 35 Edward III. * The Exchequer enrolment is dated 2 August. 172 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Coweme. A messuage, 2 gardens, a dovecot, 110a. arable, 6a. meadow, 4a. wood, and 81. 2d. rent, held of Humphrey, earl of Hereford, by service of a fourth part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the coimty. Date of death as last above. Heir as above, aged 23 years and more. C. Edw. III. File 164. (15.) E. Inq. P.M. FiU 16. (5.) (Berks.) E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 125. (14.) (Suffolk.) 192. John db Stonoee. Writ, BeauUeu, 12 September, 35 Edward III. LinrcoLiir. Inq. {indented) taken at Repynghale, Monday before Michaelmas, 35 Edward III. Hacumby. A toft and 17a. land, held of Robert Tiffour, knight, by service of 8d. yearly. RepjTighale. The manor, in the towns of Repjnighale and Ryngesdon, held of Thomas de Roos, knight, as of Ms manor of Douseby, by homage and fealty and the service of going out (proficiscendi) with the said Thomas in the king's war for forty days at his own costs. Walcote. A manor, held of the abbot of Peterborough by service of I2d. yearly. Kirkeby. 2 cottages, 4 bovates of land and 30a. underwood, held of Thomas de Sancto Laudo, as of his manor of Beleby, by the foreign service. He held no other lands &c. in the coimty. He died on Friday before St. Peter's Chains, 35 Edward III. Edmund his son, aged 16 years and more, is his heir. Writ, Beauheu, 10 September, 35 Edward III. Devon. Inq.* taken at Yrm3nigton, Monday after Michaelmas, 35 Edward III. Yrmyngton. A capital messuage, a carucate of land, 2 gardens, 8a. meadow, 40a. wood, ISl. rent of free tenants, a fishery, and pleas &c. of the court of the manor and of the hundred, [held of Hugh Courtenay, earl of Devon, by service of halt a knight's fee. He held of the king in chief in other counties, viz. Wilts and Bucks.] f He died on 22 July last. Heir as above, aged 14 years and more. He was also seised of a third part of the advowson of the church of Irmyngton. Writ, Beaulieu, 12 September, 35 Edward III. SoxxTHAMPTON. Inq. made at Winchester, 26 October, 35 Edward III. Aisshe. The manor (extent given), held of the lady Isabel, the king's eldest daughter, as of her manor of Hampstede Marchal as of the fee of the earl marshal, by knight's service. From the manor are paid * He is called knight in this inquisition. t The words in square brackets are supplied from the Exchequer enrolment, which also difiera from the Chancery inquisition in describing the premises as constituting the manor of Yrmyngton. EDWARD III. 173 to the bishop of Winchester 45. yearly as a fixed sum for the view of Overton {de certo visu de Overton), and 12s. as a fixed rent in Overton, and to Sir Edward de Sancto Johanne 20s. yearly for the rent of Kyngesdoune due to the manor of Wolfreton. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 10 July last. Heir as above, aged 15 years and more. Oxford. Inq. made at Henle, 4 October, 35 Edward III. Stonore and Bixe. The manor, whereof he held a messuage and a carucate of land of the abbot of Dorchestre in socage by service of Id. yearly, 2 carucates (each containing 100a.) of Humphrey le Bohun, son and heir of William le Bohun late earl of Northampton, by service of 12s. and iqrs. of oats yearly, and 10a. meadow ia Standelve of Gilbert de Elsefeld by service of 6s. 8d. yearly. There is a park of 160a. with deer, 60a. wood, divers free tenants rendering 70s. yearly, and a court worth 55. yearly. Watlynton. A messuage with garden and a carucate of land, held of Roger Codesford by service of 12s. yearly. Watecombe. A messuage and 80a. land, held of the prior of Preaux {de Pratellis) by service of 2s. yearly, with 5a. meadow, a horse- miU which is quite ruined, pasture there and in Watlynton for 2 horses, 6 oxen and 100 sheep, 62s. rent of free tenants, and pleas &c. of court worth 25. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as last above. Berks. Inq. made at Abendon, 18 January, 35 Edward III. Redyng and Tylhurst. A messuage, 140a. land, 30a. meadow and 50s. rent, held of the abbot of Redyng by service of 10s. yearly, with pasture for 3 horses, 4 oxen and 100 sheep ia common. SotteweU. A messuage and a carucate of land containing 140a. arable, with 8a. meadow, 6a. pasture, divers tenants rendering 45s. yearly, and pleas &c. of coiurt worth 18d. yearly, held of the bishop of Win- chester, as of his manor of BrightweU, by service of 12s. yearly. Dudecote. The manor (extent given), held of the prince of Wales by service of a knight's fee ; and the prince claims the custody of the manor, because it is held of him as of the duchy of Cornwall, by reason of the minority of the heir, and he has the custody thereof. The deceased held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as last above. C. Edw. III. File 164. (16.) E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 127. (4.) (Devon.) 193. John SoMENOtrR, or Sompnxjb. Writ, 2 January, 35 Edward III. Essex. Inq. taken at Branketre, 7 January, 35 Edward III. Fynchefeld. A messuage with garden, 130a. arable, 7a. meadow, 6a. pasture and 50a. wood, held of the king in chief by service of turning a spit {broche) in the king's kitchen at his coronation. 174 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Wetherisfeld. A house, held of the lady Alesia NevyU by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Sunday before the Conception of the Virgin Mary last. Henry his son, aged 10| years and in the wardship of the lady of Wetherisfeld, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 164. (17.) Essex. Inq. taken at Branketre, 8 December, 36 Edward III. Fynchyngfeld. The manor (extent given, as above, with 110a. instead of 130a.), held as above. He died on 3 December, 35 Edward III. Heir not given. E. Enrolments die. of Inq. No. 132. (9.) (Essex.) 194. Eleanor db Stjdleye, late the wife op John de Stjdleyb. Writ, 16 November, 35 Edward III. Warwick. Inq. taken at Dersete, Thursday before St. Nicholas, 35 Edward III. Le Gryve. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by knight's service by demise of John de Sudleye, grandfather of her late husband, to her said husband and herself and the heirs of her husband. Dersete. The manor (extent given), held of the king (de domino) in chief by knight's service. 2 carucates of land in the manor were in her hands at her death ; and 5 carucates are in the hands of John de Sudleye, knight, by reason of an ahenation made by John de Sudley, great-great-grandfather {triavus) of the aforesaid John, to Bartholo- mew de Sudleye, concerning which the jurors make no answer as they were not in Eleanor's hands at her death. She died on Monday before the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 35 Edward III. John de Sudleye, son of the said John and Eleanor, aged 24 years and more, is John's heir. Writ, 16 November, 35 Edward III. Gloitoester. Inq. taken at Suydleye, 8 December, 35 Edward III. Sudleye. The manor (extent given), held for hfe of the kiag in chief by barony by demise of John de Sudleye, grandfather of her late husband, to her said husband and herself and the heirs of her husband. She died on 6 September, 35 Edward HI. Heir John de Suydleye as above. Writ, 16 November, 35 Edward III. Worcester. Inq. taken at Worcester, Monday the eve of St. Andrew, 35 Edward III. Forvelde. The manor (extent given), held for life of the prior of Coventre by service of rendering a rose yearly at Midsummer, by demise of John de Sudleye &c., as in the last. Shirreve Lench. A messuage, a carucate of arable, 2\a. meadow, 655. rents of customary tenants, and pleas &c. of court worth 3s. 4(i. yearly held for hfe, as above, of the earl of Warwick, service not known. EDWARD III. 175 Wich. 145. 4d. rent and 16 mitts of salt yearly, held for life, as above, of the earl of Warwick by fealty. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on Monday before the Nativity of the Virgin Mary this year. Heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 164. (18.) E. Inq. P.M. File 18. (16.) (Warwick.) E. Enrolments doc. of Inq. No. 131. (Worcester.) 195. Maegabet de Sancto Johanne. John soi of the honor of Reillegh every month. Estwode. 5a. land, held of John de Pritewell and Joan, his wife, by service of \d. yearly. Heir not known. He died on Saturday after Michaelmas, 35 Edward III. C. Edw. III. File 166. (9.) 240. John de Cobttam of Rundale. Writ, 14 November, 35 Edward III. Kent. Inq. {indented) taken at Maidenstan, 22 March, 36 Edward III. Ovenhull in Boxle. Tenements comprising a ruined messuage, 12a. arable, dry and sandy, 22a. several pasture for sheep, la. meadow in a dry place and only fit to cut in a wet season {tempore aquoao), and common after cutting, 13s. 4d. rent of free tenants, rent of 2 hens at Christmas, and perquisites of court worth only 12d. because most of the tenants do not owe suit. The premises are held of the king in chief by service of providing for the king in every Welsh war a horse worth 5s., a bag worth Qd., and a pin {brocW) worth |d, at the king's costs.'" He died 14 September, 35 Edward III. Thomas de Cobham his son, aged 19 years, is his heir. * The words sumptibus domini regis are jnterlineated. EDWARD III. 199 Alyngton. The castle &c. (extent given), held of the heir of John de Kirkeby, a minor in the wardship of the archbishop of Canterbury, by service of a moiety of a knight's fee and by rendering 2s. yearly. The extent includes 100a. wood caUed ' le Park,' and a rent of 3 ploughshares at Christmas. Roundale. The manor (extent given), held of John de Northwode, knight, by service of rendering 26s. 8d. yearly to him and 405. yearly at Michaelmas to the abbess of Fontevrault {de Fonte Everard'). Hevere. The manor, held of the archbishop of Canterbury, as of his manor of Otteford, by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. Preston. Tenements worth 40s. yearly, held of the prince of Wales in right of his wife, service not known. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 166. (10.) 241. William de Dokeswobthe. Writ, 26 October, 35 Edward III. Hertford. Inq. taken at Hicchen, 6 April, 36 Edward III. Waldene Regis. A messuage, 60a. land, 2a. meadow, and 5s. rent,* held of the king in chief by service of 8s. M. yearly, payable by the hands of the sheriff ; 2 messuages, 160a. land and 3a. wood, held of Edward de Kendale by service of 6s. yearly ; and a messuage, 20a. land and la. wood, held of Thomas Fitlyngge by service of 5s. yearly. He died on Sunday after St. Denis last. EUis his son, aged 16 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 166. (11.) E. Enrolments <&c. of Inq. No. 132. (15.) 242. Thomas de Drokeneseord. Writ, 10 November, 35 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. (indented) taken at Welles, 36 Edward III. Alston. He held nothing of the king in chief or of any other at the time of his death, because long before then he demised his manor of Alston, held of Richard Cogan, knight, by knight's service, to John Baunton, John atte Vyne, clerk, and John Scorteford, clerk, and their heirs. He died on 2 July last. Heir not known, because he has none in the county begotten of himself. C. Edw. III. File 166. (12.) 243. John de la Bere. Writ, 23 January, 35 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Fordyngbrigg, 6 April, 36 Edward III. * In the enrolment the inquisition is dated 6 May and these tenements are said to be in Dokegwesworth. 200 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. (Unspecified.) 4 messuages, 40a. arable, 20a. waste in common, and 2a. wood, held of the king in chief by service of paying 3s. yearly at the king's manor of Lyndherst. Yerdle. A messuage, 60a. arable and 3a. wood, held of Richard de Wyndesore by knight's service, amount not known. Ibbesle. A messuage and IJ carucates of land, held in joint feofEment with Margery his wife, who survives, by gift of Sir John Carpenter, chaplain, and John de la Bere, son of the deceased, to them and the heirs of John. The premises are held of Richard de Penbrigg, knight, and Elizabeth his wife, as of the dower of Elizabeth, of the barony of Seintjon by service of a fourth part of a knight's fee. The IJ caru- cates contain 140a. arable, and there are lOo. meadow, the pasture of which is common after mowing, and 4a. wood, the pasture of which is common. He also had common of pasture in the New Forest for himself and his tenants for all their beasts of Lyndwode and Ibbesle by grant of the king's progenitors, divers tenants rendering 20s. yearly, and plea* &c. of court worth 3s. 4d. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 33 Edward III. Maud daughter and heir of John Pounchardoun the son and heir of Sibyl daughter and co-heir of the deceased, aged 5 years and more, and Joan and Christina, daughters and co-heirs of John Emys the son and heir of Katharine the other daughter and co-heir of the deceased, aged 3 years and more and 1 year and more respectively, are his heirs. Thomas son of the deceased, aged 40 years, who died on 22 September last about the hour of noon, made a charter of feoffment of all the lands &c. in Ibbesle about half an hour before prime (circa medietatem hore prime) of the same day to the aforesaid Margery and OUver Pounchardoun, then her husband, and the heirs of the said Oliver, but there was no dehvery of seisin. The last wish of Thomas was to make them a good estate of the premises. Afterwards Ohver and Margery enfeoffed one WiUiam Brynkeworth of the said lands &c., who re-enfeoffed them and the heirs of Ohver to the disherison of the aforesaid Maud, Joan and Christina, the heirs of John de la Bere deceased, and contrary to the form of the first feoffment made to Margery for her life. C. Edw. III. File 166. (13.) E. Inq. P.M. File 20. (16). 244. RiOHAUD Danvbbs. Writ, 23 January, 35 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Meonestoke, 24 September, 36 Edward III. Bourhont Herbelyn by Southwyk. Two days {jpenultimo die) before his death the deceased made a conditional feoffment to John de Scures, knight, Roger de Engelfeld, Thomas de Welhop, Simon atte Mede and others of a messuage, a carucate of arable, 10a. meadow, 12a. pasture and 34s. rent, with a court the pleas of which are worth 12 Blencowe, Greyrig and Mossedale, a water-mill at Mossedale rendering 6 ' eskepp ' of poor meal yearly, and a fulling-mill there, and perquisites of court in the manors of Kirkosewald and Laysyngby worth 13s. 4d. yearly. IrthjTngton, Brampton, Burgh, Kirkosewald and Laysyngby. There are also in these manors divers rents of foreign tenants, including 8s. ll^d. for cornage. Foreign tenants in the aforesaid manors holding freely by homage : — Neuby. The hamlet, held by William de Louther by homage and service of a tenth part of a knight's fee, and by suit of court every three weeks. Blateme. The hamlet, held by Thomas de Blaterne by homage &c. as above. Leveresdale and BromhUl. The hamlets, held by Thomas de Malton by homage &c. as above. StapUton. Tenements held by Robert TilhoU by homage and service of a twentieth part of a knight's fee. Scalby. An eighth part of the town, held by the same Robert by fealty and suit of court as above. Stapilton. A moiety of the town, held by John de Stapilton by homage and service of a tenth part of a knight's fee, and by suit of court as above. Kirkambek. The hamlet, held by William de Stapilton the younger and Robert de Leversdale by homage and suit of court as above. Treverman. The hamlet, held by Roland de Vaus by homage and service of an eighth part of a knight's fee, and by suit of court as above. Torcrossoke. The hamlet, held by Roland de Vaus the younger by homage and service of an eighth part of a knight's fee and by suit of court as above. Lanerton and Overdenton. The hamlets, held by Gerard de Wydiyngton, knight, by homage and suit of court as above. Farlham. The hamlet, held by John de Farlham by homage and service of a moiety of a knight's fee, and by suit of court as above. Talkan. The hamlet, held by John de la More the younger by fealty and suit of court as above. Bonardhowe. Held by John de Warthewyk, knight, by fealty. Cumcache. The hamlet held by John de la More by homage and service of a tenth part of a knight's fee. Castelkayrok. The hamlet, held by de Castelkayrok by homage and service of an eighth part of a knight's fee, and by suit of court as above. Caterleim. The hanllet, held by William de Vaus of Caterlenn by fealty. 266 (1AI.ENDAE OF INQUISITIONS. Cumrue. The hamlet, held by John de by fealty and suit of court as above. Crogelyn. The hamlet, held by Ralph de Hastynges, knight, by homage and service of a tenth part of a knight's fee, and by suit of court as above. Waymersik. Tenements held by Robert de Kirkosewald by fealty. Ormesby. The hamlet, held by Brian de Stapilton, knight, by fealty and suit of court as above. Great Corkeby. The hamlet, held by Richard de Salkild by homage and service of a tenth part of a knight's fee, and by suit of court as above. Fenton. The hamlet, held by William de Wyndesore, knight, by homage and service of a tenth part of a knight's fee. Little Cambok. The hamlet, held by Henry de Malton, knight, by fealty. Sawmondland. A plot so called, held by William son of Peter by fealty. Sandes. The manor del Sandes, held by Michael del Sandes by homage and suit of court as above. Bourstold. Tenements held by Adam de Agillonby by homage and suit of court as above. Bothecastre. The hamlet, held by John de Strivelyn, knight, by homage and suit of court as above. Bampton. The hamlet, held by John de Bampton by homage and suit of court as above. Little Bampton. The hamlet, held by Thomas de Quyterigg by homage and suit of court as above. Rouclj^. The hamlet, held by the heir of Thomas Danyel by homage and suit of court as above. He is a minor in the king's wardship, and in the custody of John de Wynwyk by the king's grant. Partan. The hamlet, held by Gilbert Peper by homage and suit of court as above. Langbergh. The hamlet, held by Thomas de Alanby by homage and cornage. Le Banhevd. A plot so called and a fishery there, held by Amand Mounceux by fealty. Grethill. Tenements held by Roland de Vaus by homage and cornage. Thoresby. The hamlet, held by Richard de Denton, knight, by fealty and suit of court as above. Drimburgh, Bowes, Quiryg, Aynthorn, Cardrunok, Fyngland and Glassan. The manors and hamlets, held by Robert Broyne by homage and suit of court as above. Oomquintyn. The hamlet, held by Thomas de Quytrig and William do Arturet by homage and suit of court as above. Isale. The manor, and tenements in Plumland and Blencrayk, held by Margaret de Leghe by homage and suit of court as above. Orreton. An enclosure, held by John de Orreton, knight, by fealty. Burgh and Crokedayk. Tenements held by John Boticom and Richard de BeauUeu by homage and suit of court as above. The said Margaret held also in form aforesaid : — Ingelwod. Two parts of a plot called ' Warnhull ' in the forest, the whole of which plot is held of the king in chief by fealty and the service of EDWARD III. 257 rendering 6O5. yearly at the Exchequer of CarUsle by the hands of the sheriff. Ragthon. A messuage and 10a. land, held of the king in chief by fealty and the service of rendering 2s. yearly at the Exchequer of CarUsle as above. She held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 170. (6.) 318. William le Eyre, of Hope. Writ, 18 November, 36 Edward III. Debby. Inq. taken at Derby, 30 November, 36 Edward III. Hope. A bovate of land, held of the king in chief by service of keeping the forests of Edale, Asshop and Dorwent with a horn ; and 3 bovates of land, held of the lady Phihppa, queen of England, by service of 95. 2Jd. yearly. Aston. Half a bovate of land, held of Robert Woderoue by service of 25. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Friday after AU Saints. Nicholas, his brother, aged 40 (1) years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 170. (7.) 319. William de Evesham. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said William, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 24 November, 36 Edward III. Middlesex. Inq. taken at Westminster, 28 November, 36 Edward III. Parish of St. Clement Danes without the Bar of the New Temple. A messuage, held of the king in chief by service of rendering yearly at Michaelmas six horse-shoes with nails or 18d. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 20 February, 25 Edward III. Thomas Lenche of Evesham his kinsman, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. WiUiam de Newenham, clerk, was in possession of the premises from the time of the death of WiUiam de Evesham untU his own death, by what title is not known. Aiter his death the messuage was taken into the king's hand by WiUiam de Hatton, then escheator, who has to answer for it. John de Tye, the present escheator, took it into the king's hand on the last day of November, 36 Edward III, by virtue of this inquisition. C. Edw. III. File 170. (8.) D. of L. Inq. P.M. Vol. I. Appendix No. 17. London. Inq. taken before the mayor and escheator of London ex officio, Friday the morrow of the Ascension, 37 Edward III. 17— (7) 258 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Parish of St. Andrew Holebom in the suburb. A tenement, held of the king in free burgage, as is the whole city. He held no other lands &c. within the hberty of the city. Date of death unknown. He died without heir. E. Inq. P.M. File 23. (11.) 320. Roger de Englbfbld. Writ, 26 May, 36 Edward III. SotTTHAMPTON. Itiq. made at Winchester, 15 July, 36 Edward III. Plexlond. 20a. purpresture called ' la Breche,' held of the king in chief by service of paying 55. yearly to the sheriff at Winchester castle. riexlond Cobeham. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of Maurice Bruyn, knight, as of the manor of Russel Flexlond, by service of 2s. yearly and by fealty. One part of the messuage and carucate he held in fee to him and his heirs, and the other two parts in fee-tail to him and the heirs of his body, by a fine levied in the king's court. The carucate contains 80a. There are also 4a. poor meadow, tenants rendering 6O5. a year, and pleas &c. of court worth 12a!. yearly. Flexlond. A cottage and la. land, held of the abbot of Beaulieu in socage by fealty and the service of a fourth part of lib. of pepper yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 28 December last. Roger his son, aged a year and a half and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 170. (9.) E. Inq. P.M. File 20. (20.) 321. Joan i^ate the wife of Henry le Feeke. Writ, 28 May, 36 Edward III. Dorset. Inq. {indented) taken at Dorchestre, Monday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 36 Edward III. Podyngton. A fourth part of 2 carucates of land, held of Nicholas Poyntz by knight's service, as of his manor of Sotton Poyntz. West Chikerel. 20a. land, held of Raymond Heryng by knight's service, as of the manor of Wynterbom Heryng. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on 10 January last. AUce le WaUsch, aged 30 years and more, her sister, Simon Brut, aged 26 years and more, son of Maud her second sister, and Christina, aged 24 years and more, daughter of Edith Sender her third sister and married to John atte HuUe, are her heirs. Somerset. Inq. (indented) taken at Wyvelescomb, 1 July, 36 Edward III. Athelerdeston. 8s. IQd. yearly rent in the manor, held of the king in chief by service of a twentieth part of a knight's fee. Hiwysch Chamflour. A sixth part of the manor, held of Thomas de Neoborgh by knight's service, as of his manor of Wyneford, together with the advowson of the church at every sixth presentation. She held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heirs as above. C. Edw. III. File 170. (10.) EDWARD III. 259 322. Margaret late the wife of John de Frene, or le Fkeen. Writ after the death of the said Margaret, who held by knight's service of the heir of Roger de Mortuo Man, late earl of March, a minor in the king's wardship. 6 May, 36 Edward III. Hereford. Ivq. taken at Ludeford, 18 September, 36 Edward III. Staundon by Monyton. A messuage and a virgate of land, held of the earl of March by knight's service. She died on Thm'sday before All Saints last. John her son, aged 23 years and more, is her heir. Salop. Inq. taken at Shrewsbury, 6 August, 36 Edward III. Nynesolers. Two parts of the manor (extent given), including a water -miU and a pasture called ' Atfordeshale,' held jointly with John Frene, late her husband, by gift of WiUiam le Frene, chaplain, and Hugh Apelton to them and the heirs of their bodies, of the heir of Roger de Mortuo Mari, late earl of March, a minor in the king's wardship, by service of a sixth part of a knight's fee. She held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death as above. John Frene, aged 22 years at the Circumcision last, is heir of the aforesaid John IVene and Margaret. C. Edw. III. File 170. (11.) 323. John de Fretheby. Writ, 6 May, 36 Edward III. LsiCBSTER. Inq. taken at Leycestre, Saturday after St. Mary Magdalene, 36 Edward III. Medbum. A fourth part of a twentieth part of a knight's fee, worth lOs. yearly, held of the king in chief by Imight's service.* Houby. The manor (extent given), held of Katharine lady of Thursyng- ton, as of her manor there, by knight's service. He died on Saturday after St. Luke, 35 Edward III. Edmund de Fretheby his brother, aged 23 years and more, is his heir. Writ, 6 May, 36 Edward III. York. Inq. taken at York, in the Castle, Tuesday after SS. Peter and Paul, 36 Edward III. Edelthorp and Berghthorp. Tenements in the hands of tenants at will rendering 40s. yearly, held of John de Gerwardby by knight's service. Fritheby. The manor, in the hands of tenants at will rendering 405. yearly, held of Sir WiUiam le Latymer by knight's service. Otton and Twenge. Tenements lying waste, held of Sir Thomas de Twenge by knight's service. Wyuestowe. A messuage and 2 bovates of land in the hands of tenants at will rendering 5s. yearly, held of Sir Thomas de Roos by knight's service. • In the Exchequer inquisition this holding is described as 10s. yearly rent held by service of a fourth part of a twentieth pait of a knight's fee. 260 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Rillyngton. A messuage and 2 bovates of land in the hands of tenants at will rendering 10s. yearly, held of John Prud by knight's service. Aton in Clyveland. 3 waste messuages in ruins and 6 bovates of land, (3 of which bovates are in the hands of tenants at will rendering lOs. yearly, and the whole of the remainder is waste), held of Edward prince of Wales the king's son, as of the manor of Kirkeby Moresheved, by knight's service. Middelton in Clyveland. 4 messuages and 18 bovates of land in the hands of tenants at will rendering 405. yearly and no more because a great part is waste, held of Peter de Malo Lacu by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the county, but he held (it is said) some lands &c. at Medbum, co. Northampton (sic), of the king in chief. Date of death and heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 170. (12.) E. Inq. P.M. File 21 (21.) (Leicester.) 324. Robert lb Finc, or le Finch. Writ, 10 October, 36 Edward III. Oxford. Inq. made at Wyginton, Sunday after the Conception of the Virgin Mary, 36 Edward III. Wyginton, Ardele and Weston. The manors, held of the heir of Plesy, lord of Hogenorton, in the king's wardship by reason of his minority, by knight's service. He died on Saturday after IMichaelmas last. Joan his daughter, aged 7 years, in the king's wardship, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 170. (13.) 325. Thomas son op Nicholas de Leyk. Writ, 4 October, 36 Edward III. London. Inq. taken before the mayor, Friday after St. Matthew, 36 Edward III. He died about the feast of St. Peter's Chains, 35 Edward III, seised of : — Parish of St. Andrew, Castelbaynard. A messuage, which if repaired would be worth 30s. a year, now ruined and uninhabitable and worth nothing, held of the king in chief in free burgage, as is the whole city. He held no other lands &c. within the liberty of the city. He has no heirs so far as the jurors can discover {prout inter seinquirere possunt). Endorsed : Memorandum that on 12 February, 6 Richard II., this inquisition with the writ annexed was exemplified at the request of Clement Lavender, citizen and fishmonger of London. C. Edw. III. File 170. (14.) E. Inq. P.M. File 22. (8.) EDWARD III. 261 326. Edmund Fitz Simon. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and. heir of the said Edmund, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 3 October, 36 Edward III. Essex. Inq. taken at Pritewell, Friday after All Saints, 36 Edward III. North Shobery. A third part of the manor. Barflet and Shelworde. Pieces of marsh so called. All held of Philippa queen of England, as of the honor of Reilegh, by knight's service. He died about Michaelmas, 29 Edward III. John his son, aged 20 years and more, is his heir. William de Bohun, late earl of Northampton, who then had the honor of Reilegh with its knights' fees &c. of Phihppa queen of England at farm, sdzed the premises into his hand by reason of the minority of the aforesaid John the heir, and was in possession from the time of the death of Edmund until Wednesday after the Exalta- tion of the Holy Cross, 34 Edward HI, when he himself died. WiUiam de Hinton, baihff of the honor, directly after the earl's death seized the premises into the king's hand, and has received the profits until now and accounts for them in the Exchequer, as the jurors understand. C. Edw. III. File 170. (15.) 327. Henry Fitz Roger. Writ, 26 January, 36 Edward III. Kent. Inq. (indented) taken at Canterbury, 7 February, 36 Edward III. Sellyng. A moiety of the manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a knight's fee and by doing suit to the king's court called ' redeleuet ' every three weeks. He held no other lands &c. in the coimty. He died on 28 October last. Heir not known. C. Edw. III. File 170. (16.) 328. Bbvis (Bugo) Fitz Waryn. Writ, Wodestok, 25 August, 36 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Westbury, 20 September, 36 Edward III. Westbury. 13a. land and 1^. meadow, held of Joan, daughter and one of the heirs of John Pavely, a minor in the king's wardship, by service of a fortieth part of a knight's fee ; and a messuage, a carucate of arable, 18a. meadow and 2a. wood, held of the same heir by service of a pair of gilt spurs yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on the eve of St. Katharine last. Walter Fitz Waryn his son, aged 13 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 170. (17.) E. Inq. P.M. File 20. (3.) 262 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. 329. Thomas son of Thomas son of Walter. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Thomas, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 10 November, 36 Edward III. Westmorland. Inq. taken at Appelby, Thursday the morrow of St. Thomas the Apostle, 36 Edward III. Appelby. 8a. land, held of the heir of Robert de Clifford, a minor in the king's wardship, by service of ^d. yearly for cornage, and by homage. He died at Michaelmas, 23 Edward III. Master John de Appelby, parson of the church of Whitbeme, aged 40 years, is his heir. The land has been in the king's hand and in the custody of the escheator ever since the death of the said Thomas son of Thomas. C. Edw. III. File 170. (18.) 330. Walter de Fatjcomberge, or Facomberge, knight. Writ, 1 March, 37 Edward III. Lincoln. Inq. [indented) taken at Burton Stather, 10 March, 37 Edward III. Whiten. He held no lands in the county at the time of his death because long before his death he ahenated the manor of Whiten and all he had in the county to Thomas his son and Constancia, his son's wife, and the heirs of their bodies, to wit on Sunday the feast of St. Matthew, 28 Edward III. He died on Thm-sday the feast of St. Michael, 36 Edward III. Heir not known. Writ, 10 October, 36 Edward III. York. Liberty of Holderness. Inq. taken at Hedon, Thursday after All Saints, 36 Edward III. Ryse. The manor, and 2 carucates of land in Seton, held jointly with Isabel his wife, by gift of Hugh Swettok and WilUam de Tykton, chaplain, to them and the heirs male of their bodies. The premises are held of Isabel the king's daughter, as of her manor of Brustwyk as of the honor of Aumale, by service of three parts of a knight's fee. Wythomwyk. The manor, held jointly as above by gift of WiUiam de Lakenby to Walter and Isabel and the heirs male of their bodies. The manor is held of the same Isabel, as of the manor and honor aforesaid, by service of a third part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. within the hberty. Date of death as above. Thomas his son, aged 17 years and more, is his heir. Writ, 10 October, 36 Edward III. York. Inq. taken at Gisburn in Clyveland, Wednesday after St. Hilary, 36 Edward III. Skelton in Cl3ryeland. The castle and manor (extent given), with the undermentioned lands &c. in Mersk, held of the king in chief, as of the crown, by homage and fealty and the service of a knight's fee and a half ; except 2 carucates in Mersk which are held of Sir Henry de Percy by knight's service. The premises were held by the deceased EDWARD III. 26^ in tail, with remainder to the right heirs of John de Faucomberge his father, by the present king's charter of licence. The extent of Skelton includes the castle, a park called ' le West Park ' with deer, a park called ' Maugre ' with deer, 3 water-mills, and profits from peat and heath (turbis et bruera). Mersk. A capital messuage, 36 bovates of land in demesne, 80a. meadow in demesne, a windmill, 37 bovates of land in the hands of tenants at wiU rendering 121. 13s. Qd., 30s. rents of cottars, and perquisites of court in the manor worth 16s. id. There is also a fourth part of wreck of sea from Renneswyk to Yarum. Langbergh. The baiUwick of the wapentake, held in form aforesaid of the king in chief by fealty and the service of rendering 40 marks yearly, which rent the king has granted to Thomas de Alberton and his heirs. The baihwick is oidy worth 111. 6s. 8d. on account of the poorness of that country. Brantyngham. A messuage and lands, held in fee of the king in chief as parcel of the manor of Skelton by the service aforesaid. Wod Apelton. A messuage and 2 bovates of land, held in fee of the abbot of St. Mary's, York, by fealty. Estbronne. The manor, held jointly with Isabel his wife, who survives, to them and the heirs male of their bodies, with remainder to his right heirs. " The manor is held of the king in chief by knight's service. Ingelby Emclif, Welbury, Heslarton and elsewhere. Lands &c. held of the deceased by William de Colevill of Emclif by service of three knights' fees. Bolby and elsewhere. Tenements held of the deceased by the heirs of Robert Bussel by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. Malteby and Nonyngton. Tenements held of the deceased by John de Malteby by service of one knight's fee. Boythorp. Tenements held of the deceased by Ralph de Bulmere and his parceners by service of three parts of a knight's fee. Pothou. Tenements held of the deceased by the heirs of Robert de Pothou by service of a fourth part of a knight's fee. Apelton. Tenements held of the deceased by John de Faucomberg of Bilton by service of a fourth part of a knight's fee. North Lofthous. Tenements held of the deceased by the prior of Gisburn and the heirs of WiUiam Humet by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. Barton in Richmondshire. Tenements held of the deceased by the heirs of John Grymbald and Richard de Hudeleston by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. Crohum. Tenements held of the deceased by the heirs of Reynold son of Peter by service of a foiu*th part of a knight's fee. Edelthorp, Barkthorp and Usburn. Tenements held of the deceased by the heir of Robert de Fritheby by service of one knight's fee. Ingelby Loryng. Tenements held of the deceased by the heirs of William Gower by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the escheator's bailiwick. Date of death as above. Heir as above, aged 17J years. C. Edw. III. File 170. (19.) 264 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. 331. John db Grymstedb. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said John, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 24 March, 36 Edward III. Writ of Diem clausit exlremum, 26 March, 36 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Salisbury, 24 September, 36 Edward III. Pleyteford. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief. A messuage and a virgate of land are held by the grand serjeanty of providing a man to keep the park of Milchet, and a messuage and 4 virgates partly by knight's service and partly of the assart of the park of Milchet by rendering \&\d. yearly to the king by the hands of the sheriff. Alwaidbury. 20a. meadow, 66s. 4|d. rents of free tenants, and pleas &c. of court worth \M. yearly, held of the king in chief by knight's service. Bymmerton. A messuage, 36a. land, 4a. meadow and 655. rent, held of the king in chief by knight's service, but for what part of a fee is not known. La More.* 12*. rent, held of the king in chief by knight's service. Abboteston. A messuage with garden and dovecot, 120a. arable and 50s. rent, held of the king in chief by knight's service. Est Grimstede. 6a. wood and 43s. rent, held of the king in chief, service not stated. John de Budesteme had possession of the aforesaid lands &c. after the death of John de Grimstede, by what right or title the jurors know not. The deceased held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Tuesday after Michaelmas last. Reynold Perot, aged 25 years and more, son of Isabel Perot sister of Adam de Grimstede the deceased's father, is his heir. Eleanor de Walkyngton held for life of the inheritance of the deceased the manors of West Grimstede, co. Wilts, and Eukesbury, co. Hants, and survived the deceased. These manors are held of the king in chief by knight's service. C. Edw. III. File 170. (20.) E. Inq. P.M. File 20. (9.) 332. RicHABD GoDARD, olias Richard lb Ussher. Writ to the escheator to enqtiire as to the lands and heir of the said Richard, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 22 May, 36 Edward III. Hertford. Irtq. taken at Chepyng Bamet, Thursday before Whitsun 36 Edward III. He had no lands &c. in the county. • Supfilied from the Exchequer inquisition. EDWARD III. 265 He died in London about Easter, 6 Edward III, as the jurors under- stand. Godard atte Slade, his grandfather, had two daughters, Alice and Asselina, Alice being the mother of the deceased Richard. Richard had a son John, who had issue John and Alice. The last- named John died without heir of himself. His sister AUce had a daughter Sarah, who had a son Thomas, who died without heir of himself. Asselina had a husband John atte Wode, and they had a son called John Drivere, who had issue, John Drivere his son. The latter is heir to the deceased, and to the aforesaid Thomas, the deceased's kinsman and heir. He is 50 years of age and more. Similar writ, 10 February, 37 Edward III. Hertfokd. Inq. taken at Bamet, 15 February, 37 Edward III. Verdict as above. The deceased is said to have died about the feast of St. James, 13 Edward III. The name of the husband of Alice mother of the deceased is given as Gilbert Sexmere. The two John Driveres are both given the alias of atte Wode. William Colj^, who claims to be next heir in blood to the deceased, is neither his heir in blood nor of his stock {progenies). C. Edw. III. File 170. (21.) 333. Pernell late the wife of Walter de Glofcestre, knight. Writ, 10 March, 36 Edward III. Gloucester. Inq. taken at Alweston, Wednesday before the Annunciation, 36 Edward III. Alweston. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by knight's service, whereof she was enfeoffed jointly with Walter her husband, deceased, to them and the heirs of their bodies. The extent includes meadow called ' Middelhongeresmede ' and pastures called ' Middel- honger ' and ' Le Conynger.' Langeleye. The hundred, belonging to the manor of Alweston. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on Thursday before the Circumcision last. Peter son of the said Walter and Pernell, aged 7 years, is her heir. C. Edw. III. File 170. (22.) 334. John de Garton. Writ, 28 June, 36 Edward III. London. Inq. taken before the mayor, 12 July, 36 Edward III. He died on the last day of April, 36 Edward III, seised of : — Parish of St. Peter, Bradestrete. 5 messuages, 4 shops and a garden. Parish of St. Pancras. 3 shops, 13s. 4d. rent, and 2 other shops. Parish of St. Nicholas at the Shambles. A messuage. Parish of St. Peter, Eldefisshstrete. A messuage. Ward of Cordewanerstrete. A messuage. AU held of the king in free burgage, as is the whole city. John de Garton his son, aged 22 years, is his heir. 266 CALENDAE OP INQUISITIONS. Writ, 30 May, 36 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. {indented) taken at Bruggewater, Monday the morrow of Holy Trinity, 36 Edward III. Neuton Pleycy. A third part of the manor, with the advowson of the free chapel every third turn of presentation, held of the king in chief by service of a tenth part of a knight's fee. Exton, A third part of the manor, held as above. Neuton Pleycy. IG^a. several meadow, held of John de Erlegh, as of his manor of Pederton, by service of rendering 8d. and a pair of spurs yearly at Michaelmas. The above third part of the manor of Neuton Pleycy and certain lands in Enefeld, co. Middlesex, are with the king's licence charged with 201. to be paid yearly to Agnes late the wife of William de Ufton, as appears by a charter sealed with the seal of the Chancery and dated in the king's eleventh year. The deceased held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above. Writ, 30 May, 36 Edward III. Middlesex. Inq. (indented) taken at Totenham, 26 June, 36 Edward III. Enefeld. A chief messuage, a dovecot in ruins, 80a. arable, 12a. meadow, 8a. several pasture for cows and oxen, a water-miU which will not grind for want of millstones and other gear, and 165. 8d. rent of free tenants. The premises are held of the heir of the earl of Hereford, a minor in the king's wardship, by the services of rendering 3s. 4:d. yearly to the manor of Enefeld, making one attendance at the earl's court at Hereford at Michaelmas, and making one attendance at the earl's court at Blankchapultone at Michaelmas. The premises are charged as above. The deceased held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above, the heir being 22 years of age at the Purification last. C. Edw. III. File 170. (23.) E. Inq. P.M. File 22. (7.) (London.) 335. Nicholas de Glamoegan. Writ after the death of the said Nicholas, whose lands &c. came into the king's hands by reason of his idiocy. 1 May, 36 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. (indented) taken at Yevele, 28 May, 36 Edward III. Brympton by Yevele. The manor, with the advowson of the chiurch, held of Isabel Blount, as of her manor of Astyngton, by knight's service and by rendering 12d. yearly. He died on 25 February last. Isabel, aged 40 years, Pernell, aged 30 years, Margery, aged 32 years and now married to Walter Rose, Nicholaa, aged 25 years, Eleanor, aged 27 years and now married to Peter Veer, sisters of the said Nicholas, and John aged 14 years, son of Joan his other sister, are his heirs. C. Edw. III. File 170. (24.) EDWARD III. 267 336. Robert Gerbbrd. Writ, 4 February, 36 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. taken at Salisbury, 21 February, 36 Edward III. Odestoke. The manor, held of Alesia de Nevylle by service of one knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Friday before the Decollation of St. John the Baptist last. Henry his son, aged 25 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 170. (25.) 337. Peter atte Gate. Writ, 26 November, 36 Edward III. Middlesex. Inq. (indented) taken at West Smythefeld, 2 December, 36 Edward III. He held nothiog in the county at the time of his death, having alienated to Richard his son, and his heirs, by charters of feoffment, all that he held therein, to wit : — West Smythefeld. A messuage with 6 shops annexed, held of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England by service of rendering 13s. 4(i. yearly ; and another messuage, held of the same prior by service of rendering 2s. 6d. yeaxly. PortepuU. 4o. land, held of the dean and chapter of St. Paul's by service of rendering \2d. yearly ; and 3a. land, held of the lady de Ferreres by service of rendering 3s. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 3 November, 34 Edward III. All the above he alienated 10 weeks before his death. Peter Gray his kinsman, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 170. (26.) 338. John de Gomeldon. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said John, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 12 October, 36 Edward III. Berks. Inq. made at Hungerford, 1 November, 36 Edward III. Estbury. 24o. arable, |a. meadow, pasture for 40 sheep, and 2s. rent, held of the king in chief by service of a fortieth part of a knight's fee ; and a messuage and 2|o. arable, held of the prior of Poughele by service of 2s. yearly. He died 10 years and more ago, as the jurors reckon, but the day and year they know not. Agnes de Gomeldon, aged 40 years and more and married to William atte Dauwe, and Joan, aged 36 years and more and married to John atte MuUe, his sisters, are his heirs. Since the said John's death the king has been in possession of the premises by his escheators, the heirs not having sued their right. C. Edw. III. File 170. (27.) 268 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. 339. John son op Robert le Huliere. Writ, 16 July, 36 Edward III. Bedford. Inq. taken at Bedeford, Saturday after St. James, 36 Edward III. Turveye. A messuage, 8a. arable, la. pasture, |a. meadow and |a. wood, held of the king in chief by service of 5*. yearly. He died on Tuesday- after Whitsunday, 23 Edward III. Margery his daughter, aged 22 years, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 170. (28.) 340. Thomas de Hotok. Writ, 20 January, 36 Edward III. Cumberland. Inq. taken at Carlisle, Saturday before the Purification, 37 Edward III. Hoton in the Forest. The manor (extent given), with the office of launder of Plumpton (balliva laundarii de Plumpton) in the forest of Inglewod, held in virtue of a feoffment by Sir Henry de Staynwygges, parson of the church of Hoton, Adam del Chapele, chaplain, and Richard son of John de Hoton, who with the king's licence gave the same (except 3 messuages, 15a. land and a close called ' Langthwayt') to him for life, with successive remainders to WiUiam his son, who survives, and the heirs male of his body, Richard brother of the said WilHam, and the heirs male of his body, James brother of the said WiUiam, and the heirs male of his body, and the right heirs of the said WilUam de Hoton. The manor is held of the king in chief by homage, the service of keeping the king's lawn of Plumpton and the deer dwelling therein, and the service of rendering at the Exchequer of Carhsle 13s. 4d. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county or elsewhere. He died on Tuesday after Michaelmas last. The aforesaid William de Hoton his son, aged 25 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 171. (1.) 341 . Thomas de Heton. Writ, 28 September, 36 Edward III. Northumberland. Inq. taken at Alnewyk, Sunday before St. Luke, 36 Edward III. Hertelawe. A moiety of the manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by knight's service and the service of rendering to the king 3«. 4d. yearly for ward of the castle of Newcastle upon Tyne by the hands of the sheriff at the two feasts of St. Cuthbert, and Id. yearly at Midsummer for comage. Hethepol. 200a. land, held of John de Coupland and Thomas de Mus- chaump by homage and service of I5d. yearly at Midsummer for cornage. They are in the hands of tenants at wiU rendering 100a. yearly. Dodyngton. Two husband-lands, held of Thomas de Gray in socage by service of lib. pepper yearly, worth I2d., at Christmas. They are in the hands of tenants at will rendering 40«. yearly. EDWARD III. 269 Chevelyngham. 161. 5s. 5d. rent issuing from the manor. The manor is held of Henry de Percy by knight's service. Hertlawe. A husband-land, held jointly with Joan his wife, who survives, of Robert de la Vale by knight's service. It is in the hands of tenants at will rendering 24s. yearly. Baumburgh. 8 burgages, held jointly with the said Joan of the king in burgage by service of 8d. yearly. They are in the hands of tenants at will rendering 73s. 8d. yearly. Alnewyk. 14a. land, held jointly with the said Joan of Henry de Percy by service of 12d. yearly. They are in the hands of tenants at will rendering 10s. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Thursday after St. Laurence last. Thomas de Heton his son, aged 1 1 years at the Purification last, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 171. (2.) 342. William de Hoton Johan. Writ, 2 March, 36 Edward III. CuMBBELAND. Inq. taken at Penreth, 6 May, 36 Edward III. Hoton Johan. The manor (extent given), held for Ufe by gift of William Bowet, late parson of the church of Dacre, and Thomas de Perdishou, with remainder to Edmund his son, who survives, and his heirs. The manor is held of the heir of WiUiam late baron of Creistok, a minor in the king's wardship, by homage and fealty and the service of 20s. 8d. yearly at the Assumption for cornage, and by suit to the baron's court of Creystok every three weeks, and by a service called ' witnesman ' and for food {putwa) of the baron's foresters of Fias- chowe. He held no other lands &c. in the bailiwick, as the jurors understand. He died on Friday before the Purification last. The aforesaid Edmund his son, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 171. (3.) 343. William de Hoton of Haverishohn or Averisholm. Writ, 1 July, 36 Edward III. Cumberland. Inq. taken at Carlisle, Saturday after St. Matthew, 36 Edward III. Haverishohn. A tenement so called, comprising a messuage and 30a. land, held for Ufe by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of EUen, daughter and heir of WiUiam son of Arnold, deceased, who held the same of the king in chief by the serjeanty of coming once a year on the feast of St. Martin in the winter to Gaytskales in the forest of Ingelwod with a book to hear the oath of the agisters of swine of the said forest at the time of pannage. He died on Monday after Corpus Christi last. Joan, daughter of the deceased and of the aforesaid EUen, aged 24 years and married to Robert son of Robert de Corkeby, is their heir by reason of her mother EUen. 270 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Skiprigg in the forest aforesaid * [of Ingelwod]. la. land, held of Richard de BeauUeu by service of rendering 6d. yearly. Lynstok. 8a. land, held in form aforesaid of the bishop of Carlisle by service of rendering 4s. yearly. Sourby. la. Ir. land, held [in form aforesaid] of the king, as of ancient demesne, by service of rendering lOd. yearly. Skotby. 2 messuages and 5a. land, held [in form aforesaid] of the king, as of ancient demesne, by service of rendering 3s. 2d. yearly. Carlisle. A tenement in Botchergate in the suburb, held for life of the inheritance of WiUiam son and heir of John de Glenton, by demise of the said John, of the prior of Carlisle by service of rendering 19jd. yearly. The reversion belongs to the said William. He held no other lands &c. in the county. C. Edw. III. File 171. (4.) 344. Roger de Hopwell, the elder. (Writ missing.) Derby. Inq. {indented) taken at Sandiacre, 17 April, 36 Edward III. Sandiacre. 11a. \r. land, held of the king in chief by petty serjeanty, to wit, by rendering yearly 3s. M. at the Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff. Westhorp. A messuage and 30a. land, held of Simon GrenehuU by service of 40d. yearly. WiUesthorp. A messuage and 20a. land, held of He died on Friday before St. Andrew last. Roger his son, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. Nottingham. Inq. {indented) taken at Nottingham, 29 April, 36 Edward III. He held no lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 171. (5.) 345. Richard Haym. Writ, 12 March, 36 Edward III. Gloucester. Inq. taken at Clyve, Thursday before Michaelmas, 36 Edward III. Wodemancote. A messuage, a virgate of land, 2a. meadow and 2a. pasttu-e, held of Humphrey de Bohun, kinsman and heir of Humphrey de Bohxm earl of Hereford, a minor in the king's wardship, by service of a tenth part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Monday after St. Andrew last. Joan his daughter, aged 4 years, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 171. (6.) * Sic in MS., but it appears likely that in f areata predicta is a misscript for in forma predicta, indicating that the tenure is the same as that of Haverishohn. EDWARD III. 271 346. John Houdloo, or de Hotjdloo, of Horndon. Writ to the esoheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said John, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 3 October, 36 Edward III. Essex. Inq. taken at Reilegh, Thursday before All Saints, 36 Edward III. Horndon without the hundred of Rocheford. 14a. land, held of PhiUppa queen of England, as of the honor of Reilegh, by knight's service. He died on 12 June, 23 Edward III. Richard his son, aged 15 years and more, is his heir. WiUiam de Bohun, late earl of Northampton, who then had the honor at farm from the queen for a term of years not yet ended, seized the premises into his hand by reason of the minority of the above heir, and kept them until Wednesday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 34 Edward III, when he died. WiUiam de Hinton, baihfE of the honor, immediately after the earl's death seized them into the king's hand and has received the issues until now, and accounts for them at the Exchequer, as the jurors understand. G. Edw. III. File 171. (7.) 347. John de Hynton. Writ, 10 March, 36 Edward III. Salop. Inq. taken at Shrewsbury, 20 April,* 36 Edward III. Hjmton. The hamlet (extent given), held of John son of John le Straunge, a minor in the king's wardship, by homage and service of 15s. yearly. Rugwardyn. The hamlet, held of the abbot of Shrewsbury by service of 12s. yearly. He died on 16 February last. Thomas his son, aged 3 years, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 171. (8.) E. Inq. P.M. File 21. (15.) 348. Gilbert Heeotjn. Elizabeth wife of Gilbert HEBOtriir. Writ after the death of the said EUzabeth, 12 April, 36 Edward III. Writ after the death of the said Gilbert, 12 April, 36 Edward III. NoETHTTMBEKLAND. Inq. taken at Newcastle upon Tyne, Wednesday before St. Laurence, 36 Edward III. Gilbert Heroun held no lands &c. in the cotinty or elsewhere. Esselyngton, Whityngeham, Throunton and Barton. Elizabeth held two parts of a moiety of the manors (extents given), of the king in chief in drengage by fealty and by service of rendering yearly at the Exchequer of Newcastle upon Tyne by the hands of the sheriff 50s. at the two feasts of St. Cuthbert, and by service of a moiety of a sore sparrowhawk yearly at St. Peter's Chains. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on Monday in the second week of Lent last. Isabel her sister, aged 23 years and more, is her heir. C. Edw. III. File 171. (9.) * The Exchequer inquisition is dated 20 May, and only mentions the hamlet of Hynton. 272 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. 349. John Hacluyt, or Hakeltjt. Writ, 8 March, 36 Edward III. Leicester. Inq. {indented) taken Wednesday before Holy Thursday, 36 Edward III. Athelokeston. The manor (extent given), held of the prior of the hospital of St. John in right of Ahce NevyU his wife, who survives, by service of 3s. yearly. Within the manor is half a virgate of land held of Thomas Bakepuys by service of %d. yearly. Halghton. A capital messuage, a carucate of land, 2 marks rent and a meadow, held in right of the same Ahce of the heirs of Robert Peverel by service of ^d. yearly, and he owes suit to the court of Halghton twice a year. Carlton. A carucate of land lying fallow, held in right of the same Ahce of Elizabeth daughter of Robert de Holand by homage and suit of court twice a year. He died on Friday after the Conversion of St. Paul last. William Hacluyt, son of the said John and Ahce, aged 26 years and more, is their heir. Writ, 23 March, 36 Edward III. Rutland. Inq. taken at Uppingham, Wednesday after St. Ambrose, 36 Edward III. Stoke Drye. 42a. arable, held of the king in chief, service not known. Wardeleye. 4|a. land, held of the right and inheritance of Ahce his wife, who survives, of the heir of John de Orreby, said to be a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service. Braunston. A capital messuage with buildings thereon, and 2 carucates of arable, held of the right and inheritance of the same AUce, with rents of \0l., \lh. cummin and a clove from freemen and villeins. The premises are held of the lord of Ocham castle for the time being by knight's service, amount not known, and by suit to his court of Ocham every three weeks. Each carucate contains fourscore acres, and one of them is uncultivated and fed over by the king's deer, and worth nothing because within the forest. Lye. A capital messuage and 3 carucates of arable, held in right of the same Alice of the master of the chantry of Manton, rendering yearly to the said master 405. with the king's Ucence and lib. cummin, and to the king 45. 8d. for sheriff's aid. The carucates are uncultivated and fed over by the king's deer. The deceased also held in right of the same Ahce the ofi&ce of keeper of the king's forest [in Roteland], with the profits thereof, together with ' wodesilver,' ' hegingsilver,' wood from windfalls {de cabliciis), the appointment and removal of foresters at will, the profit of cheminage, the lawing of dogs, and perquisites of attachments of all ' swanimotes,' except indictments of vert and venison, which belong to the king. The office is held of the king in chief by rendering 40s. yearly at the Exchequer. Wardeleye. A messuage and a virgate of land containing 30a., worth 2d. an acre only because they are wasted by the king's deer, held by EDWARD III. 273 knight's service of the heir of John de Orreby, a minor in the king's wardship. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Friday before the Purification, 36 Edward III. Heir as above, aged 25 years and more. Writ to the escheator to enquire by what service the 42a. land in Stoke Drie mentioned in the above inquisition are held. 2 December, 36 Edward III. Rutland. Inq. taken at Uppingham, 20 December, 36 Edward III. Stoke Drie. John Hackelut held 42a. of the king in chief by fealty only, and not by any other service. WiUiam Hacklut his son, of full age, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 171. (10.) 350. Wabin de Insula, knight. Writ, 26 October, 36 Edward III. Oxford. Inq. made at Schypton, 15 January, 36 Edward III. Oke by Ottemor. The manor, held of Robert de Insula, knight, by service of half a knight's fee. He died on 16 August, 35 Edward III. Warin son and heir of his brother Gerard de Insula, aged 24 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 171. (11.) 351. William de Kiekeland. Writ, 30 March, 36 Edward III. Lancaster. Inq. taken at Preston, Saturday after St. John before the Latin Gate, 36 Edward III. Kirkeland. He held no lands &c. in the county because before his death he gave all his lands &c. in Kirkeland to Roger de Gosenargh, Wilham de Eccleston and Ralph de KnoU, chaplains, who after his death gave them to Margaret his wife, who survives, for her life, with successive remainders to Ahce his daughter and the heirs male of her body, Joan her sister and the heirs male of her body, Katharine their sister and the heirs male of her body, and the right heirs of the said William de Kirkeland. The premises are held of a moiety of the manor of Wyresdale (which moiety belonged to WiUiam de Coucy, deceased, and is in the hand of John de Coupeland by the king's commitment), in socage by service of \d. yearly or \lb. of cummin. WiUiam de Kirkeland had there before the ^t aforesaid a messuage, 60a. land and meadow, and 10 marks rent from tenants at wiU. He held no other lands &c. at any time. He died on Wednesday the feast of the Conception of the Virgin, 35 Edward III. Of his heir the jurors know nothing yet, as he (or she) is in the womb of his (or her) mother Margaret, as they understand. C. Edw. III. File 171. (12.) 18— (7) 274 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Lancaster. Inq. taken at Lancaster, Friday after the Assumption, 39 Edward III, before William de Skipwyth, chief baron of the Exchequer, by virtue of a commission to Mm directed. Kyrkelond. William de Kyrkelond, who lately held the manor of the king, as of a moiety of the manor of Wyresdale, and as of the inheritance late of WiUiam de Coucy, then in the king's hand, was ill and in extremis and extra bonam memoriam suam about the feast of St. Nicholas, 36 Edward III, at which time Margaret then his wife and others of his kindred made (ordinarunt et composuerunt) in his name charters of feoffment of the said manor to Roger de Gosenargh, Ralph de Knoll and WiUiam de Eccliston, chaplains, without the king's Hcence or the consent of the said WiUiam, who died half a day later. After his death the feoffees gave the manor to the aforesaid Margaret, now the wife of John Boteler, for her life, with successive remainders to Ahce, Joan and Katharine, daughters of the said WiUiam de Kyrkeland, and the heirs of their bodies, and to the right heirs of the said WiUiam. Ahce was then 5 years old, Joan 3 years and Katharine 1 year, as the jurors understand. The moiety of the manor of Wyresdale was then held of the king by knight's service, as of the honor of Lancaster. The services by which the manor of KjTkelond is held of the said moiety are not known. E. Inq. P.M. Mle 25. (4.) 352. Joan late the wife of William be Kymb. Writ, 16 October, 36 Edward III. Lincoln. Inq. taken at Louth {Ludam), Saturday after St. Martin, 36 Edward III. BurweU. The manor, held of the king in chief by virtue of a fine made in the king's court at York in the three weeks after Easter, 8 Edward III, between WiUiam de Kyme, deceased, and the aforesaid Joan his wife, and Gilbert de UmframvUl earl of Angos, whereby the said William acknowledged the manor to be the right of the earl by his gift, and the earl in return granted it to William and Joan and the heirs male of their bodies, with reversion to the earl and his heirs. WiUiam and Joan died without heir male of their bodies. The manor is held of the king in chief by knight's service. Croft. The manor, held for hfe only of the aforesaid earl. Thorp by Wa3mflete. The manor, similarly held. Freskeneye. 100s. rent, similarly held. She held the above two manors and rent by service of rendering a rose at Midsummer. The earl holds the manor of Croft of Henry de BeUo Monte by knight's service, the manor of Thorp of the earl of Lancaster, as of the honor of the castle of Bolyngbrok, by knight's service, and the rent of the earl of Lancaster, as of the fee of Ferar', by knight's service. Joan held them by virtue of a fine made at York in 8 Edward III between WiUiam and Joan and the aforesaid earl GUbert, whereby WiUiam acknowledged them to be the right of EDWARD III. 276 the earl by his gift, and the earl in return granted them to WilUam and Joan for their lives only at a yearly rent of a rose at Midsummer. Joan died on Sunday after St. Luke, 36 Edward III. John de Littel- biry, aged 30 years and more, is her heir, but not to the manors and rent contained in this inquisition. G. Edw. III. File 171. (13.) 353. John son of Walter de Lench. Writ, 20 June, 36 Edward III. Warwick. Inq. taken at MarlecUve, Wednesday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 36 Edward III. MarlecUve. 2 messuages, half a virgate of land, la. meadow, a garden, and 25s. 3d. rent, held of the king in chief by service of 65. M. ; and a virgate of land and 2a. meadow, held of the heirs of the lord de Wake, service not known. He died on the feast of St. John before the Latin Gate last. Walter his brother, aged 21 years and more, is his heir. G. Edw. III. File 171. (14.) 354. Abam de London of AmpeHord. Writ, 16 October, 36 Edward III. York. Iriq. taken at York, Monday before the Conversion of St. Paul, 36 Edward III. Ampelford. A messuage, 7 cottages, 4 bovates of land, a water-mill and a little close of wood called ' Lund,' held of Ralph son and heir of WiUiam late baron of Craystok, knight, a minor in the king's wardship, by service of rendering 5s. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Friday before Easter last. John his son, aged 2 years at the feast of St. Andrew last, is his heir. G. Ediv. III. File 171. (15.) 355. William de Lamborne. {Writ missing.) Essex. Inq. taken at Copewold, 15 March, 36 Edward III. Copewold. WiUiam de Lamborne, son and heir of Thomas de Lamborne, who died a minor in the king's wardship, held the manor of Copewold of the countess of Oxford by service of a fourth part of a knight's fee. He died on the day of the Conception of the Blessed Mary last. Joan the wife of WiUiam Chene, his sister, aged 21 years and more, is his heir. Suffolk. Inq. taken at Foisted, 12 March, 36 Edward III. Foisted. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, as of the honor of Reileghe, by service of four knights' fees. Date of death and heir as above. WiUiam Chene and Joan have no issue. 276 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. WilUam de Leyre is bailifE of the said honor of Reileghe in fee, and claims to be escheator of the same in fee. William de Hinton is under-baiUfE and Ueutenant of William de Leyre, and has received all the issues and profits of the manor since the death of WiUiam de Lambome. C. Edw. III. FiU 171. (16.) 356. Thomas Lovel. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Thomas, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 1 July, 36 Edward III. Buckingham. Inq. taken at Wycombe, Monday before St. Margaret, 36 Edward lU. Boveneye. The manor, held of the abbess of Bumham by homage and knight's service, rendering yearly to the abbess a pair of gloves or \d., the price thereof. He died in 22 Edward III. WiUiam son of his brother Richard Lovel, aged 18 years, is his heir. The abbess has been in possession and has received the issues since the death of the said Thomas by reason of the wardship of the said WiUiam his heir. G. Edw. III. FiU 171. (17.) 357. Ralph Lovel, knight. Writ, 1 July, 36 Edward III. SoTJTHAMPTOK. Inq. made at La T^eo, Thursday the feast of St. Michael, 36 Edward HI. Enham. The manor (extent given), held for life by demise of John Lovel, knight, of the inheritance of John Lovel son and heir of the said John, of the king in chief by knight's service, amount not known. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died in the month of February last. Heir not known. The rever- sion of the manor belongs to the aforesaid John son of John Lovel, who survives, aged 21 years and more. The said manor is charged with \0l. yearly to Peter de Bruges for his hfe, which rent he had by grant of the scholars of Queen's Hall, Oxford. C. Edw. III. FiU 171. (18.) E. Inq. P.M. FiU 17. (8.) 358. John son and heir of John Lovell, knight. Writ after the death of the said John, who died a minor in the king's wardship. 8 May, 36 Edward III. NoBFOLK. Inq. taken at Dookingg, 22 May, 36 Edward III. Southmere. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight's service. He died about the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr last, as the jurors understand. John his brother is his heir, age not known because he was bom outside the bailiwick. EDWARD III. 277 Similar writ, 7 May, 36 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. {indented) taken at Wyncaulton, 19 May, 36 Edward III. Sparkeford. The manor, with the advowson of the church, held of the heir of Nicholas de Sejonour, a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service. Chiryton. Two parts of the manor, with the advowson of the church, held of the king in chief by knight's service. Upton Noble. The hamlet, held of Sir Edward le Despenser by a moiety of a knight's fee. The premises are in the hands of the executors of Henry Pikard by grant of Richard Talbot, knight, to whom the king committed the custody thereof. He died on Monday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr last. John his brother is his heir, age not known because he was born outside the baihwick. Similar writ, 7 May, 36 Edward III. Northampton. Inq. (indented) taken at Tharpston, 18 May, 36 Edward III. Tychemersh. The castle (extent given), with the advowson of the church and of a free chapel there, held of the fee of Peverell, which is in the king's hand, by service of three knights' fees. The extent mentions several pastures called ' Halmark ' and ' Litelmede,' a water-mill, a wood of 80a. at Sudbourgh, a court every three weeks, and a several fishery called ' le Neen.' He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 18 June last. John Lovel his brother, age not known, is his heir. Similar writ, 7 May, 36 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Andevere, 28 May, 36 Edward III. He held no lands &c. in the county. He died on Monday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr last. Heir not known. Oxford. Inq. made at Mynstre Lovel, 31 May, 36 Edward III. Mynstre. 20a land in the fields of Mynstre, held of the king in chief by service of 22d. to be paid yearly at Oxford castle, which the sheriff there shall receive. Mynstre. The manor (extent given), held of the honor of Winchester, which is in the king's hand by reason of the forfeiture of Roger de Quyncy, sometime earl of Winchester, by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. [After the words ' earl of Winchester ' the following interhneation is indicated : — which {que) Isabel Lovel, who died in 24 Edward III, held in joint feoffment with the aforesaid John Lovel her husband, and which Isabel the king's daughter had of the king's gift.] No other lands &c. in the county came into the king's hand by the minority of the said John son of John. Date of death as last above. Heir as above, aged 21 years and more, but he was a minor at the time of his brother's death. 278 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Wilts. Inq. made at Heyworth, 1 June, 36 Edward III. Ellecumbe. The manor (extent given), held of the honor of Winchester, which is in the king's hand as above, by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. This manor Gilbert Tallsot, knight, had by the king's grant by way of wardship of the aforesaid heir, and he stiU receives the profits of it. Offecote. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of the honor of Winchester, which is in the king's hand as above, as parcel of the manor of Ellecumbe. The carucate contains 70a. arable, and there is pasture for 2 horses, 4 oxen and 100 sheep, worth nothing because in common, tenants rendering 64*. &d. yearly, but no profits of court because the tenants owe suit to the court of Ellecumbe. The afore- said Gilbert receives aU the profits. Blountesdone Gay. A messuage and 2 carucates of land, held of the prior of Bradenestok by service of 45. yearly. The prior holds of the prince, service not known, and the prince of the king, service not known. The 2 carucates contain 100a., and there are there 20a. meadow, pasture for 4 horses, 12 oxen and 300 sheep, worth nothing because in common, and no rents because the tenements are decayed and the tenants dead. No other lands &c. in the county came into the king's hand by the minority of the said John. Date of death and heir as last above. C. Edw. III. File 171. (19.) E. Inq. P.M. File 21. (4.) (Wilts.) 359. Roger de Leukenorb, or Roger Lettqbnore, knight. Writ, 15 March, 36 Edward III. Middlesex. Inq. {indented) taken at West Smethefeld, 6 May, 36 Edward III. South Mimmes. The manor, held jointly by the deceased and Katharine his wife, who survives, by gift of Hugh de Walcote, clerk, and John Werry, clerk, to them and the heirs of the body of Roger, as appears by a fine levied in the king's court. The manor is held of the heir of the earl of Hereford, a minor in the king's wardship, by service of one knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 14 March, 36 Edward III. Thomas de Leuqenore his son, aged 15 years and more, is his heir. Sussex. Inq. {indented) taken at Lewes, 7 April, 36 Edward III. The deceased and Katharine his wife, who survives, held jointly the following, by gift of Wilham Bele, parson of the church of Ovyngdene, and WUIiam Serle, by a charter of feoffment, to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Roger, viz. : — Bradhurst. The manor, held of Adam Waleys and AUce his wife, as of her right, of the tenement called ' Wakehurst,' by service of rendering lib. of pepper and 285, yearly at Christmas. EDWARD III, 279 Horstede Kaynes, Selmeston and Iteford. The manors, held of Philippa, queen of England, as of the honor of Laigle (Aquila), by service of 2J knights' fees. Southecton. 55. rents of free tenants. Retherfeld, Alcheshorne and Bukkestede. 20s. rents of free tenants. Schyrjrngton. 10s. rent of free tenants. Cattesfeld. 20s. rents of free tenants. Est Grenstede. 20s. rents of free tenants. All these rents are parcel of the manors of Horstede Kaynes, Selmeston and Iteford. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as above. C. Edw. III. File 171. (20.) 360. Elizabeth late the wife of William Lucy, knight. Writ, 12 February, 36 Edward III. Herefokd. Inq, {indented) taken at Bodenham, 22 February, 36 Edward III. Bodenham Fourches. A messuage, 2 carucates of land, a piece of pasture called ' Whistonesmerssh ' and ' Heye,' 10a. meadow, a wood called ' Ricardeswode,' U. rents of free tenants, and pleas &c. of court worth 3s. 4cZ., held in dower by endowment of William, her late husband, of the inheritance of Thomas, son and heir of the said William, of the heir of Roger de Mortuo Mari late earl of March, a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service. She died on 25 July last. Thomas Lucy, aged 9 years, son of the' said Wilham and Elizabeth, is their heir. C. Edw. III. File 171. (21.) 361. Cecily late the wife of Stephen Laundey. Writ, 3 May, 36 Edward III. SoMEKSET. Inq. {indented) taken at Taunton, 10 May, 36 Edward III. Bykenhull. The hamlet (extent given), held in fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body, of the king in chief by service of an eleventh part of a knight's fee. The manor {sic) is charged with the maintenance of a lamp burning nightly in the chapel of Bykenhull, which is estimated to dost 2s. yearly. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on Friday, Christmas eve last. Maud her daughter, late the wife of Thomas Dodyngton, aged 26 years, Alice another daughter, married to Thomas Orchard, aged 22 years, and Cecily the daughter of Joan late the wife of Richard Childehey, sister of Maud and Alice, aged 10 years, are her heirs. G. Edw. III. File 171. (22.) 362. John de Lelttm, or Lelom. Writs, 8 May, 36 Edward III, and 12 October, 36 Edward III. York. Inq. taken at York, Sunday after St. Katharine, 36 Edward III. Eggeton. A messuage, 61a. waste and 20a. poor meadow in the hands of tenants at will rendering 20s. a year, held of the king in chief, as of 280 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. the crown, by homage and fealty and by service of a hundredth part of a knight's fee. Danby. A messuage and 2 bovates of land in the hands of tenants at will rendering 10s. a year, held of Sir William le Latymer by knight's service ; and 2 bovates of land, held of the same William le Latymer by service of 10s. yearly. Laisyngby. A messuage and 3 bovates of land, held jointly by the deceased and Agnes his wife, who survives, to them and the heirs of their bodies, of the heir of Ralph de Buhnere, late a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service. He held no other lan£ &c. in the county. He died on Thursday after St. Martin, to wit, 18 November, 35 Edward III. Robert de Lelum, son of the said John and Agnes, was their heir and died without heir of himself, so that Emma his sister, daughter of the said John, aged 27 years and more and married 8 years ago to WiUiam Playce of Scalby, is heir of the said John. York. Assignment of dower to Agnes late the wife of John de Lelum, made at Eggeton, . . . before SS. Philip and James, 37 Edward HI. Eggeton. The east part of the hall with the doors and solar in that part and the kitchen, and three buildings, to wit, ' le Haylaghe,' ' le Frere- chaumbre ' and ' le Heghchaumbre ' ; also ' le Ovre Starethwayt ' with all the land formerly held by Robert Messager, and all the land east of the stream which flows from the end of Starthwayt to Smythgatesyk and the river Eske ; also ' le Ermytclos ' with part of the bam {grangia) there from the doors eastward, and a third part of two closes there towards the south. C. Edw. III. File 171. (23.) 363. JoHK DE Lisle of Kent. Writ, 28 January, 36 Edward III. Kent. Inq. (indented) taken at WeUe, 27 February, 36 Edward III. Strete. A moiety of the manor (extent given, including 81o. salt marsh pasture often inundated and 15a. several pasture worth only \d. an acre because it Ues among hiUs), held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a knight's fee, and by rendering lt)s. every 7th day of March for ward of Dover castle, 6s. at Michaelmas to the bailiff of Merslond, and 6s. at the Purification to the keeper of Apuldrewall on Sea, and by doing suit to the king's court called ' Redleuet ' every three weeks. • Strete. 18a. dry and stony pasture, 61a. salt marsh pasture, and a court worth nothing beyond the expenses of the steward, held in gavelkind of Robert de Passele by service of rendering to him 18s. 4|d. yearly, and to the heirs of John Beauchamp of Somersete 5\d., and to the heirs of Master Walter de Schome \\d. He died on 10 August last, 35 Edward III. Alice de Lisle, his daughter, aged 22 years, is his heir. EDWARD III. 281 Welle and Losedale. A capital messuage and dovecot, 120a. arable, dry and sandy, of which 80a. may be sown every year, but this year only 31a. are sown and of these 8a. are sown with beans, peas, and vetches, lOo. several pasture for oxen, 30a. several heath with pasture, dry and very barren, 33s. 4d. rents of free tenants, rents of cocks and hens, a water-mill fallen down two years since, a windmill fallen down three years since, and 10a. wood cut down three years since. The premises are held by service of rendering 38s. Qd. yearly to the abbot and convent of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, doing suit to the abbot's court every three weeks, and rendering 19s. Gd yearly at his manor of Litelboum, and by service of rendering 5s. 6d. yearly to the prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, at his court of Ikham, 3s. yearly to de Bourn, 2d. at the feast of the Annunciation to the prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, 2s. Id. yearly to the parish church of Welle and 4d. for Peter's Pence, 2 qrs. of barley at Michaelmas to the heirs of George de Bourn, I8d. yearly to the heirs of James de Hegham, 8d. yearly to Peter Foumivale, 9 hens at Christmas to the prior of Christchurch and the abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, and 25 eggs to the same prior at Easter. These tenements are charged to the heirs of Wilham de Sewans in 101., payable at Christmas and Michaelmas. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and name of heir repeated. C. Edw. III. File 171. (24.) 364. RoBEET DE Langeton. Writ, 20 November, 35 Edward III. Lancaster. Inq. taken at Neutori, Saturday before the Purification, 36 Edward III. Waleton in the Dale. The manor (extent given), held of the earl of Lancaster by knight's service in right of his wife. The extent includes two water-mills and a fishery. Neuton in Makerfeld. The manor (extent given), held of the earl of Lancaster by knight's service in right of his wife. The extent includes two water-miUs, one ruinous, and a park enclosing a plot of moor, with deer. Goldebum. 2a. land, held of the same earl by knight's service in right of his wife. Erbury. Thomas de Shotheworth held the town of the deceased by knight's service. The deceased held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Sunday before Michaelmas last. Ralph son of John de Langeton son of the deceased, aged 21 years and more, as the jurors understand, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 171. (25.) 282 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. 365. Robert Morle. Writ of certiorari defeodis &c., 18 May, 36 Edward III. Norfolk. Extent made 22 May, 36 Edward III. He held the following for life by the courtesy of England after the death of Hawise, late his wife, of the inheritance of William, their son and heir, of the king in chief : — Hengham. The advowson of the church. Brandon. The advowson of the church. Bergh Parva. The advowson of the church. North Todenham. A mediety of the advowson of the church. Eolsham. The advowson of the church. Byntre. The advowson of the church. He held no knights' fees and no other advowsons in the county. C. Edw. III. File 171. (26.) 366. AlilNA LATE THE WIFE OF ROBERT DE MaNERS. Writ after the death of the said Alina, who held lands in dower and otherwise for life of the inheritance of the heir of the said Robert, a minor in the king's wardship. 13 August, 36 Edward III. Northumberland. Inq. taken at ALneivyk, Sunday before St. Luke, 36 Edward III. Etal. A carucate of land, held for life of the inheritance of the said heir, and a carucate of land and a third part of the manor (extent given), held in dower of the same inheritance. AH the premises are held of the king in chief by knight's service. Great Tossan. 4s. rent from a husband-land, held in dower of the same inheritance, of Joan de Heppale by fealty. She died on Thursday after St. Peter's Chains last. Writ to Robert de Tughale, chamberlain of the town of Berwick upon Tweed, on the petition of Edward de Letham, who has the custody of two parts of the lands late of Robert de Malers (sic) by the king's commitment, that he may also have custody of the third part, which was held in dower by Alina late the wife of the said Robert, lately deceased. The chamberlain is to value the lands &c. and commit them to the said Edward if he is wilUng to pay as much rent for them as any one else would. 12 August, 36 Edward III. Berwick. Inq. taken at Berwick upon Tweed, 3 July, 37 Edward III. The said Alina held nothing of the king of England within the dominion and power of the said king in the parts of Scotland in chief, but she held for life of the inheritance of the heir of the said Robert, a minor in the king's wardship : — Paxton. A third part of the lands of the manor, and a third part of a fishery in the water of Twede thereto belonging, held of the prior of Durham by homage and service of 22s. 2Jd. yearly. The thh"d part of the lands of the manor used to be worth in time of peace 5 marks of silver yearly, but now is worth 40s. only ; the third part of the fishery used to be worth 20 marks yearly, but now is worth lOl. only. EDWARD III. 283 Alina died on 3 August, 36 Edward III. John de Maners, son of the said Robert and Alina, aged 8 years, is her heir. John del More, sometime her husband, was in possession of the premises and received the issues due for the Martinmas term after her death. Since that feast Edward de Letham has been in possession by demise of Robert de Tughale, chamberlain of Berwick, by virtue of the king's writ annexed to this inquisition. C. Edw. III. File 171. (27.) 367. Margery late the wife of Thomas Moigne. Writ, 28 June, 36 Edward III. March of Wales [Monmouth]. Inq. taken at Gloucester, Monday after SS. Peter and Paul, 36 Edward III. Nuton by Martherne. The manor (extent given). Eodeton. The manor. Landegyn in Netherwent. 16s. rent. These she held in joint feoffment with John Knovill, sometime her husband, by gift and feoffment of PhiUp le Monk, vicar of the church of Martherne, to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Bevis (Bogo) Knovill, father of John. She held them of Mary late countess of Norfolk, now deceased, as of her lord- ship of StruguU in Wales, in which lordship the countess had royal (realem) jurisdiction, so that the premises were seized into her hand after the death of the said Margery because John and Margery died without heir of their bodies, and by the death of the countess they are now in the king's hand. She held no other lands &c. in the county of Gloucester or the march aforesaid. She died on the feast of St. Clement the Pope last. John de Verdon, son of Margaret one of the sisters of Bevis Knovill aforesaid, and John Mauduyt, son of Thomas son of Elizabeth his other sister, both of full age, are her heirs. C. Edw. III. File 171. (28.) 368. Thomas de Mynstede. Writ, 2 March, 36 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at Southampton, 7 April, 36 Edward III. Mynstede. A messuage and 9a. arable, with la. meadow, 40a. wood, of which the underwood and pasture are common, 40a. bracken and heath, tenants rendering 26s. id., of which 135. 4d. has to be paid back to the king's court of Lyndherst, and pleas &c. of court worth 3s. 4cZ. The premises are held of the king in chief by grand serjeanty, to wit, by providing at his own costs an armed man for 40 days in the Scotch war. He held no other lands &c. in the county. 284 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. He died on Saturday before Michaelmas last. Isabel and Christina his daughters, aged 3 years and more and a year and a half and more respectively, are his heirs. C. Edw. III. File 171. (29.) E. Inq. P.M. File 20. (15.) 369. JOHUr DE MOCKYNG. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said John, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 3 October, 36 Edward III. Essex. Inq. taken at Reilegh, Thursday after All Saints, 36 Edward III. Homdon without the hundred of Rocheford. 2|a. land, held of Philippa queen of England by knight's service. He died on 10 March, 23 Edward III. John his son, aged 18 years and more, is his heir. WilUam de Bohun, late earl of Northampton, who then had the honor of Reilegh at farm from queen Philippa, seized the premises by reason of the minority of the said heir, and remained in possession until Wednesday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 34 Edward III, when he died. WilUam de Hinton, baihfE of the honor, then seized the premises into the king's hand and has answered for the profits ever since, as the jurors understand. C. Edw. III. File 171. (30.) 370. William Maienfatjnt, Writ, 16 July, 36 Edward III. March of Wales [Pembboke]. Inq. taken at Pembr', 12 September, 36 Edward III. Overash and Netherash. The manors, held of John Hastjmges, son and heir of Laurence Hastynges, late earl of Pembroke, a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service. Crychurche. A carucate and a haK of land, held in joint feoffment with Margaret his wife, who survives, of the same John Hastynges by knight's service. Landeshanke. The manor, held in joint feoffment, as above, of John Wogan and Isabel his wife by knight's service. Milton. The manor, held of Jolm Carreu by knight's service. Cadyganeston. 4Z. yearly rent, held of the bishop of St. David's by service of doing suit to the bishop's court of Cadyganeston. Dynant in Roos. 405. yearly rent, held of the baron of la Roch by service of doing fealty. He held no other lands &c. in the county of Hereford or the march aforesaid. He died on Wednesday before St. Andrew last. William his son, aged 15 years, is his heir. C. Edw. Ill, File 171. (31.) EDWARD III. 285 371. Robert Michel. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Robert, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 12 June, 36 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. taken at Marleborgh, 10 August, 36 Edward III. Middelton Lilebon. A messuage, 45a. land, la. meadow, and 2s. rent of a free tenant, held of the king in chief by service of paying \2d. yearly at Michaelmas to the sheriff of the county at the castle of Old Sar' for the king's use. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Friday before Pakn Sunday, 22 Edward III. One Simon his son, aged 23 years and more, is his heir. The king has received the profits in the meantime, and they are charged on the late (veteri) escheator. C. Edw. III. File 171. (32.) 372. William de Melton, knight. Writ, Wyndesore, 20 August, 36 Edward III. York. Liberty of Holderness. Inq. taken at Hedon, Thursday 9 March, 37 Edward III. Oustwyk. A messuage and lOJ bovates of land, held of Isabel the king's daughter, as of her manor of Brustwyk as of the honor of Aumale, by fealty, suit to the said Isabel's wapentake of Holdernesse every three weeks, and service of a fortieth part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. within the hberty. He died on Sunday after St. Laurence last. William his son, aged 22 years and more, is his heir. Writ, Yeshampstede, 20 September, 36 Edward III. York. Inq. taken at York, Monday after St. Wilfrid, [36 Edward III.] Killum. A ruined manor, 5 messuages, 24 tofts, 29 bovates in demesne, a rabbit warren, 22Z. rent of 22 tenants holding 32 messuages and 220 bovates of land in socage, with 80 autumn works, and other boonworks worth together 4Z. from the same tenants, a water-mill, a windmill, 8a. meadow in demesne, a pasture called ' Burrowe,' a yearly {sic) market on Saturday, g,nd a yearly fair on the eve and the feast and the morrow of St. Laurence. All the above were held jointly by the deceased and Joan his wife, who survives, of the king in chief by fealty and service of 13s. 4d. to be rendered yearly in the Exchequer at Michaelmas. Killum. 6 carucates in the hands of free tenants, held of the king in chief, as of the crown, as parcel of the manor of Skirkenbek, by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. These render 16rf. yearly as in fines of the wapentake. Toweton. A manor, 8 bovates of land in demesne, 24 messuages with 24 bovates thereto belonging, leased (affirmantur) to divers tenants at will rendering 121. yearly, 9a. meadow, and 5a. underwood in one 286 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. close, held of the earl of Lancaster, as of the honor of Pontefract, by knight's service. Milforth. A messuage and 8 bovates of land leased to a tenant rendering 18«. yearly, held of Robert de Nevill of Hornby, as of his manor of Kirkeby on Qwerff, by fealty. Fenton. A messuage and 8 bovates of land leased to a tenant at will rendering 61. yearly, held of the archbishop of York, as of his manor of Shirbume, by fealty. Colpithagh. A toft and 2 bovates of land let to a tenant for 10s. yearly, held of the same archbishop, as of the same manor, by fealty. Milford. A pasture called ' Abhohnlegh,' held of the same archbishop, as of the same manor, by fealty. Wilton. A messuage and 2 bovates of land let to a tenant at will render- ing 20s. yearly, held of the archbishop, as of his manor of Wilton, by service of 6d. yearly and fealty. Aston. A manor, 2 carucates of land in demesne, 10 messuages and 10 bovates of land let to tenants at wiU rendering 60s. yearly, 20s. free (libera) farm of 4 tenants holding freely certain messuages and certain bovates of him and his heirs, a several close containing about 60a., and another little several close called ' Hopergrene,' held of Thomas (?) de Fuumivall, as of his manor of Wystan, by knight's service. Cotenays. A messuage and a carucate of land let to a tenant rendering 5 marks yearly, held of the bishop of Durham, as of his manor of Houden, by fealty and service of rendering 3s. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Thursday after the Nativity of the Virgin, 36 Edward III. WiUiam de Melton his son, aged 23 years and more, is his heir. Writ, Yeshampstede, 20 September, 36 Edward III. Lincoln. Inq. taken at Kirketon in Lyndeseye, 15 October, 36 Edward III. Halton by Wyntryngham. A messuage and 3 bovates of land and a cottage,* held of Roger Lestraunge by knight's service. Wilyngham by Stowe. The manor, held of the heirs of Hugh Olyfard by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 15 September, 36 Edward III. WiUiam de Melton, knight, his son, aged 22 years and more, is his heir. Writ, Yeshampstede, 20 September, 36 Edward III. Southampton. Inq. made at la Weo, Michaelmas day, 36 Edward IIL Kyngesclere. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of 10s. yearly payable at Winchester castle by the hands of the sheriflf. The extent includes pastiu-es called ' Oxenlese ' and ' le Brodemede.' Clere Wodelonde. A messuage, a virgate of land and 2a. meadow, held of the abbess of Godestouwe by service of 8s. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. * The Exchequer inquisition gives a rent of 33«. id. in place of the cottage. EDWARD III. 287 He died on Thursday after the Nativity of the Virgin last. WiUiam de Melton his son, aged 23 years and more, is his heir. He also held the manor of Bynteworth of the king in chief by service of 6s. 8d. yearly payable at Winchester castle ; but long before his death he demised it to WiUiam bishop of Winchester with the king's licence for a term of years not yet expired. C. Edw. III. File 171. (33.) E. Inq. P.M. File 21. (9.) (Lincoln.) 373. Theobald de Mounteneye, or de MouNTBisrEYNE, knight. Writ, 12 October, 36 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Somerford KejTies, 4 January, 36 Edward III. Somerford Keynes. The manor (full extent given, with details of services), held of the king in chief for a term of 80 years not yet expired by the king's demise by letters patent, on condition that if he should die within that term the manor should remain to the king. The extent includes 90a. meadow held of the abbess of Came by service of 20s. yearly payable at her manor of Munchenehampton, a rent called ' larderselver ' and a custom called ' churchs'. He died on 6 September, 35 Edward III. Heir not known. The reversion of the manor belongs to the king by virtue of the lease aforesaid. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Theobald, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 20 October, 37 Edward III. Buckingham. Inq. taken at Aylesbury, Monday before Ascension day, 38 Edward III. Grendon. He held nothing in demesne or service in the escheator's baihwick at the time of his death, but Laurence de Hastynges, late earl of Pembroke, long after he had married Agnes daughter of Roger de Mortuo Mari of Wygemore, gave him the manor of Grendon for life. It is held of the king in chief by knight's service. He died on Monday after St. Martin, 36 Edward III. The reversion of the manor ought to remain to John, son and heir of Laurence de Hastynges, a minor in the king's wardship. The king has received the issues at the Exchequer except for the last two years, during which time the said John son of Laurence has received them by the king's grant. Similar ivrit, 1 March, 38 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Kreckelad, 10 June, 38 Edward III. Somerforde Kaynes. He held nothing in demesne as of fee, but he held for life of the king's gift the manor of Somerford Ka3Ties, the reversion whereof belongs to the king. He died on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Mary, 35 Edward III. 288 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. In the aforesaid manor there is a piece of meadow and pasture called PyUesmet (?) held of the abbess of Caen, lady of Munchene- hampton, by service of 205. and a purse worth Id. payable yearly at Munchenehampton on Michaelmas day before noon. The king has been in possession of the manor since the death of the deceased. C. Edw. III. File 171. (34.) E. Inq. P.M. File 22, (14.) (Wilts.) 374. Makgabet db Dynham. • Writ, 23 January, 35 Edward III. Devon. Fragment of inq.* Fragment of writ. Somerset. Inq. (indented) taken at Somerton, Monday the feast of St. Valentine, 36 Edward III. Bokelond Dynham. The manor (extent given), held in dower by assign- ment of John de Dynham, sometime her husband, of the inheritance of John de Dynham, son and heir of the said John. The manor is held of the king in chief by knight's service. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on Sunday before St. Andrew last. The aforesaid John de Dynham her son, aged 30 years and more, is her heir. C. Edw. III. File 172. (1.) Devon. Inq. taken at Harpford, Monday before the Annunciation, 36 Edward III. Harpford. The manor (extent given), held of the inheritance of John de Dynham, knight, of the king in chief for a moiety of a knight's fee by knight's service. She held no other lands &c. in the escheator's baihwick. She died on 12 December. The aforesaid John de DjTiham, knight, her son, aged 40 years and more, is her heir. E. Inq. P.M. File 22. (1.) 375. FuLK SON AND HEIR OF FuLK FiTz Waryn, knight. Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Fulk, the lands of whose inheritance are in the custody of the executors of the testa- ment of WiUiam Fitz Waryn by the king's commitment. 15 March, 36 Edward III. Salop. Proof of age taken at Shrewsbury, 20 April, 36 Edward III. Richard de Hoppeleye, aged 44 years, says that the said Fulk was 21 years of age at the feast of St. Chad last, having been born at Whitington on that day and baptized in the church there in 15 Edward III ; and this he knows because he was in the church when Fulk was brought there to be baptized, and raised him from the sacred font. * Enough remains of this fragment to identify it as the original of the Exchequer copy given below. EDWARD m. 289 Thomas son of Geoffrey, aged 50 years, agrees and says that he married Margaret daughter of Henry Mounoel when Fulk was baptized in the church. Hugh de Mutteleye, John de Beddesfeld, Hugh Parrok and Thomas Dod, all 46 years of age, agree and say that they were at Whitinton with a great number of others about the raising of the beKry of the church, and saw the said Fulk brought to be baptized with a great following praising God for his birth. WiUiam Burnel, John Gouthmond, Roger Stanwardyn and Roger Heynes, all 44 years of age, agree and say that they were at Whit- inton before the coroner about a certain misadventure which hap- pened there when the said Fulk was baptized. William le Boudelers, aged 43 years, agrees and says that his own firstborn son John was bom and baptized on the same day. Robert Gruffyth, aged 42 years, agrees and says that John de Weston married his daughter Katharine on the same day. The escheator warned the executors of William Fitz Waryng by Roger West and John Kuggull, but they did not come. G. Edw. III. File 172. (2.) 376. Ralph son and heir oe Ralph de Bulmee, knight. Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Ralph, part of the lands of whose inheritance are in the custody of Isabel the king's daughter by the king's commitment, and part in the custody of Ralph de NevUl by demise of the same Isabel. 1 October, 36 Edward III. Lincoln. Proof of age made at Spital on the Street, 7 October, 36 Edward III. John de Holbek of Glaunfordbrig, aged 46 years and more, and Wilham Sparowe of the same, aged 42 years and more, say that the said Ralph was 22 years of age on the feast of St. Ambrose last, having been born at Caysthorp in the parish of Berghton, and baptized in the church of All Saints, Berghton, on the feast of St. Ambrose, 14 Edward III; and this they know because Edmund Paynell, then parson of the church of Berghton, on the day when the said Ralph was baptized caused the day of his birth to be entered in the kalendar of the great portas of the church, which entry they have often seen. WiUiam son of Peter of Scalby, aged 36 years and more, agrees and says that on the following Trinity Sunday his sister Katharine was married to John de la Chaumbre. Thomas Cokheved, aged 40 years, agrees and says that at the time of the birth he was in the wardship of Ralph de Buhner, the heir's father, and was dwelling at Caysthorp, so that he well remembers that the heir is of fuU age. Richard de Belewe of Scalby, aged 38 years and more, agrees and says that on Monday before Ascension day after the birth Alan Belewe his father was drowned iu the miU-pond of Caysthorp in coming from Caysthorp manor to Scalby. 19-{7) 290 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Peter del Spitell, aged 46 years, and Richard son of John of the same, aged 63 years, agree and say that on Tuesday before Ascension day after the birth they were sworn upon the view of the body of the aforesaid Alan Belewe, drowned at Caysthorp, before Robert de Grenefeld, coroner in the West Riding of Lincolnshire. Thomas Benet, aged 46 years and more, and Richard Cadan of Messyngham, aged 50 years and more, agree and say that on the day of the birth they were dweUing in service (officio) with Edmund Paynell, then parson of the church of Berghton, Thomas as yeoman and Richard as chamberlain. Walter Mous, aged 58 years, and William de Barton of Glaun- fordbrig, aged 48 years, agree and say that at the feast of SS. Peter and Paul after the birth there was a great flood of the water of Ancoln and a mighty tempest of wind, which broke the bridge and causeway of Glauntfordbrig and carried away stacks of peat {turbarum) and the fish in the stews in the gardens of many people living there. John Saunfayle, aged 52 years, agrees and says that on Thursday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist after the birth his son John was bom at Berghton and baptized in the church there, and he is now 22 years of age and more. G. Edw. III. File 172. (3.) 377. RoBERO? BROTHER AKD HEIR OE JoHN DE TiBETOT. Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Robert, brother and heir of John de Tibetot the son and heir of Margaret one of the daughters and heirs of Giles de Badlesmere, part of the lands of whose inheritance are in the custody of Isabel the king's daughter and part in the custody of William Deyncourt. 26 October, 36 Edward III. Suffolk. Proof of age made at Nettlested, 2 November, 36 Edward III. Richard Lampet says that the said Robert was bom in the town of Nettlested and baptized in the church there on Monday the feast of St. Bamabas, 15 Edward III, and is 21 years of age and more. He knows this because he purchased his manor in Bramf ord at Easter before the birth. Roger Bernard agrees and says that at the feast of the Purification before the birth he started on his way to Santiago. WiUiam Wodeward agrees and says that at the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist after the birth he married Alice his wife. John Hayl agrees and says that at Michaelmas before the birth his son John was bom. Adam atte Croos agrees and says that at Christmas after the birth the chiu-ch of Hintlesham was made {sic). Simon Vincent agrees and says that at Easter after the birth he built a new grange. Alexander Sampson agrees and says that at the feast of the Conception of the Virgin Mary before the birth Ellen his daughter was married. EDWARD III. 291 Ralph Spake agrees and says that at the feast of St. Peter's Chains after the birth Katharine his wife died. Henry Laurence agrees and says that in the same year that the heir was born he married Alice his wife. John Caldecote agrees and says that at Easter before the birth he made a dovecot. Nicholas Seylemere agrees and says that at the said feast of St. Barnabas his son Richard was born. Matthew Bernard agrees and says that at the feast of St. James after the birth he married Agnes his wife. C. Edw. III. File 172. (4.) 378. Thomas Latymer son and heib of Wabin Latymer. Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Thomas, who claims the lands of his inheritance, both those late of his father and those which Katharine Latymer, his mother, held jointly with his father ; the proof to be taken in presence of John atte Lee, steward of the lands of Phihppa queen of England, the king's consort, to whom the king committed the custody of the lands so held by the said Katharine. 10 October, 36 Edward III. Northampton. Proof of age {indented) taken at Rothewell, 18 November, 36 Edward III. John Cusin, aged 60 years, says that the said Thomas was born at Braybrok on Monday the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 15 Edward III, and was baptized the same day in the church there ; and this he knows because he was steward of the lands of Warin Latymer the father in that year. Roger Valoun, aged 50 years, agrees and says that in the same year he married Christiana his wife at Kaylmersch. Stephen Ferour, aged 56 years, agrees and says that in that year he was smith to Warin the father, and for a long time after. Adam Chaumberleyn, aged 44 years and more, agrees and says that in that year he was chamberlain to Warin the father. Robert Ostel, aged 54 years and more, agrees and says that in the same year he acquired a messuage in Desburgh from John Hikedon. Philip Berd, aged 60 years, agrees and says that in the same year Joan his sister was married to Nicholas Alderman at Braybrok. John le Smytht, aged 40 years and more, agrees and says that in the same year John de Oxingdon was parish chaplain there and baptized the said Thomas as above. Henry Clech, aged 58 years and more, agrees and says that in that year he was in service with Warin the father as keeper of his paKreys. Richard Valoun, aged 48 years and more, agrees and says that in the same year Laurence Valoun gave to Roger his son, and Christiana his wife, aU his lands in Braybrok in fee tail, by a fine in the king's court. Ralph Botreux, aged 66 years, agrees and says that in the same year he was in service with Warin the father as falconer. 292 CALEKDAR OF INQUISITPlONS. William le Smyth, aged 42 years and more, agrees and says that in the same year he was baUifE of Warin the father of his manor of Braybrok and made accomit, and upon that account was 201. in arrear, for which he was arrested by his body and sent to Northampton gaol vaitH he should pay the aforesaid money in full. Walter de Pisseford, aged 60 years, agrees and says that in that year the church of the same town was void, and Robert Valoun, chaplain, was presented and inducted the same year. C. Edw. III. File 172. (5.) 379. Joan dattghtee of Thomas CELiSTBLAYNE. Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Joan, kinswoman and one of the heirs of Emma late wife of Walter Park, who claims her pourparty of the lands which the said Walter held by the courtesy of England after the death of the said Emma, mother {sic) of the same Joan, whose heir Joan is, which are held of the heir of Laurence de Hastynges earl of Pembroke, a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service, and are in the custody of Robert de Wyk by the king's commitment. 3 July, 36 Edward III. Somerset. Proof of age of the said Joan, wife of Robert Wyke, taken at Sparkeford, Saturday before St. Matthew, 36 Edward III. WUham Welde, aged 40 years and more, says that she is of full age, to wit, 14 years and more, and was so on Saturday the feast of St. Gregory, 36 Edward III, having been bom at Dunynton on that feast, 22 Edward III, and baptized in the church of St. Nicholas there, and that he was present at the baptism, and that, on being asked by Thomas Chasteleyn, her father, to be her godfather, he flatly refused because it was possible that he might survive the said Thomas and marry Isabel, the latter 's wife. John Leddred, aged 38 years and more, agrees and says that on the Monday after the birth of the said Joan he held a court at Dunyn- ton, and after holding the court he visited Isabel, the mother, in her childbed, and she gave him a silk purse that he might bear witness and remember the age of her daughter. Nicholas Cadebury, aged 35 years and more, agrees and says that on the Sunday after the birth he came to the house of Thomas the father and was making a plan for the building of his haU {aidam suam ad faciend' ymaginabat), and the said Thomas gave biTn an axe with a cord {asia) to bear witness and remember the age of his daughter Joan. John Bruyn, aged 30 years and more, agrees and says that on the day of the baptism he went into the park of Donyate with Thomas Chasteleyn, and there they killed a doe with their bows and arrows, and Thomas gave him the skin of the same doe to bear witness to the truth of the age of his daughter. John Vincent, aged 32 years, agrees and gays that he was present at the baptism and, being asked by Thomas the father to be god- EDWARD III. 293 father, he agreed and was godfather, and the said Thomas gave him two cartloads * of wood to bear witness &o. John Smyth of Lovynton, aged 40 years and more, Richard Large, aged 37 years, Simon Prat, aged 30 years and more, and John Smyth of Cadebury, aged 38 years, agree and say that Robert atte Pyle, rector of the church of Croukern, sold them aU the tithes from a field called ' Asshlond ' in the parish of Croukern for a whole year on the day the said Joan was baptized, at which baptism they were present, and in the church of Dunynton they caused the deed of sale to be read as security for the keeping of the agreement, and the deed is dated 22 Edward III. John Moljois, aged 50 years, John Proude, aged 40 years, and Philip Howell, aged 36 years, agree and say that John, vicar of Combe St. Nicholas, sold them a grange and gave them as security for possession a bond which is dated the day of the aforesaid birth. The escheator gave notice to Robert Wyke by John Pounsound, and he came and had nothing to say why she should not be of full age. C. Edw. III. File 172. (6.) 380. John son and heir op Ralph be Bbrbwyk. Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said John, (whose father held of the king as of the manor of Moreholm, late of WiUiam de Coucy, which is now in the king's hand), the lands of whose in- heritance are in the custody of John de Dalton, knight. 28 June, 36 Edward III. (Endorsed.) The escheator warned John de Dalton, knight, to be present by Roger de EUale and Thomas de Steresacre, but he did not trouble to come. Lancaster. Proof of age taken at Preston in Amondrenesse, Saturday after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 36 Edward III. John de Barton, aged 50 years, says that the said John was born at Little Carleton in Amondrenesse on Wednesday the eve of Ascen- sion day, 14 Edward III, and was baptized in the church of Poulton. William de Preston, chaplain, lifted him from the sacred font, and John de Carleton and John de Stajmolf were his godfathers. He was 21 years of age on the eve of Ascension day, 35 Edward III, and the witness knows this because in the same week in which the said heir was bom he had a daughter Alina bom, since which time 22 years and more have passed. John de EtheUston, aged 54 years, agrees and says that in the same month in which the said John was bom he had a son Robert dead and buried in the churchyard of Preston church. John le Botiler, aged 42 years, agrees and says that in the same fortnight in which the said John was born he had his mother Cecily dead and buried in the churchyard of Poulton church, more than 22 years ago. * ']?he word is carucat^ie, alinost certainly a mistake fpr caredatof, 294 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Ralph de Frekilton, aged 59 years, agrees and says that in the same year as the said John was bom he had a son Robert bom. Roger de EtheUston, aged 56 years, agrees and says that on the day of the birth he married Anabilla his wife at the church of Preston. Adam de Quityngham (?), aged 58 years, agrees and says that on Whitsunday after the birth his brother was killed at the church (?) of Gosnargh. Robert de Haldeleghe, aged 57 years, agrees and says that in that year he was the king's baihff in the wapentake of Amondrenesse, and received a distraint for green-wax at the town of Little Carleton on the said Wednesday of the birth. Nicholas de Brokholys, aged 40 years, agrees and says that within ten days of the birth his father, Adam de Brokholis, completed (levavit) the newly built hall of his manor at Brokholis. Robert de MidQton, aged 48 years, agrees and says that on Thursday in Whitsun week after the birth he had a son WiUiam dead and buried in the churchyard of Garestang church, 22 years ago. John de Thometon, aged 41 years, agrees and says that within a month of the birth he had his father Laurence dead and buried in the church of Poulton. Roger del Wych, aged 49 years, agrees and says that WiUiam de Warburton, aged 43 years, agrees G. Edw. III. File 172. (7.) 381. Alice dattghteb and heib, of John de Bromleye. Writ to the escheator, on the petition of John de Froddesham, who has married the said Alice, to take proof of her age, the lands of her inheritance being in the custody of Humphrey de Swynnerton by the king's commitment. 17 October, 36 Edward III. {Endorsed.) Certificate that Humphrey de Swyimerton was warned by Thomas Rook and Roger Bache, but was unwiUing to be present. Stafford. Proof of age taken at Blemenhull, 1 November, 36 Edward III. Roger de Pycheford, aged 50 years and more, says that the said Ahce was bom at Bromleye, co. Stafford, on 31 October, 21 Edward III, and was baptized in the church of Eccleshale, the parish church of Bromleye, and that Stephen de Bromleye and Ahce de Stodleye lifted her from the sacred font. She was 15 years of age on 31 October last, and this he knows because Richard his father was buried in the chiu-ch of Eccleshale on the day she was baptized there, and since then 15 years and more have elapsed. Geoffrey de Conegreve, aged 45 years, agrees and says that he married Agnes daughter of Walter de Bromleye on the same day in the same church. Thomas Seyncler, aged 42 years, agrees and says that he was present in the church when the said Ahce was baptized, having been a guest at the wedding of Geoffrey de Conegreve. Thomas ^e Walton, aged 44 years, agrees and says that on the EDWARD III. 295 day the said Alice was born he received land of John her father in his court of Bromleye. Richard de Bruynton, aged 41 years, agrees and says that on the day of the birth his uncle WilUam was taken and imprisoned at Stafford by the king's writ. William de Stretton, aged 38 years, agrees and says that in the same {word omitted) in which the said Alice was born he had a sister Katharine born, who is now 15 years of age and more. WiUiam Freman, aged 39 years, agrees and says that on the day the said AUce was bom he had a brother John made a regular canon in the abbey of Lyllyshull. WUham de Stowe, aged 56 years, agrees and says that on the day the said Alice was born his brother Richard was kiUed at Eccleshale. Richard de Wolaston, aged 46 years, agrees and says that on the day the said AUce was born he purchased for himself a corrody in the abbey of Lylleshull. John de Aston, aged 55 years, agrees and says that Roger then bishop of Chester gave the prebend of Tervyn to his brother John on the same day. Adam Cok, aged 53 years, agrees and says that on the same day he had a daughter JuMana made a nun in the priory of ' blakladys ' of Bruwode. Roger de Weston, aged 40 ^ears, agrees and says that on the same day he was before Robert de Aston, then coroner, on an inquest as to the death of John Wyld, who was killed there, taken at Eccleshale. C. Edw. III. File 172. (8.) 382. Alice Coenewaleys anb Isabel her sister, dattghtees and heirs OF Thomas Corhtewaleys. Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said AUce and Isabel, whose father held of the heir of WilUam de Roos, late a minor in the king's wardship, the lamds of their inheritance being in the custody of John de Gerwardby by the king's commitment. 20 May, 36 Edward III. {Endorsed.) Certificate that John de Gerwardby was warned to be present at the proof of age of Alice by WilUam Gascoigne and Roger de Quixley, and that he was present and made no objection. Isabel sister of the said AUce is dead. York. Proof of age of AUce Comwaleys taken at York, Tuesday the eve of SS. Peter and Paul, 36 Edward III. Robert de Donyby, aged 41 years, says that AUce was born at Acclum on Friday after the Assumption, 11 Edward III, and was baptized in the church there, and that Alexander, then vicar of the same church, and AUce de BernevOl lifted her from the sacred font, and that she was 24 years of age on Friday after the Assumption last. He knows this because in the week in which she was born he went to Canterbury on pilgrimage with his father and others, and that is 24 years and more ago. 296 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. William de LiUjTig, aged 40 years, agrees and says that in the month in which she was born he was married to Margaret his wife, and that is 24 years and more ago. John de Friston, aged 42 years, agrees and says that in the same month he had a sister Joan made a nun in the priory of Watton. Robert de Levenyng, aged 40 years, agrees and says that in the same month he had a brother WiUiam dead and buried in the same church of Acclum. John de Foxholes, aged 48 years, agrees and says that in the same month Alice his mother died and was buried in tha church of Foxholes. Thomas de Lokton, aged 50 years, agrees and says that in the same month he had a daughter Katharine dead and buried in the parish church of Malton. John Wascelyn, aged 48 years, agrees and says that in the year in which Alice was born he had a brother William dead and buried in the church of Folketon. John Brett, aged 38 years, agrees and says that in the month in which Alice was bom he had a sister Juliana born, who is now 24 years old and more. Peter Sabbe, aged 40 years, agrees and says that in the year in which she was born he had a brother John made a canon in the priory of Malton. Adam de Fenton, aged 46 years, agrees and says that in the month in which she was bom he had a brother Wilham made a canon in the priory of Wartre. Richard Dryng, aged 41 years, agrees and says that in the year in which she was bom he had a brother Robert die. John de Levenyng, aged 58 years, agrees and says that in the same year his mother Juliana died and was buried in the churchyard of Acclum church. C. Edw. III. File 172. (9.) 383. Robert son and heeb oe Robert de Wassyngleye. Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Robert, the lands of whose inheritance are in the custody of the executors of the testament of John de W5Tiewyk. 28 July, 36 Edward III. HtTNTiNGDON. Proof of oge taken at Abbot's Riptone, Sunday the eve of the Assumption, 36 Edward III. Robert CoUusson says that the said Robert was born in the town of Wassyngleye and baptized in the church there on Tuesday before the Invention of the Holy Cross 21 years ago. This he knows because Margaret mother of the said Robert died about the feast of St. Peter's Chains 8 years ago, and he heard her say that her son was then 13 years of age and more. Robert Bemys agrees and says that Gumphrey {Gumfridus) the clerk wrote the date of the birth in a missal of the said church. Walter Wastel agrees and says that Mevud late the wife of Edward EDWARD III. 297 de Pabenham has a son who was born on the same day and baptized in the same church. William TyfEen agrees and says that in the same year he came to the court of the lord of the aforesaid town and received of him a messuage and a virgate of land by the house of the father of the said Robert. Robert Suffyn agrees and says that he had a daughter bom in the second week after the said Robert's birth, who was baptized in the same church. John Conquest agrees and says that John Person died in the same year and he (John Conquest) wrote his testament. John Andrew agrees and says that in the same year he aUenated a messuage and 10a. land to John atte Church for a term of 16 years. Robert Langeton agrees and says that Robert Dengayne died about the feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross 14 years ago, and that before the day of his death {recepcionis sue) he said that the said heir was 7 years of age and more. Walter Rauf agrees and says that his father was godfather of the said Robert and' gave him a white cow with a white calf. Hugh Numan agrees and says that in the same year the parish- ioners of the town made a new soUer (solarium) before the cross, and the father of the heir while he lived maintained a lamp burning before the cross. John Haddon agrees and says that the rector of the church was without a clerk, and he ran so hurriedly after a clerk that he fell into a pit (foviam) and was nearly drowned. John Stokeman agrees and says that Geoffrey Stokeman had a messuage and a croft by the orchard of the heir's father, and sold it in the same year to John Muleward for a certain sum of money and made a charter thereof, by the date of which he remembers the age of the heir. This proof of age was made in presence of the executors of John de Wynewik, who made no objection. G. Edw. III. File 172, (10.) 384. John son and heie or Thomas de Nbvill of Faldyngworth. Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said John, the lands of whose inheritance are in the king's custody. 24 October, 36 Edward III. Lincoln. Proof of age taken at Lincoln, Monday after St. Andrew, 36 Edward III. Robert Brand of Faldyngworth, aged 54 years and more, Thomas Stayle of the same, aged 42 years and more, Nicholas Chaumpenay of the same, aged 38 years and more, John son of Nicholas of the same, aged 46 years and more, and John Smyth of the same, aged 56 years and more, say that the said John was 21 years of age on Monday after Michaelmas, 36 Edward III, having been bom at Faldyngworth and baptized in All Saints' church there on Monday 298 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. after Michaelmas, 15 Edward III. This they know because William de Carleton, then parson of the church of Faldyngworth, godfather of the said John, wrote the day and year of the birth in the white missal of the church, which writing they have often seen and read. Thomas del He, aged 54 years and more, and Robert Spenser of Boselyngethorp, aged 46 years and more, agree and say that MlUcent del He, sister of the said Thomas and kinswoman of the said Robert, was the heir's nurse and fed him with her mUk, whereby they remember well that the heir is of full age, because John, son of the said Millicent, of whose milk the heir was fed, is 22 years of age and more. Robert Smyth, aged 53 years and more, and Hugh de Normanby, aged 48 years and more, agree and say that William son of the said Robert was bom at the feast of the Ascension before the birth of the heir, and Cecily daughter of the said Hugh was bom on Thursday after St. Luke after the birth of the heir, and WiUiam and Cecily are now of full age. John de Croft of Ouneby, aged 49 years and more, and WilUam de Hochoun of Snyterby, aged 55 years and more, agree and say that they were serving Thomas de Nevill, the heir's father, at the time of the birth as workmen (artifices) at Faldyngworth, and worked for him the timber of the great south bam in his manor of Faldyngworth, which work they finished about the feast of SS. Simon and Jude next after the birth of the heir. Thomas de Neuton, aged 44 years and more, agrees and says that on the day of the birth he went to Sniterby and fetched John son of Roger de Nevill to come to Faldyngworth to be the other godfather of the heir. C. Edw. III. File 172, (11.) 385. Walter Danseye brother and heir oi- William Danseye brother AND HEIR OP John Danseye. Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said Walter, the lands of whose inheritance are in the custody of WiUiam bishop of Win- chester by the king's commitment. 26 October, 36 Edward III. Wilts. Proof of age made at Westbury, 6 December, 36 Edward III. Nicholas Brok, aged 40 years and more, says that the said Walter is 22 years of age and more, having been bora at Dulton on the eve of St. Nicholas, 14 Edward III, and baptized in a chapel of St. Nicholas in the same town, which is of the parish of Westbury. This he knows because on that day he met Walter de Park, who told him that he was godfather of the said Walter Danseye and had held him at the sacred font. John Durewyne, aged 41 years and more, agrees and says that in crossing the road in the said town he saw the said Walter being carried in a woman's arms past the cemetery to the house of Richard Danseye his father, and the woman told him that he had been baptized. Richard atte Grove, aged 50 years and more, agrees and says that on the same day he was at the house of Richard Danseye the father EDWARD III. 299 very early in the morning, and Margaret, daughter of the same Richard, came from her chamber and told him that ' she had a brother then born, for which God be thanked.' John Herkedale and Thomas Durle, both 42 years of age and more, agree and say that on the same day they met Walter Shereueton at Westbury about the hour of vespers, who told them that he had that day laid his hand on a son of Richard Danseye at the sacred font, who was named Walter. John Everard, John Jaunes, Thomas Rejmald and Richard de Pounde, all 43 years of age and more, agree and say that on the aforesaid day Richard Danseye hunted the fox at la Holte in the same county, and they were there to clip the hedges (pro haiis picchand') and for the hunt, and there came one William Workman and said to the aforesaid Richard ' My lord, do you wish to hear news ? ' and he answered ' Friend, what news ? ' and William related to the whole company that Richard the day before had a son bom at Dulton and baptized on the same day, and that he had seen him. And Richard gave him 4cOd. for his account. John Brok, William Athelm and Wilham BaiUif, all 44 years of age and more, agree and say that they were present in the chapel and heard the mass when the heir was baptized. C. Edw. III. File 172. (12.) 386. Margaret daxtghter and heie of Thomas Daniel and Isabel his wife. Writ to the escheator, on the petition of John son of John de Radeclyf who has married the said Margaret, to take proof of her age, the lands of her inheritance being in the custody of Thomas de Lucy, knight, by demise of John de WjTiwyk, to whom the king com- mitted the same. 10 July, 36 Edward III. Cttmberland. Inq. taken at Carlisle, Monday after Michaelmas, 36 Edward III. John de Ireby, aged 40 years and more, says that the said Margaret was born at Bradleye, co. Chester, on Monday after Ascension day, 22 Edward III, and was baptized the same day in the parish church of Lymme in the same county. This he knows because he saw by an inquisition taken before the escheator in that county on Wednesday after St. Peter's Chains last upon her age that she was 14 years of age on Monday after Ascension day last. William del Dykes, Walter del Flate, Thomas de Crosseby, Thomas de Lowthr, Walter de Bampton, Clement de CrofEton, Michael del Sandes, Alan de Stokedalle, Nicholas de Brayton, Adam de Brounffeld and Gilbert Taunterel agree, and say that she was found to be 3 years of age by an inquisition taken at Carlisle before Thomas de Lucy, knight, then escheator, on Saturday after the Purification, 24 Edward III. Thomas de Lucy, knight, was warned to be present by Thomas de Skelton and Wilham de Lowthr of the county of Cumberland, and the said Thomas de Skelton was present in his name and made no objection. C. Edw. III. File 172. (13.) 300 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. 387, Mattd dattghtee and heir of William de la Cakvaill. Writ to the escheator, on the petition of Robert de Haldenby, who has married the said Maud, whose father held of the heir of Laurence de Haetynges earl of Pembroke, a minor in the king's wardship, to take proof of her age, the lands of her inheritance being in the custody of John de la Carvaill by the king's commitment. 18 October, 36 Edward III. Northampton. Proof of age (indented) taken at Wendlingburgh, 14 November, 36 Edward III, in the presence of John de la CarvaiU. Peter de Thorp, aged 56 years, says that she was bom at Earl's Barton and baptized in the chm-ch there on Monday before All Saints, 17 Edward III ; and this he knows because ia the same year he was steward with the aforesaid William, her father. WiUiam BailUf , aged 46 years, agrees and says that in the same year he started for Gascony to fetch wines to England. John le Wright, aged 40 years and more, agrees and says that in the same year he purchased in fee a messuage and a carucate of land. Simon Symcok, aged 60 years, agrees and says that in the same year Richard de Thorp, clerk, was presented to the church of Barton aforesaid by the abbess of Delapre (de Pratis), Northampton, and inducted. Simon Ketel, aged 60 years and more, agrees and says that he was present in the church when she was baptized. John Carvill, aged 58 years, agrees and says that in the same year he married Roger his elder son. John Cole, aged 44 years and more, agrees and says that in the same year he came to the aforesaid town and he has passed his life there since. John Sokeman, aged 53 years, agrees and says that in the same year he was at Berwick at the king's wages to guard that town for the king's service. John atte Grene, aged 51 years and more, agrees and says that in the same year he was robbed, bound and mutilated by thieves in the forest of deve. William le Smyth, aged 54 years and more, agrees and says that in the same year his son Richard was made a friar at Lincoln and professed in the order of St. Augustine. WilUam Broun, aged 60 years and more, agrees and says that in the same year WiUiam de la Carvaill, the father, purchased in fee a water-mill at the aforesaid town of Barton and had it rebuilt (de novo reparare). WiUiam Raynold, aged 42 years and more, agrees and says that in the same year he brought Alice his first wife to Assheby in the same county to dwell there. C, Edw. III. File 172. (14.) EDWARD III. 301 388. John db Markeshale son and heir of Arthur db Markbshale. Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said John, the lands of whose inheritance are in the custody of William de Russhebrok by the king's commitment. 8 July, 36 Edward III. {Endorsed.) Certificate that William de Russhebrok was warn«d by Simon Lonye and John Gerveys to be at Chelmerford on 13 July last, and that he was present and made no objection to the proof of age. Essex. Proof of age * taken at Chelmerford, 13 July, 36 Edward III. Edmund Boteler says that the said John was born at Markeshale and baptized in the font of the church there, and was 21 years of age at the feast of the Purification last. This he knows because at the said feast of the Purification on which the said John was born he started for (jperexit ad) Santiago, and so the age of the said John runs in his memory. John de Barenton agrees and says that in the year in which the said John was born he rebuilt {de novo construxit) a barn. Geoffrey Morlyng says that the said John is 21 years of age and more, and this he knows because in the same year as John was born he married his wife. Walter Adam agrees and says that in the same year his daughter Margery was born. Wilham Clement agrees and says that his daughter Joan was married in the same year. Roger Andrew agrees and says that he purchased 40a. land in Markeshale in the same year. Richard atte Well agrees and says that in the same year the belfry of Nottele was made. Nicholas atte Lowold agrees and says that in the same year William his son was born. Robert Gildenhele agrees and says that in the same year the church of Fynchingfeld was rebuilt {de novo facta). GUbert Chittok agrees and says that in the same year he crossed the sea to Flanders. Roger Petteworth agrees and says that in the same year he rebuilt {de novo construxit) his haU. C. Edw. III. File 172. (15.) 389. Margaret one of the daughters and heirs of Oliver son of Oliver DE Dynham. Writ to the escheator, on the petition of WiUiam de Asthorp, who has married the said Margaret, to take proof of her age, the lands of her inheritance being in the custody of the said William by demise of Guy de Bruyenne, who had the same by the king's commitment. 6 May, 36 Edward III. * Only eleven jurors give evidence. 302 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Devon. Proof of age taken at Hemyok, Tuesday in Whitsun week, 36 Edward III. Roger Colehay, aged 60 years and more, says that the said Margaret is 15 years of age and more, having been born at Hemyok and baptized in the church there on Monday the feast of St. Margaret, 21 Edward III. This he knows because Oliver her father asked the then rector of the church to write in the missal there the day and year of her birth, which day and year are stiU written in the missal. Thomas Elisaundre, aged 60 years and more, agrees and says that he was at dinner at Hemyok on the day of the birth with Oliver the father. Richard Coterel, aged 60 years and more, agrees and says that on the morrow of St. Margaret, 21 Edward III, he met William de Aumarle at Lovepitte coming from Hemyok, who there told him of the birth of the said Margaret and that he was her godfather. Stephen Kyng, aged 50 years and more, agrees and says that on the same Monday he was at dinner with Geoffrey Malherbe at Fyne- ton, and there he was informed of the birth of the said Margaret. Stephen Coterel, aged 48 years and more, agrees and says that on the same Monday he was at Okampton with Hugh de Corteney earl of Devon to hunt there, and there the earl was informed of the birth. John de Myncomb, aged 60 years and more, agrees and says that he was with Oliver, the father of Margaret, on the same day, who conveyed to him for a term of 40 years a carucate of land in Hemyok, and by the date of the deed he knows the age. Henry Pyl, aged 50 years and more, agrees and says that on Thursday after St. Margaret in the aforesaid year, 21 Edward III, he married Joan atte Doune. William Pygesdon, aged 52 years and more, agrees and says that on the same Monday Robert Pygesdon his father died and made him executor, and by the date of the testament he knows the age. John Maister, aged 57 years and more, Thomas Hunte, aged 62 years and more, Thomas Hurt, aged 62 years and more, and John Haukeford, aged 66 years and more, agree and say that on the same Monday Oliver, father of the said Margaret, sold to them by indenture all the wools he had of his own shearing in the county of Devon, so that each sack should be weighed by the trone, and by the date of the indenture they know the age. The escheator caused William Asthorp to be warned to be present. C. Edw. III. File 172. (16.) 390. John Streoh son and heib of John Strech, knight. Writ to the escheator to take proof of the age of the said John, the lands of whose inheritance are in the king's custody. 7 December, 36 Edward HI. Dorset. Proof of age taken at Wambrok, 13 December, 36 Edward III. Thomas atte Logge, aged 50 years and more, says that the said John is of full age, to wit 21 years and more, and was so on the eighth EDWARD III. 303 day after the Assumption, 36 Edward III, having been born at Wambrok on the eighth day after the Assumption, 15 Edward III, and baptized in St. Mary's ohiu-ch there. He knows this because he was present at the baptism, and on the same day held a court there, and so by the date of the court roll the age of the said John is known to him. John Norreys the elder, aged 60 years, and John Norreys the younger, aged 55 years and more, agree and say that they were present at the baptism, and in returning together to their own homes they were wounded by robbers. William Larkestoke, aged 55 years, John Larkestoke, aged 50 years, and Thomas Bosard, aged 40 years and more, agree and say that on the day of the baptism William, formerly vicar of the church of Combe St. Nicholas, sold to them by his writing all the tithes and other profits of the church for a whole year. They were present at the baptism and had the writing read in the church of Wambrok on the same day as security for the keeping of the agreement. The date of the writing was 15 Edward III. Adam le Hare, aged 46 years and more, agrees and says that on the same day John Strech, knight, the father, gave him a cartload of wood to witness and bear in mind the age of his son John. John Knolle, aged 40 years and more, agrees and says that on Saturday after the birth he was hunting on la Downe by Cherde with John Strech, the father, who gave him a white greyhound to bear in mind his son's age. Adam Oliver, aged 50 years, Robert le Hare, aged 42 years, William Dunham, aged 60 years, and John Britz, aged 52 years and more, agree and say that Adam, formerly rector of the church of Cherde, sold them a grange for a sum of money paid beforehand, and gave them a bond for security dated on the day of the birth. C. Edw. III. File 172. (17.) 391. Robert son akd heir of Robert lb Say. Writ to the escheator in co. Salop to take proof of the age of the said Robert, the lands of whose inheritance are in the custody of Matthew de Foulhiu'st by the king's commitment. The said Robert was born at Morton Say and baptized in the church there, as it is said. 28 May, 36 Edward III. (Endorsed.) Certificate by the escheator that Matthew de Foulhurst is dead, and that the escheator warned Margaret, late his wife, and Thomas le Say, his executors, by Robert de Morton and John de Wemme, to be present. They were present and made no objection. Proof of age missing. . , C. Edw. III. File 172. (18.) 392. Robert le Noble. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Robert, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 1 August, 36 Edward III. 304 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Wilts. Inq. taken at Salisbury, 20 August, 36 Edward III. Newjmton Tony. A messuage, 15a. arable and 2a. meadow, held of Humphrey de Bohun, kinsman [and heir of Humphrey] de Bohun, late earl of Hereford, a minor in the king's wardship, by service of a fortieth part of a knight's fee ; and a messuage and 2 virgates of land, held of Ralph de Wolverton by [service of 55. yearly*]. The 2 vkgates contain 44a., and there are 4a. meadow. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 24 September, 35 Edward III. Joan, aged 16 years, and Alice, aged 15 years and more, his daughters, are his heirs. The escheator has been in possession since his death, and the king has received the issues and profits. C. Edw. III. File 172. (19.) E. Inq. P.M. File 20. (11.) 393. John Notelyk. Writ, 28 January, 36 Edward III. Glotjcestbb. Inq. taken at Gloucester, Thursday the morrow of St. Laurence, 36 Edward III. Stanleye. A messuage, 60a, land, la. meadow and 2a. wood, held of the king in chief by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Wednesday after Michaelmas last. John his son, aged a quarter of a year, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 172. (20.) 394. RicHABD SON OF Adam Nayllere, or Naylerb. Writ to the mayor of London, 4 October, 36 Edward III. {Endorsed.) The lands &c. mentioned in the inquisition have been taken into the king's hand. London. Inq. taken 20 June, 36 Edward III. Parish of St. Giles without Crepelgate in the suburb. A tenement worth lOs. yearly if repaired and let, held of the king in chief in free burgage, as is the whole city. He had no other lands &c. within the liberty of the city. He died in 23 Edward III without heir. C. Edw. III. File 172. (21.) E. Inq. P.M. File 22. (10.) 395. John de Naillynghbrst. Writ, 6 March, 36 Edward III. Essex. Inq. taken at Branktre,t 4 April, 36 Edward III. Felsted. A messuage, 60a. land, 5a. meadow, 3a. wood and 30d. rent, held of the king in chief by service of finding a stable for a horse when the king shall pass through the countryside. * The words in square brackets are supplied from the Exchequer inquisition. t The Exchequer inquisition is dated at Chehnesford, 6 May, 36 Edward III, and gives the date of death as 19 February last. "St. Matthew" in the text is obviously a mistake for St. Matthias (February 24). EDWARD III. 306 He died on Saturday before St. Matthew last. Thomas his son, aged 24 years and more, who is beyond the seas, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 172. (22.) E. Enrolments dbc. of Inq. 132. (10th entry.) 396. John db Noewico, knight. Writ, 1 October, 36 Edward III. NoEFOLK. Inq. taken at Pakenham, 12 October, 36 Edward III. Sculthorp. The manor (extent given, including 5a. marsh, a water-mill and a leet held about Midsummer), held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a knight's fee. Great Massjnagham. Edward II gave to Walter de Norwico, father of the deceased, and his heirs, all the lands &c. late of Thomas de Weylond in Great Massyngham, to hold of the king at fee-farm, rendering 8 marks yearly at the Exchequer, and this fee-farm the present king gave by charter to the prioress and nuns of Brodholm. These lands &c. descended to the deceased after the death of his father. He held no other lands &c. in the county. The said John died on 15 August last. John son of his son Walter, aged 14 years and more, married to Wolrina daughter of Miles de Stapilton two years and more ago, is his heir. Suffolk. Inq. taken at Bechs, 8 October, 36 Edward III. Ilketelishale. The manor, held jointly for life by the deceased and Margery his wife, who survives, by a fine levied in the king's court, with remainder to Walter their son and the heirs male of his body. The manor is held of William Trussel, service not known. Shipmedwe. The manor, with 3 carucates of land in Metyngham, Ship- medwe, Ilketelishale, Barsham, and Becclis, held jointly as above by a fine, with remainder as above. The manor is held of William Trussel, service not known. A carucate of the three, in Metyngham, on 30a. of which a fort (castellum) has been built by the deceased, is held of John de Lerme, clerk, as of his manor of Bardol . . . {the rest torn away). G. Edw. III. File 172. (23.) 397. Maey, countess of Norfolk. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said countess, and who has been in possession of her lands since her death and received the issues. 26 January, 36 Edward III. Lincoln. Inq. taken at Lincoln, Tuesday after the Purification, 37 Edward III. Bynyngton. The manor, with its appurtenances in Bynyngton and Foston (extent given), held of the king in chief by knight's service for life only by way of dower after the death of Thomas, late earl of Norfolk, her husband. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on 9 June, 36 Edward III. 20— (7) 306 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. The present king granted the reversion of the manor to WiUiam de Bohun, late earl of Northampton ; and Humphrey de Bohun, his son and heir, is heir to the manor by reason of this grant. He was fully 20 years of age on 24 March, to wit on the eve of the Annuncia- tion, 36 Edward III. Writ, 20 June, 36 Edward III. NoEFOLK. iTiq. taken at Colston, 19 July, 36 Edward III. Colston. The manor (extent given), held for her life by grant of John de Cobham, knight, her son, with reversion to the same John and his heirs. The manor is held of the heirs of Henry late duke of Lancaster,* as of the manor of Methelwolde, in free socage by service of a rose yearly. John de Cobham, knight, her son, of fuU age, is her heir. Norfolk. Inq. taken at South Walsham, Friday before St. Margaret, 36 Edward III. Halvergate and South Walsham. The manors (extents given), held for life by way of dower, by endowment of Thomas de Brotherton, late earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England, her husband, of the inheri- tance of Margaret wife of Walter de Mauny, daughter and one of the heirs of the said Thomas, and of Joan wife of WiUiam de UiBfordj daughter of Ahce another daughter and heir of the said Thomas. The manors are held of the king in chief, as parcel of the barony of the earldom of Norfolk, services not known. Halvergate. The extent includes a leet held about Midsummer. South Walsham. The extent includes a leet about the feast of , and 8 customary tenants doing yearly 27 averages called Suffolk averages worth 18«. yearly, and 56 averages called Norfolk averages worth 18s. 8d. yearly. She died on St. Barnabas' day last. The aforesaid Margaret, aged 30 years and more, and Joan, aged 13 years at the Purification last, are heirs of the said Thomas earl of Norfolk, and there are no other co-heirs. StrFFOLK. Inq. taken at Soham, Wednesday the feast of St. Margaret, 36 Edward III. Soham. The manor (extent given), which is a member of Framelyng- ham, held for life jointly with Thomas de Brotherton, earl of Norfolk, of the heirs of Thomas de Nerford, knight, service not known, by the king's gift to them and the heirs of Thomas. The extent includes a leet held about the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Date of death and heirs of Thomas as above. Suffolk. Inq. taken at Kenet, 26 June, 36 Edward III, Kenet. A moiety of the manor (extent given, including a leet held about AU Saints). ..^__^„_^^____^ I* * According to the Exchequer inquisition the manor was held of John de Warennya, late earl of Surrey, in free socage, etc. JEbWARi) lil. 30t Cratfeld. The manor. Both the above she held for life by way of dower (as Halvergate above). They are held of the king in chief as parcel of the barony of the earldom of Norfolk, service not known. Date of death and heirs of Thomas as above. Suffolk. Irtq. taken at Holisle, Tuesday before St. Margaret, 36 Edward III. Holisle. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief as parcel of the barony of the earldom of Norfolk, service not known. The extent includes a fair on the feast of St. Margaret and a leet about the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Donyngworth. The manor (extent given), held of the earl of Suffolk, as of the honor of Eye, by service of 5 knights' fees. She held these manors for life by way of dower, as above. . Date of death and heirs of Thomas as above. Sttffolk. Inq. taken at Stonham, Thursday after St. Margaret, 36 Edward III. Hoo. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief as parcel of the barony of the earldom of Norfolk, service not known. The extent includes a leet held about the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Stonham. The manor (extent given), held of the earl of Lancaster by service of 30s. &d. yearly. The extent includes a leet held about the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. She held both manors for life by way of dower, as above. Date of death and heirs of Thomas as above. Suffolk. Inq. taken at Framelyngham, Wednesday before St. Margaret, 36 Edward III. Framelyngham. King Edward II gave the castle and manor (extent given), with other lands &c. in the county of Suffolk, and with the knights' fees, advowsons &c. belonging to th& said castle and manor, to Thomas de Brotherton his brother and the heirs of his body, with reversion to himself. Thomas, being seised thereof, married a certain Ahce, by whom he had two daughters Margaret and AUce, of whom Margaret was married to Walter de Maunny and Alice to Edward de Monte Acuto. Edward and Alice had a daughter Joan, who was married to William de Ufford. Alice wife of Thomas died, and after her death Thomas married Mary de Brewes as his second wife, and afterwards gave the castle and manor &c. to the present king, who gave them to Thomas and Mary and the heirs of the body of Thomas, with reversion in default of such heirs to himself and his heirs. Thomas died without issue by the said Mary, and after his death Mary continued her estate in the premises until her death, and died so seised. The manor and castle are held of the king in chief as parcel of the barony of the earldom of Norfolk, service not known. The extent includes a market place with a fair on Michaelmas day, courts and amercements of brewers and bakers in ' le Tolhous ' 308 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. within the borough, and in the manor four parks and four leets held about the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. Date of death and heirs of Thomas as above. SxTFTOLK. Inq. taken at Walton, Monday before St. Margaret, 36 Edward III. Walton. The manor (extent given). The jurors' finding with regard to this manor is identical with that regarding the manor of Pramelyngham (above). The extent includes a fair on the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, a custom called 'langerston ' (?), and a profit from the sea called ' le wrek.' Date of death and heirs as last above. Hertfoed. Inq. taken at Weston, 28 Jtme, 36 Edward III. Weston. The manor (extent given), held for life by way of dower (as Halvergate above). The manor is held of the king in chief as parcel of the barony of the earldom of Norfolk, service not known. The extent includes a park with deer, a rent of 2 ploughshares worth 20d., a wood called ' Yepgrave,' and a leet held about Christmas. Date of death and heirs as last above. Writ, 20 June, 36 Edward III. Gloxjcester and the March of Wales. Inq. taken at Chepstowe, 6 July, 36 Edward III. [Monmoitth]. Strugoil. The castle and manor. Shepestowe. The town with the hamlets. The jurors' finding with regard to these is identical with the above finding regarding the manor of Framelyngham, except that there is no mention of tenure. Date of death as above, after which the premises ought to belong to the above-named Margaret and Joan. John de Cobham, son of the deceased, aged 24 years and more, is her heir. G. Edw. III. File 172. (24.) E. Enrolments die. of Inq., No. 132. (20th, 21st, 24th and 25th entries.) Writ, 20 June, 36 Edward III. Berks. Inq. made at Wantyng, 25 July, 36 Edward III. Ardynton. The manor, held for life of the inheritance of John Cobeham, knight, who survives, her [son] by Ralph Cobeham, her first husband. She held it of Edward prince of Wales, as of the honor of Walyngford, by service of one knight's fee, by demise of the aforesaid John her son, in exchange for the manor of Beul . . . ., co. Lincoln, formerly assigned to her by way of dower on the death of Thomas de Brother- ton, late earl Marshal, her second husband. She died on Saturday the eve of Holy Trinity last. The aforesaid John her son, aged 36 years and more, is her heir to whom the reversion of the manor of Ardyngton belongs. Writ, 20 June, 36 Edward III. Cambridge. Inq. taken at Kenet, Friday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 36 Edward III. EDWARD IIL. 309 Kenet. A moiety, of the manor (extent given), held for life by way of dower (as Halvergate above). It is held of the king in chief as parcel of the barony of the earldom of Norfolk, service not known. Date of death and heirs of Thomas as above in Norfolk. Writ, 20 Jmie, 36 Edward III. Lincoln. Inq. taken at Merston, Tuesday after Corpus Christi, 36 Edward III. Binyngton. The manor, with its appurtenances in Binyngton and Foston (extent given), held for life of the king in chief by knight's service by way of dower after the death of the earl. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on 9 June, 36 Edward III. The reversion of the manor belongs to Humphrey de Bohun, son of William de Bohun late earl of Northampton, aged 20 years, by the king's gift. Writ, 20 June, 36 Edward III. BxTGKiNGHAM. Inq. taken at Alusbur', Satiu'day the morrow of St. Martin, 36 Edward III. Wedon in le Vale. The manor, held jointly with John de Cobham, her son, of the prince of Wales by service of suit of court to the view of frankpledge twice a year ; a toft, 100a. land and 10a. meadow, acquired of William de Sodbury to herself and her heirs, held of Ralph Russel by service of lib. cummin ; and a toft, 160a. land, 7a. meadow, 2a. pasture and 24s. rent, acquired of WUMam de Kerkeby to herself and her heirs, held of the earl of Northampton, a minor in the king's wardship, by fealty and suit of court. Helpustrop. The manor, held jointly with John her son, as above, of the barony of Wolwerton by service of 5s. rent yearly, and it renders to the king. 2s. 6d. yearly for hidage and beaupleader. Roulusham and Wengrave. 4 marks rent, held jointly as above of the prince of Wales by service of suit of court. Masseworth. A messuage, 100a. land, 7a. pasture and 20s. rent, held jointly as above of the same prince by service of suit of court twice a year. Wedonehul and Padenhor'. A manor, 710a. land, 10 marks rent and 12a. meadow, held jointly as above, whereof a carucate is held of the earl of Oxford by serAdce of 20s. yearly, a carucate called ' Hauekishurt ' is held of Henry de Brusele by service of 15s. yearly, 120a. in Little Missenden belonging to the above manor are held of the aforesaid earl of Oxford by knight's service, and the rest of the manor, except the 10 marks rent, is held of the prince of Wales by service of suit of court as above. Draytone Bechaump. A manor, 300a. land, 8a. meadow, a close of pasture and 4Z. rent, held jointly as above of the barony of Wol- werton by knight's service and by rendering to the king for hidage 10s. 9d. Chelwoldusburi. A messuage, 120a. land and 20s. rent, held jointly as above of the prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem by service of 20s. yearly. 310 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS, Saundresdon. A messuage, 60a, land, 3a. meadow and 70a. rent, held jointly as above of the prince as above. She died on Saturday the eve of Holy Trinity 36 Edward III. John de Cobham her son, aged 30 years, is her heir. Writ defeodis &c., 1 August, 36 Edward III. Norfolk. Extent made at Norwich, 6 September, 36 Edward III. She held the following for hf e by way of dower of the endowment of Thomas, late her husband, of the inheritance of Margaret and Joan, his heirs, as above : — Thetford. The advowson of the priory. South Walsham, Banyngham, Stocton, Elyngham, Brokedyssh, Byskele, and Antyngham. The advowsons of the churches. She held no other advowsons in the county. Suffolk. Extent made at Ipswich, 12 September, 36 Edward III. She held the following in dower as above : — Eramlyngham, Soham, Ayssh, Holisle, Hoo, Donyngworth, Stonham Earl, Kenet, Blakshale, Tremeleye, Kirketon^ and Helmele. The advowsons of the churches. Filchestowe. The advowson of the priory. She held no other advowsons in the county. Writ defeodis &c., 25 June, 36 Edward III. GLOtrcBSTBR AND THE Maech OF Wales. Extent made at Shepestowe, 6 July, 36 Edward III. [Monmouth] Lanveir. One knight's fee, held by Ralph de Monte Heremerii. Martheme. One knight's fee, held by Bevis {Bogo) de Rnovill. Penho. One knight's fee, held by Roger de Seymor. Porscuet and Herbardeston. One knight's fee, held by Matthew Dene- baud. Crik. Half a knight's fee, held by Robert Demeford. Dynan. Half a knight's fee, held by Andrew de Bello Campo, Maysquenyth. Half a knight's fee, held by Emery {Almaricua) de Lucy, Ederton, Half a knight's fee, held by Henry de Bendevyle, St, Arvin. A fourth part of a knight's fee, held by Leysanus ap Morgan. Lanmartyn. A fourth part of a knight's fee, held by Walter de Kammoys and Maurice de Kammoys. Henru. A fourth part of a knight's fee, held by Roger de Saymor and WUham Adam. St. Wormet. A fourth part of a knight's fee, held by John Blethery. [Gloucestbk] Tudeham. A fourth part of a knight's fee, held by Walter Waldyng. Lancaut. The advowson of the church. [Monmouth] Tyntern. The abbey, which is of the foundation of the ancestors of the earl of Norfolk as of the lordship of Strugoil. Strugoil. The priory, which is of the foundation of the same. The prior shall find a monk to celebrate three days a week in the castle of Strugull. EDWARD III. 311 Norfolk. Extent made at Norwich, Monday before St. Hilary, 36 Edward III. She held the following in dower as above : — Byskele. One knight's fee, held by the prioress of Carhowe and John de Norwyco. Rughton and Metton. One knight's fee, held by Roger de HaUs. Sengges. A twentieth part of a knight's fee, held by Walter de Calthorp. Freton. A twentieth part of a knight's fee, held by Roger Ryvet. Shelton. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Isabel wife of John Bygot. Bourgh and Pleg. One knight's fee, held by Edmund de UfEord. Bernyngham, Witlyngham, Smalbergh, GrymeswoU, Erynglond, Ketryng- ham, Bom'gh in Pelg {sic), and Bacounisthorp. Five knights' fees, a third part and an eighth part of a fee, held by William de la Rokele. Beyton. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by WilUam de Lincoln. Mouton. A fomiih part of a knight's fee, held by the heirs of Nicholas de Stradesete. Hethell. A fom-th part of a knight's fee, held by Richard de Goldyng- ham. Carleton and Colneye. A fourth part of a knight's fee, held by Ehzabeth de Colneye. Ouby, Engham, Bernham and Bourgh in Pleg. Three knights' fees, held by John de Cayly. Shotisham and Sterston. Eleven knights' fees and a third part of a fee, held by Agn&s wife of John Mautravers. Hokham, Sutton, Gotherston and Kerbrok. Seven knights' fees and a moiety of a fee, held by the heirs of Denise de Monte Caniso. Creyk and Fundenale. Four knights' fees and a moiety of a fee, held by the heirs of Robert de Creyk. Garboldisham. A moiety and an eighth part of a knight's fee, held by the heirs of Robert de Boscd. She held no other knights' fees in the county. Suffolk. * Extent made at Nedham, Thm-sday before the Epiphany, 36 Edward III. She held the following in dower as above : — Shadeneffeld, Thurington, Brusyerd, SwefElyng and Ryngested. Four knights' fees, held by John de Brusyerd. Debenham, Sekford, Skarniston and Brustall. 3| knights' fees, held by Joan de Rocheford, Bartholomew de Eljoigham and AHoe the wife of John de Holbrook. Wylbeye, Benhale, Norton and Culneyse. 3| knights' fees, held by Guy Ferre. Colneyse. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by William Houdyn. Saxmundham. One knight's fee, held by Robert Swan and WiUiam de Tudeham. Croffeld. One knight's fee, held by Phihp Hameys. Stonham. One knight's fee, held by Roger de Aspale. Ryligeshall, Beylham, Couhaugh, Dermondesdon, Kenebrook and * This extent is apparently based on the extent made on the death of Roger Bigod in 35 Edward I. Some of the readings are corrupt. The first h^lf pf the dpcumept is jnucji d^f^cecl with gall. 312 CALENDAB OF INQUISITIONS. Levyngton, Four knights' fees, held by Robert Biimavyll and John de Bukkelond. Hofton. Two knights' fees, held by Richard Loveday. Plummesyerd. A tenth part of a knight's fee, held by John de Pejiion. Colneyse. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Alexander de Pratis and Ms parceners. Lestaneston. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Robert de Scales and William de Caldecote. Candelent. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by William de Videlu, Akenham, Wetjmgham, Clopton and Hasketon. 3f knights' fees, held by Giles de Breuse. Gislyngham. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Fulk de Goldyngham. Hegham. A fourth part of a knight's fee, held by John de Rejrmes. Gosebek and Eston. Two knights' fees, held by Richard de Gosbek. Neuton and Swerstede. IJ knights' fees, held by Ohver de Todenham. Weston by Hopton. One knight's fee, held by Hugh Houel. PessenhaU, Faltenham, Waudryngfeld, Stemefeld and Famham. Four knights' fees, held by Nicholas de Segrave and Guy Ferre. MikeHeld. A fourth part of a knight's fee, held by Roger de Aspale. Aysch Campesse. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Margery de Moyse. Wyckelowe. One knight's fee, held by John de Wyckelowe. Monewedon. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by John Apadam. Hacheston. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Godfrey de Hilton. Ketelebergh. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Thomas de Ketelebergh. Stonham. A fourth part of a knight's fee, held by John de Mounneye. nketehshale. One knight's fee, held by Henry Morgayn. Chasfeld. A fomth part of a knight's fee, held by Nicholas Weylond. Holbrok and Freston. One knight's fee, held by Ahce de Holbrok. Stonham. A fourth part of a knight's fee, held by Robert de Upston. Chedistan and Eston. One knight's fee, held by Thomas Bavent. Suckeleye. 2J knights' fees, held by John de Fresyngfeld and John Boylond. Leyham. Two knights' fees, held by Robert de Reydon and Richard de Brunton. Sprouton. One knight's fee, held by Richard Loveday. Codinham. A twentieth part of a knight's fee, held by the prior of Royston. Brook by Ipswich. A tenth part of a knight's fee, held by Alice de Holbrok. Cranisford. A fourth part of a knight's fee, held by Adam Tastard and WiUiam de Hoo. Framlyngham. A tenth part of a knight's fee, held by Simon Taillour ; and a fourth part and a sixth part of a fee, held by Thomas Ketelbergh. Kelishale. A twenty-fifth part of a knight's fee, held by Nicholas Kelishale. Beilham and Colneyse. One knight's fee, held by John Bretoun. Ilketelishale. A twentieth part of a knight's fee, held by WiUiam Rous ; and a twentieth part of a fee, held by Walter Tolle and his parceners. Brampton. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by John Randolf. EBWARD III. 313 Martlisham. Three knights' fees, held by Thomas Verdoun. Bargh. 2| knights' fees, held by Katharine Giffard. Ufford. A tenth part of a knight's fee, held by William Ambirwylle. Bradewater. A quarter of a knight's fee, held by the same. Sternefeld. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by the same. Hevenyngham. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Cecily de Hertford. Burgate. A third part of a knight's fee, held by John de Langeston ; and a fourth part of a knight's fee, held by the same John. Blofeld and Grymiston. A knight's fee and a half, held by John Bemond. Colneyse. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by the lord de Staunpes ; one knight's fee, held by Wakelin de Porton ; and a quarter of a knight's fee, held by Mabel Langenhale. Framlyngham. A twentieth part of a knight's fee, held by John Austyn. Ufford. One knight's fee, held by Robert de Ufford. Blaxhale. One knight's fee, held by the heirs of Thomas Weylond. Ramisholt. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by William Ramisholt. Carleton. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by John Framlyngham. Ikene. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by William Sturmyn ; and a moiety of a knight's fee, held by Robert Faucebroun. Wantisden. A quarter of a knight's fee, held by the prior of Buttele. Glemham Parva. A quarter of a knight's fee, held by Richard Phelip. Heryngeswell. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by the heirs of Stephen de Berton. Elvedon. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by the heirs of John de Gelham. Tunstall by Nettlested. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by John Typtot. Ouchal. FoTU- (?) knights' fees held by the heirs of Roger son of Osbert. Sylham. A knight's fee and a half, held by John Seymor. Denham. One knight's fee, held by John de Denham. Theberton. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Emma de Norwyco. Helmingham, Yoxford and Middelton. 3| knights' fees, held by John de Thorp and William de Welyngton. Yoxford, Hevenjmgham and Stekiclond. 2| knights' fees, held by William de Swelyngton. The said Mary held no other knights' fees in the county. Heetfokd. Extent made at Weston, 28 June, 36 Edward III. She held for life of the inheritance of Margaret and Joan, the earl's heirs : — Offeleye. Three knights' fees, held by William de Uffeleye and Roger Bernard. Weston. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by John Archentem ; a moiety of a knight's fee, held by Henry de Roucestre ; a twentieth part of a knight's fee, held by John son of Eustace ; a tenth part of a knight's feCj held by Walter de Norton ; and a tenth part of a knight's fee, held by Robert son of Payn. She held no other knights' fees in the county to the knowledge of the jurors. Essex. Extent made at Chelmerford, Monday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 36 Edward III. 314 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. She held for life of the inheritance of the said Margaret and Joan : — Weston by Beauchamp. One knight's fee, held by the heirs of Simon de Cauntelu. Whitte Nottele. One knight's fee, held by John Dengayne. Pebenayssh. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Roger de Aspale. Fynchingfeld. One knight's fee, held by John Claveringg. Pebenayssh. A knight's fee and a moiety of a knight's fee, held by Peter de Nerford. Ovyton. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by William Pirhowe. Colne. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by the heirs of Robert Reymes ; and a moiety of a knight's fee, held by Hamo le Veyse. Weston and Foxhome. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by the earl of Oxford. Pinchyngfeld. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by John son of Robert. Bredebrok. One knight's fee, held by Gilbert Pecche. Gidebrok. One knight's fee, held by Simon Glaveneye. White Colne. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Roger Reymes. Finchingfeld. One knight's fee, held by Geoffrey Pecche ; one knight's fee, held by William Northsted ; and one knight's fee, held by Henry de OverhaU. Ovyngton. One knight's fee, held by James de Creyk. Remmesdon. A fourth part of a kn^ht's fee, held by Simon le Grey. Thorp. Two knights' fees, held by Paul de Theydon. Burchfeld. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Richard Syward. Mounteneye and Gyginge. A moiety of a knight's fee, held by Hamo Chevere. Bedyngham and Senges. A forty-fifth part of a knight's fee, held by Robert de Seenges. She held no other knights' fees in the county to the knowledge of the jurors. Partition (indented) of the knights' fees of Mary late countess of Norfolk and Marshal between Sir Walter lord de Mauny and Margaret his wife and WiHiam de Ufford, knight, and Joan his wife. London, 17 July, 37 Edward III. (See Calendar of Close Bolls, 1360-1364, pp. 475-479.) C. Edw. III. File 173. (1.) 398. RiCHABD DE ObE. Writ, 6 February, 36 Edward III. StrssBX. Inq. (indented) taken at Robertsbridge, 6 April, 36 Edward III. Gistelyng. Tenements (unspecified), held of the earl of Richmond by service of three parts of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 1 November last, Amicia de Ore, his daughter, aged a year and a half and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 173. (2.) EDWARD m. 315 399. John db Oeb. Writ, 1 November, 35 Edward III, Sussex. Inq. {indented) taken at Robertsbridge, 5 April, 36 Edward III. Ore. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held of the earl of Hereford by service of a knight's fee and by service of rendering to the earl yearly for ward of the castle 3s. every 16 weeks. He died on 7 October last, 35 Edward III. Richard de Ore his son, aged 24 years, was his heir, and entered the premises after his father's death without doing homage or rendering any service to the earl, and continued his seisin until Saturday before All Saints, when he alienated the premises to Robert his brother, John de Underasshe, chaplain, and Thomas de Stonlynke, and their heirs, except a cellar and a road to the church. This alienation was made without any condition. The deceased also held : — Gistelyng. Tenements (unspecified), held of the earl of Richmond by service of three parts of a knight's fee. Ore. Tenements (unspecified), held of Alexander de Goldyngham by service of an eighth part of a knight's fee ; and tenements (unspecified) held of Bartholomew Monbocher, service not known. He held no other lands &c. in the county. C. Edw. in. File 173. (3.) 400. John de Ovbbton. Writ, 9 March, 36 Edward III. Salop. Inq. taken at Bruggenorth, 19 March, 36 Edward III. Overton. A messuage, 2 carucates of land and . . . rent, held jointly by the deceased and Eleanor his wife, who survives, for their lives, with remainder to John their son and the heirs of his body. Corleye. A messuage and a carucate of land, with the advowson of the church, similarly held with the like remainder. All the above are held of the earl of March by service of finding two hobelars for the guard of Wigmore castle for forty days at his own costs when there is war in Wales. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Sunday before St. Nicholas last. John his son, aged 8 years, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 173. (4.) 401. Robert de Ogle. Writ, 18 July, 36 Edward III. NoRTHtTMBBELAND. Inq. taken at Newcastle upon Tjme, Thursday the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 36 Edward III. Saltwyk. 2 husband-lands, held of the king in chief by knight's service, which the deceased acquired from Philip de Somervyl, baron of Merlay, who held them as parcel of the said barony. Ogle. The castle and manor (extent given), held of the baron of Walton 316 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. by knight's service, suit of court, service of 65. 8d. yearly and 8d. for comage. Little TwiseU. The manor (extent given), held of the heir of the baron of Graistok by knight's service and by 3s. 4d. yearly for ward of the castle and 13d. for comage. Shylvyngton. The manor and town (extent given), except an eighteenth part thereof in the hands of John de Fenwyk, held of the heir of the baron of Graistok by knight's service, suit of court every three weeks, and service of 6s. 8d. yearly and 13d. for comage. Aldeworth. 50a. waste land, held of David de Strabolgi, earl of Athol, as of the barony of Mitteford, by service of 6s. 8d. yearly. Langwotton. A capital messuage and 40a. land in the hands of tenants' at will rendering 13s. 4d. yearly. And there are 6 husband-lands whereof 3 are in the hands of tenants at will rendering 30s. yearly and 3 are waste ; and 9 husband-lands whereof 7 are in the hands of tenants at will rendering 46s. 8d. yearly and 2 are waste ; and 9 cottages whereof 4 are in the hands of tenants at will rendering 10s. yearly and 5 are waste ; and 1 cottage ia the hands of a tenant at will rendering 2s. 6d. yearly. The premises are held of Henry de Percy by knight's service and by rendering to the king by the hands of the sheriff 2s. 5|d. yearly for the forest and I2d. yearly for ' feusilver.' Seton Wodhom. 30a. land in the hands of tenants at will rendering 4 marks yearly, and a fishery, held of Mary de Sancto Paulo, countess of Pembroke, by service of (amount illegible) and suit of coiuii every three weeks. Thymham. A messuage, 140a. land, 1 husband-land and 5 cottages, held of Robert Umfravel by knight's service and a rent of (amount illegible). Le Colputtes. A place so called, containing 40a. land, 8a. meadow and a several pasture, held of Robert de Herle as parcel of Slauely by knight's service. Fulbyry. A foTirth part of the demesne lands and 2^ husband-lands, let for 26s. 8d. yearly, held of (name illegible) by knight's service. Northmiddelton. 1 husband-land, held of the heirs of the barons of Graistok and Stiford by knight's service. Dissyngton South. 3 messuages and 120a. land late of Adam de Dissyng- ton, in the hands of tenants at wiU rendering 13s. 4d. yearly ; 2 messuages and 360a. land late of William Russell, in the hands of tenants at will rendering 40s. yearly ; and 2 messuages and 42a. land late of (name illegible), in the hands of tenants at will rendering 6s. 8d. yearly. The premises are held of the prior and convent of Tynemuth in socage. Hepphal. A moiety of the barony (extent given), held by the deceased jointly with Joan his wife, who survives, to them and the heirs of their bodies, by feoffment of Thomas Styward, chaplain. The moiety is held of the king in chief by service of a moiety of a barony. The extent includes lands, rents &c. at Great Tosson, Tyrwhit, Warton and Motwayton. The deceased rendered (amxmnt illegible) to William Taylboys, his parcener of the barony. EDWARD III. 317 Aldonscheles in the liberty of Exham. 200a. land, held of the lordship of the bishop {rest illegible). Rouly in the same liberty. The manor, held of the same bishop. Sewynsheles. The manor, held of Philippa queen of England in drengage (?). Le WaKeld. 160a. waste land, held of the same queen in drengage. He died on Thursday the feast of Corpus Christi last. Robert son of Robert de Ogle [his son], aged 9 years at Christmas next, is his heir. Commission to William de Nessefeld, escheator in York, Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmorland, and William de Estfeld, to ascertain what other lands the said Robert held in demesne or in reversion at the time of his death in addition to those contained in the inquisitions taken after his death, and who has been in possession of the same since his death and received the issues. 4 March, 37 Edward III. CuMBEBLAND. Inq. taken at Doncastre, Tuesday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 37 Edward III, before William de Estfeld and John de Wakefeld, deputy of William de Nesfeld, escheator. Thoresby. Richard de Denton, knight, held the manor of Robert de Ogle, lately, deceased, to whom the reversion belongs. Robert died seised of the reversion, which descended after his death to Robert son of Robert son of the aforesaid Robert de Ogle, a minor in the king's wardship. Richard de Denton died on Wednesday after Palm Sunday, 37 Edward III. The manor is held of the king. (Endorsed) Beponatur in escaetis de anno regni Regis E. tercii tricesimo octavo. Writ of certiorari to the escheator, on the petition of Joan late the wife of Robert de Ogle claiming dower in the manor of Thoresby on the ground that Robert her late husband held the manor in demesne as of fee at the time of their marriage, and afterwards demised the same to Richard de Denton for life, with reversion to himself and his heirs, and that the same manor is now in the king's hand by the death of Richard and the minority of the heir of Robert. 13 November, 38 Edward III. Cumberland. Inq. taken at Carlisle, Tuesday after the Epiphany, 38 Edward in. Thorisby. The said Robert de OgeU was seised of the manor in demesne as of fee after his marriage, and in 18 Edward III demised it for life to Richard de Denton, knight, deceased, except a moiety of the chief messuage and 33a. land and 11a. (?) meadow of the demesne, with reversion to himself and his heirs. C. Mw. III. File 173. (5.) 402. Henry de Penebrtjgge. Writ, 10 July, 36 Edward III. Gloucester. Inq. taken at Gloucester, Monday after St. Bartholomew, 36 Edward III. Gamagehall. A messuage, a dovecot, a garden, a caruoate of land, 318 CALENDAR OF mQUISITIONS. 285. 8d. rent, and 4a. meadow, held of the king in chief by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 18 January last. John de Penebrugge his son, aged 13 years and more, is his heir. G. Edw. III. File 173. (6.) 403. Elizabeth late the wife of Richard Pembeigg or Penebeuggb, knight. Writ, 26 October, 36 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Chilton Folyot, 21 December, 36 Edward III. Chilton Folyot. The manor, held for life in joint feoffment with Gerard de Insula, formerly her husband, of Sir Edward, prince of Wales, as of the honor of Walyngford, by service of two knights' fees. ~ She died on 16 September last. Richard her son, aged 7 years and more, is her heir ; but the reversion of the manor belongs to Warin de Insula, son and heir of the aforesaid Gerard, aged 24 years and more, and his heirs. Berks. Inq. made at Kyngeston del Isle, 10 January, 36 Edward III. Kyngeston del Isle. A moiety of the manor, held in dower, in recompense for another manor, by the death of Gerard de Insula, formerly her husband, the whole manor being held in socage of Robert de Insula, knight, by service of a pair of gilt spiurs or Qd. Date of death, heir and reversion as above. C. Edw. III. File 173. (7.) E. Inq. P.M. File 21. (7.) 404. Nicholas Pleycy, Plbysy, or de Pleycy. Writ, 26 May, 36 Edward III. Northampton. Ivq. (indented) taken at Ketering, 6 July,* 36 Edward III. Burton. The manor (extent given including meadow in various parcels, to wit, ' croftes ' and ' hobnes '), held of the king in chief by knight's service ; except a third part thereof, the dower of Ida sometime wife of John de Pleisy, knight, who survives, and 18a. thereof and the rent of 6 of the vUleios which are assigned to the same Ida instead of dower in Hethelee, co. Surrey. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 8 May last. Joan his sister, aged 18 years and more at the feast of St. Martin last, is his heir. Writ, 26 May, 36 Edward III. Surrey. Inq. {indented} taken at Guldeforde, 26 July, 36 Edward III. Hedle. A messuage, 20a. arable, 6a. wood, 20*. rent of free tenants, and perquisites of court worth nothing because the tenants owe no suit, held of the king in chief by service of a sixtieth part of a knight's fee. He held no other lands &c. in the county. * The date of the Exchequer inquisition is 6 June. EBWARl) HI. 319 He died on 8 May last, a minor in the king's wardship. Joan de Pleycy, his sister, aged 18 years and more and now married to John Hamely, is his heir. Writ, 26 May, 36 Edward III. SoMEESET. Inq. (indented) taken at Jevele, Wednesday the morrow of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 36 Edward III. Nicholas Pleycy son and heir of Nicholas de Pleycy, knight, a minor in the king's wardship, held in fee and right : — Cherleton Caunvyle. 24s. rent, held of the earl of Salisbury by service of 12d. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death as above. Joan his sister, age not known, is his heir. Thomas de Brideport has been in possession of the rent since the death of Nicholas Pleycy, knight, by virtue of the king's commit- ment thereof to him until the lawful age of the heir of the latter. Dorset. Inq. (indented) taken at Blaneford, Saturday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 36 Edward III. Up Wymbourn. The manor (extent given), held of Lionel the king's son, earl of Ulster, as of his manor of Cranebourn, by knight's service. Kynstenton. The manor (extent given), held of the earl of Salisbury, as of his manor of Caneford, by knight's service. These manors have been in the possession of Thomas de Brideport, as above. The deceased held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death and heir as last above. C. Edw. III. File 173. (8.) E. Inq. P.M. File 21. (10.) (Northampton.) 405. RoBEKT DE Panes and Joan his wipe. Writ to the escheator. It having been found by examination before the council that John son and heir of the said Robert and Joan is an idiot from birth, whereby the custody of his lands &c. ought to belong to the king, the escheator is to take into the king's hand all the lands &c. which the said Robert and Joan held in demesne at the time of their death and cause an extent to be made thereof. 6 February, 36 Edward III. Somerset. Inq. (indented) taken at Welles, Tuesday after St. Matthias, 36 Edward III. Laurton by Erome, The manor (extent given), tenure not stated, held by Robert de Panes at the time of his death. The extent includes a fulling-mill and 2 gardens worth only 2s. yearly because the apple trees are blown down. He held no other lands in the county. He died on Friday after Michaelmas last. 320 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Dorset. Inq. {indented) made at Ceme, Friday after Ash Wednesday, 36 Edward III. Pomeknoll. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held by Joan wife of Robert de Panes at the time of her death. The extent includes a water-miU and a garden worth only 12d. yearly because the apple trees have been blown down. The tenure of the manor is not stated. Neither Joan nor Robert held any other lands &c. in the county. The aforesaid manor is charged to Avice de StaweU in 405. yearly for her life. Joan died on Tuesday after St. Luke last. C. Edw. III. File 173. (9.) 406. James Paekee. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said James, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 3 October, 36 Edward III. Essex. Inq. taken at Pritewell, Thursday after AU Saints, 36 Edward III. Reilegh. A messuage and 36a. land, held for life by the courtesy of England after the death of Katharine, his wife, of her right, of Nicholas Coleman by service of 5«. yearly. He died on 3 March, 23 Edward III. John son of John le Fuller, king's bondman of Reilegh, aged 14 years and more, is kinsman and heir of Katharine. PhUippa queen of England, to whom the king granted the town of Reilegh with the honor and himdred and the manor of Estwode, demised the same at farm to WiUiam de Bohun, earl of Northampton, for 20 years not yet completed ; and the earl immediately after the death of James Parker seized the aforesaid messuage and land by reason of the minority of John son of John Fuller, and was in possession thereof imtil Wednesday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 34 Edward III, on which day he died, whereupon Nicholas Cokeman,* bailifiE of the market of the town of Reilegh, seized the premises into the king's hand and has since accounted for the issues at the Exchequer, as the jurors understand. Similar torit, 15 June, 37 Edward III. Essex. Inq. taken at Reilegh, 26 June, 37 Edward III. Reilegh. A messuage and 36a. land, held of Roger de Ehnebrigge and Nicholas Coleman and other lords, services not known, by gift of John Smolt the elder to the said James and Katharine his wife and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of James, by a fine levied in the court of Edward II. James and Katharine died without heir of their bodies. James died on 1 June, 23 Edward III. Walter Parker his kinsman, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. ♦ A mistake for Coleman. For his account, see Ministers' Accounts, Bundle 845, No. 38. EbWARD III. 321 The steward of William de Bohun, late earl of Northampton, who held the honor of Reilegh with the manor of Estwode at farm (as above), was told that John son of John Fullere, a bondman of the manor of Estwode, was kinsman and heir of Katharine, not knowing of the aforesaid fine, and he entered the premises accordingly and ordered the bailiff of the manor to seize the premises into the earl's hand and account for the issues until John Fullere would (voluerit) receive the premises and hold them by increment (per incrementum) according to the custom of the manor. The earl remained in possession and received the issues from the time of the death of James until his own death, when the manor came into the king's hand. Richard Tannere, reeve of the manor and bailiff of the town and market of Reilegh, has been in possession since then for the king's use and has accounted for the issues at the Exchequer. C. Edw. III. File 173. (10.) 407. Maud late the wife oe Roger Power. Writ, 12 February, 36 Edward III. Worcester. Inq. taken at Worcester, 28 February, 36 Edward III. Wicheneford. A capital messuage, 2 carucates of land, 4a. meadow, 17s. rents of free tenants, and pleas &c. of court worth I2d. yearly. Norton by Bredone. A capital messuage, a carucate of land, 4^a. meadow, 18s. rents of free tenants, and pleas &c. of court worth IQd. yearly. She held the same to her and the heirs of the bodies of herself and Roger, her late husband, by gift of William de GrimenhuU and John de Croule. The premises are held in chief of the temporalities of the bishopric of Worcester, as of the manors of Wyke by Worcester and Bredone, by service of doing homage to the bishop of Worcester. The temporalities were void and in the king's hand at the time of the death of the said Maud by the death of Reynold, late bishop. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She 'died on 13 January last. John, son of the said Roger and Maud, aged 22 years and more, is her heir. G. Edw. III. File 173. (11.) E. Inq. P.M. File 19. (4.) 408. Isabel late the wife of Robert Parvyng. Writ, 16 May, 36 Edward III. Cumberland. Inq. taken at Penreth, Friday after Whitsunday, 36 Edward III. Bochardby. The manor (extent given, including a several fishery worth 6s. 8d. in summer), held by a fine levied with the king's licence, by gift of Robert Parvyng, parson of the church of Hoton, to her and Robert Parvyng, her late husband, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to Adam son of John Pacok, knight, kinsman of Robert Parvyng, and the heirs male of his body. The same Adam survives. The manor is held of the king in chief by homage and service of 6s. 2d. yearly for cornage. 21— (7) 322 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Caldecotes. 2 messuages and 9a. land, held in form aforesaid of the bishop of Carlisle and the prior of the same place by service of 2*. yeariy. , t> u Adam son of John Pacok, aged 30 years and more, is heir of Robert and Isabel in the tail aforesaid by virtue of the aforesaid fine, they having died without heir of their bodies. Braythwayt. A third part of the close, in the forest of Ingelwod, held in dower of the inheritance of the heir of Richard de Kirkebride, a minor in the king's wardship. The third part is held of the kmg in chief by fealty and the service of rendering 35s. 6d. yearly at the Exchequer of Carlisle by the hands of the sherifE. She held no other lands &c. in the county. The aforesaid heir of Richard de Kirkebride is heir to the said third part. She died on Monday before the Invention of the Holy Cross last. C. Edw. III. FiU 173. (12.) 409. Beenakd Pbimekoli, of Gascony. Writ, 30 April, 36 Edward III. London. Inq. taken before the mayor, Saturday after St. John before the Latin Gate,* 36 Edward HI. He died on Wednesday after St. Peter's Chains, 35 Edward III, seised of : — • Boghelane in the ward of Douuegate. 2 tenements with 2 cellars and 5 shops, late of Nicholas Blake ; whereof one tenement with cellar is worth 5 marks yearly less a quit-rent of 20s. to the nuns of Kelboume, the other tenement is wortii 2 marks yearly less 13«. 4d. payable yearly to William de Causton, and the 5 shops are worth 2 marks yearly less quit-rents of 10«. to the church of St. Paul, London, and 13s. 4d. to the chiu-ch of St. Michael Patemostercherche. Parish of St. Andrew on ComhiU in the ward of Lymstret. A tenement worth 48s. yearly less quit-rents of 4s. to the prior and convent of St. Saviour, Bermoundeseye, and 4s. to the church of St. Andrew on ComhiU. All the premises are held of the king in free burgage, as is the whole city. The deceased held no other tenements or rents within the liberty of the city. He has no heirs so far as the jurors can ascertain {irder se inquirere possunt). G. Edw. III. File 173. (13.) E. Inq. P.M. File 22. (5.) 410. Elizabeth Pecche. Writ after the death of the said Elizabeth, one of the sisters and heirs of Roger Pecche son and heir of Gilbert Pecche, who died a minor in the king's wardship. 28 April, 36 Edward III. Sttffolk. Iiiq. taken at Thirlowe, 2 May, 36 Edward III. Thirlowe. A moiety of the manor (extent given), held of the king, as * The Exchequer inquisition is dated 20 May. EDWAED III. 323 of the honor of Boulogne, by service of a fourth part of a knight's fee. The extent includes a leet held about Whitsuntide and a fair at Michaelmas. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on 21 March last. Katharine her sister, aged 22 years and more, is her heir. C. Edw. III. File 173. (14.) 411. Elizabeth late the wipe of William Pichaed, or Pycheed. Writ, 7 February, 36 Edward III. WoRCESTEB. Inq. taken at Worcester, 13 April, 36 Edward III. Little Sapy, A capital messuage, a carucate of land, 30s. rents of free tenants, and pleas &c. of court worth lOd. yearly, held of John Talbot, knight, by service of a sixth part of a loiight's fee. She held the same for life only, by gift of John Sturmy to her and William Pichard, her late husband, to hold of John Sturmy for their lives. Afterwards John Sturmy granted the reversion of the premises to Geoffrey de W^ynynton, chaplain, and his heirs ; and subsequently Geoffrey granted the reversion to Hugh de Cokeseye and his heirs. Walter son and heir of Hugh de Cokeseye, to whom the premises of right belong, is a minor in the king's wardship. She held no other lands &c. in the county. She died on Monday before St. Andrew in this year. Richard her son, aged 30 years, is her next heir in blood. C. Edw. III. File 173. (15.) 412. Henry Pbverel, knight. Writ, 10 May, 36 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Salisbury, 26 September, 36 Edward III. Berford. A messuage, 2 carucates of land, 15a. meadow and 60s. rent, whereof he held a parcel of the king in chief by service of lOs. and 3 arrows worth 2s. to be paid yearly at Salisbury castle by the hands of the sheriff, a parcel of Richard de Chuseldene by service of 32s. Id. yearly, a parcel of the prioress of Ambresburs by service of 13s. yearly, a parcel of the lord of Hurdecote by service of 2s. yearly, and a parcel of Sir John de Goldyngham by service of lib. pepper worth 14d. yearly. 40a. of the above land lie near the king's forest of Gravele and are fed over by the king's deer and so are of no value. Borescombe. The manor (extent given), held of Edmimd de Cornwaill, knight, by service of a pair of gilt spurs yearly at Michaelmas. Pleas of court there are worth nothing, because the tenants are free tenants at will, and no one will hold any land in bondage. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 7 March last. Thomas Peverel, his son, aged 24 years and more, is his heir. 324 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Southampton. Inq. made at la Weo, Thursday the feast of St. Michael, 36 Edward III. Northavene and Southavene. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief by service of U. yearly payable at Winchester castle by the hands of the sheriff and 23d. yearly payable at the king's manor of Lyndhurst, of John . . . ., knight, by service of 10a. 2|^., of Thomas de Bouklande by service of 2d. and lib. cummin worth M., of the prior of Christchurch by service of 2d. {?), of John le Eyr by service of Id., and of William Melebury by service of 3d., the amount of each tenure not known. Part of the rents, to wit, Iqr. Zbus. of oats, worth 25. 9d., is paid to the king's foresters of the New Forest by ancient custom. Manesbrigg. 20a. arable, 5a. meadow, and 15«. rent, held of the king in chief by service of 205. yearly payable at Winchester castle by the hands of the sherifi. Lyndhurst in the New Forest. A messuage and 100a. land, held of the king in chief by service of 175, 4d. yearly payable at his manor of Lyndhurst. Penyton. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of the king in chief by service of 85. and 2qr8. salt yearly payable at the manor of Lynd- hurst. The carucate contains 80a. arable, and there is a grove, pastm-e in common for 2 horses, 8 oxen and 100 sheep, rents of 195. lOd. and IQqra. salt, and pleas &c. of court worth 12d. yearly. Middelton. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of John de la Souche by service of 6d. yearly. The carucate contains 80a. arable, and there are 2-|a. meadow, a several pasture, tenants whose rents and services are worth 465. 6d., and pleas &c. of court worth 25. yearly. Chelworth. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of Boyvyll by service of Id. yearly. The carucate contains 80a. arable, and there are 100a. waste, 40a. wood, and tenants rendering 2O5. yearly, but no pleas &c. of court because they are free tenants at will. [Bonejyate. A messuage, 40a. arable and la. meadow, held of the bishop of Winchester by service of 195. 4d. yearly and of the abbot of Waverle by service of 65. 8d. yearly. Alyngton. A messuage and a carucate of land, held of John Wodelok by service of 65. 8d. yearly. The carucate contains 100a. arable, and there are 8a. meadow several from the Purification until the hay is carried, 20a. pasture, and 20a. wood. Suthampton. A messuage, held of the bailiffs of the town as parcel of the fee-farm by service of 55. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. Date of death as above. Heir as above, aged 23 years and more. C. Edw. III. File 173. (16.) E. Inq. P.M. File 21. (3.) (Wilts.) 413. John son or John de Ratelbsden. Writ, 8 November, 36 Edward III. Norfolk. Inq. taken at DaJlyngge, 15 November, 36 Edward III. EDWARD III. 325 Dallingge. The manor, held of Roger de Elmbruge, as of the manor of Fakenham Aspes, co. Suffolk, by service of one knight's fee. Dallingge. A windmill and 50a. land, held of the prior of Bjoiham, the prior of Ely, John de Breux, John de Malteby and others by divers services. Dallingge and Geystqweyt. Rents, customs and services worth 7s. yearly, held of the heir of Roger de Gerberge, service not known. He died on Saturday before St. Nicholas, 35. Edward III. Robert, aged three quarters of a year, son of Robert Houel who married Joan de Ratelesden, aunt of the aforesaid John, is kinsman and heir of the deceased. C. Edw. III. File 173. (17.) 414. Edmund Rolves, or Rolpus. Writ, 4 June, 36 Edward III. Buckingham. Inq. taken at Ayllesbury, Friday after St. Margaret, 36 Edward III. Kyngusheye. A messuage, 12a. arable, 4a. meadow and 2a. pasture, held of the king in chief by service of a fiftieth part of a knight's fee. He held no (other) lands &c. in the bailiwick. He died on Friday after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 35 Edward III. John Rolf us, his son, aged 21 years and more, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 173. (18.) 415. RoBEBT Ram, or lb Ram, Writ, 18 March, 36 Edward III. Kent. Ivq. {indented) taken at Rochester, 23 March, 36 Edward III. Cleve. A messuage, 16a. arable, 10a. marsh and \\a. wood, held of the lord of Horton by service of a fourth part of a knight's fee and suit to the king's hundred of Schamel every three weeks ; 20a. land, held of the prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, by service of rendering 8s. yearly and doing suit to the prior's court every three weeks ; 4ja. arable, held of Stephen de Cosyngton by service of rendering 22|^d. yearly and doing suit to his court every three weeks ; 5a. arable, held of John de Grey by service of rendering Idd. yearly and doing suit to his court every three weeks ; 25a. salt marsh, held of the same John de Grey, service not known ; 12a. land, held of the prior of Rochester by service of rendering 6s. yearly ; 8a. pasture, held of the same prior by service of rendering 20d. yearly ; and 2a. salt marsh, held of John Cobham of Roundale by service of rendering 20d. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county, as the jurors understand at present. He died on 29 August last, 35 Edward III. Margery his daughter, aged 28 years, and Joan Ram, aged 22 years, and Alice and Margaret Ram, aged 16 years and 9 years respectively, his daughters, are his heirs. C. Edw. III. File 173. (19.) 326 CALENDAR OP INQUISITIONS. 416. ROBBET ROBELYN, OT ROBYLYN. Writ, 26 May, 36 Edward III. Hbbbford akd thb Maech of Wales, /wg-. taken at Pembroke, 12 September, 36 Edward III. Pembroke. Mayoowyston. 3 carucates of land, held of John Hastjmges, son and heir of Laurence Hastynges late earl of Pembroke, a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service. Oggeston. A carucate of land, held in chief of WiUiam de Rupe by knight's service. Jamuston. 14a. land, held of the lord of Maynorbyr by service of doing fealty. WiUiameston Elvard. 21a. land, held of Thomas de Northwode by service of \lb. pepper yearly. WiUiameston and Ridebard. A bovate and 8a. land, held of the master of Slebache by service of doing fealty. Jorbardeston. 7 bovates of land, held of John Carreu by knight's service. He held no other lands in the county or march. He died on Monday before St. Andrew last. David Robelyn, his brother, aged 19 years, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 173. (20.) 417. Robert de Ryhill. Writ, 28 May, 36 Edward III. NoRTHTJMBERLAND. Irvq. taken at Morpath, Wednesday after SS. Peter and Paul, 36 Edward III. He held no lands &c. in demesne as of fee at the time of his death in the coimty or elsewhere in the escheator's bailiwick, but was seised at one time of : — Heton by Newcastle upon Tjme. The manor (extent given), which eight years before his death he gave by charter to Roger de Stanyngton and WiUiam de Bedelyngton, chaplains, who gave the same by charter with the king's licence to the deceased for his life, with remainder to John de Mosgrave and Margaret, daughter of the deceased, and the heirs of their bodies, and remainder, in the event of their dying without such heir, to the right heirs of the deceased. John and Margaret died before the said Robert. The manor is held of the king in chief, as of the crown, by homage and the service of rendering 5s. yearly by the hands of the sheriff for ward of the castle of New- castle upon Tyne. HaukeweU. A messuage and 36a. land, held for Ufe, as above, of Robert de Insula of Wodebum by fealty and service of 3«. yearly. He held no other lands &c. He died on 2 February last. John, son of the aforesaid John de Mosgrave and Margaret, is their heir in the aforesaid taU, and was 16 years of age on 18 February last. C. Edw. III. File 173. (21.) EDWARD III. 327 Writ of certiorari to the escheator, directing him to send to the Exchequer on the morrow of Easter next an extent of the said manor of Heton and premises in Haukewell, which were held of the king in chief by John de Musgrave and Margaret his wife, deceased, and are in the king's hand by their death and by reason of the minority of their heir. Witnessed by W. de Skipwith, 27 November, 38 Edward III. Northumberland. Extent taken at Newcastle upon Tyne, Tuesday before Palm Sunday, 39 Edward III. Heton by Newcastle upon Tyne. The manor (extent given, identical with that given in the above inquisition). The manor was held by Robert de Rihill for life, with remainder to the aforesaid John and Margaret, who died long before he did, and the heirs of their bodies. It is in the king's hand by Robert's death and by reason of the minority of John son and heir of the said John and Margaret. Haukewell. A messuage and 36a. land, worth 10s. yearly. E. Inq. P.M. File 24. (8.) 418. Walter db Rtjssyngtgn. Writ, 26 January, 36 Edward III. Wilts. Inq. made at Salisbury, 5 April, 36 Edward III. Wyndenhale. A messuage and 20a. arable, held of Thomas de Seintt- homer, knight, by service of 5s. Id. and suit to the court of the said Thomas's manor of Brembulshaghe twice yearly. There are 2a. meadow, 4a. wood, and a free tenant rendering 6s. Id. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Thursday after the Assumption last. Ralph de Russyngton his son, aged 3 years and more, is his heir. Sotjthampton. Inq. made at Suthampton, 7 April, 36 Edward III. Canterton in the New Forest. A messuage and 40a. arable, held of the king in chief by service of paying 12s. yearly at the king's court of Ljmdherst and doing suit there every three weeks, as parcel of a certain vaccary. There are also 2a. meadow and 20a. waste, and the deceased had common of pasture in the New Forest for all his beasts and those of his tenants by grant of the king's ancestors ; and there are 10a. wood, tenants rendering 13s. 4d. yearly, and pleas &c. of court worth 12d. yearly. Batramesle in the New Forest. A messuage and 20a. arable, held of the king in chief by service of paying lis. 6d. yearly at the king's court of L3Tidherst and doing suit of court yearly, as parcel of a certain vaccary. There are also 20a. waste, and the deceased had common of pasture in the forest, as above ; and there are tenants rendering 12s. yearly, and pleas &c. worth Gd. yearly. Hynghalvesle in the New Forest. 30a. purpresture, held of the king in chief by service of paying 14s. yearly at the king's court of Lyndhurst. Broukle in ttie New Forest. A messuage and lOa. arable, held of John de Boklonde, knight, by service of 20d. and suit of court twice yearly. There is also la. meadow, and the deceased had common of pasture 328 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. in the forest, as above ; and there are 2 cottagers who render 9d. yearly. Brokenhurst in the New Forest. 2a. arable, held of the lord of Broken- hurst by service of Id. yearly. Rombrigg. A messuage and 20a. arable, held of the prior of Breamore by service of 5s. 4d. yearly. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on Sunday after SS. Simon and Jude last. John son of John de Inkepenne, deceased, the brother of Katharine Todeworth, deceased, the mother of the said John Todeworth, aged 3 years and more, is the said John Todeworth's heir. C. Edw. III. File 174. (17.) 437. Henby Teippelowe. Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Henry, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 30 April, 36 Edward III. Essex. Ivq. taken at Neweport, Thursday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 36 Edward III. Elmedon. A manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, as of the honor of Boulogne, by service of a fourth part of a knight's fee. He died on the feast of St. Margaret, 3 Edward III. Robert Marioun his kinsman, aged 38 years and more, is his heir. Thomas Phehpp of Baldok, who is dead, had possession of the manor for twelve years after his death ; John de Benyton, who is dead, had possession for twenty years ; and Isabel the wife of the said John de Benyton, who survives, has been in possession for one year and is still in possession. The jurors do not know by what title the said Thomas, John and Isabel received the issues and profits. C. Edw. III. File 174. (18.) 438. Thomas Talbot, clerk. Writ, 16 November, 36 Edward III. Oxford. Iroq. made at Bampton, 21 December, 36 Edward III. Bampton. The manor (extent given), held for life of the king in chief by service of one knight's fee, jointly with John de Carreu and John Laundels, both deceased, by demise of Richard Talbot, knight, deceased, of the inheritance of Gilbert Talbot, son and heir of the said Richard, who survives. The extent includes a rent of cocks and hens called ' churshet ' at Martinmas, a rent of 405. called ' candel- masseyeve ' at the Purification, a rent of 55. called ' hertpeny ' at Whitsuntide, views of frankpledge at ' Hockeday ' and Michaelmas, and pleas and perquisites of hundred, halmote, toll and market. The reversion belongs to Gilbert Talbot aforesaid and his heirs. Gilbert is 28 years of age and more. 22— (7) 338 CALENDAR OF INQUISITIONS. Thomas died on 14 October last. The said Gilbert Talbot, son and heir of Richard the son and heir of Gilbert Talbot his brother, is his heir and of full age. C. Edw. III. File 174. (19.) 439. RiCHAKD DE Tebwent. Writ after the death of the said Richard, who has died a minor in the king's wardship. 16 July, 36 Edward III. Pembroke, /reg-. taken at Pembroke, 12 September, 36 Edward III. Torre. A carucate of land, held of John Hastynges, son and heir of Laurence Hastynges, late earl of Pembroke, a minor in the king's wardship, by knight's service. He held no other lands &c. in the said county or in the march of Wales adjacent thereto. He died on Thursday after St. Nicholas last. Margaret his sister, aged 22 years, is his heir. C. Edw. III. File 174, (20.) 440. Henry Toner, or Tonore. Writ, 10 October, 36 Edward III. Dorset. Inq. taken at Shefton, 22 October, 36 Edward